Lets say attila doesn't randomly die at a wedding
Would he be able to keep his empire together?
Lets say attila doesn't randomly die at a wedding
I doubt it
Huns only respected strenght. They never bothered with setting up a dynasty or a system of succession.
Anarchy was the only possible result of that political system.
>"empire" made of pillaging
No, he never settled or cared for holding their territories, it's like the mongol empire, they never ruled anything, they just pillaged and demanded tributes.
Yes, since the fall of his empire was caused by his death and succession conflict that followed after.
The Huns really didn't care about creating a lasting empire. They just wanted to raid stuff, and move on.
Possibly; however, with his death I think the empire would have split into warring factions.
After all, his heir (Dengizitch I think) failed to hold it together after his death.
Attila was like Alexander. He only cared about making a super-huge empire. He didn't care so much about creating systems that would outlive himself.
Thats an unfair comparison. After "pillaging" the Mongols administered their empire reasonably well (bringing peace to the Eurasian region that hadn't been seen before), and in China they managed to assimilate themselves well enough into the culture to establish the Yuan dynasty.
Apologies; Dengizch ruled briefly, but after Ellac (both were Attilas' sons). Ergo, Ellac was the immediate successor.
Attila the Hun? More like Attila my Hun-sband.
No. The domain of the Huns (just like that of the Avars a few centuries later) was hegemonic. It was kept together by threat of force, and it required each new leader to go out of their way to assert their authority when they took power. Attilla's empire became so powerful part in thanks to his reputation. He could unite the Huns around him, and the Huns then turned around and subjugated other tribes like the Goths and Gepids, who they then pressed into service to subjugate further tribes.
So the Hunnic empire was less like a traditional state and more of a pillage-based pyramid scheme based out of the Pannoian basin.
>that map
Fucking hell. Why do people keep perpetuating this meme? They directly controlled parts of the Pannonian basin, and had some tributary tribes. They did not have a massive fucking empire stretching from the Rhine to the Caucasus.
Our society is sick and addicted to questionable cartographic practices.
it looked more like pic rel (with tributaries of course)
The ones that try to link the Huns with the Xiongnu and stretch the Hunnic Empire into basically a mini Mongol Empire from east to west are even more autistic.
>it looked more like pic
Lol no. There were Hunnic tribes settled in the Caucasus for a time but they never maintained authority over it when they migrated into Europe, nor did they control the whole of the region.
>randomly die at a wedding
You mean poisoned.
I think so, but only by brute strength up to the second he dies from whatever else in the future
White Hun coming thru.
No he was just an asshole. Drunkenly choked on his vomit.