ITT: Inspirational quotes
>*gets killed by the system he operated
What did he mean by this?
Beria > Yezhov > Yagoda
>We shall drown the fascist invaders in Russian blood
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
i could see that in a justgirlthings tumblr post.
dude just share lmao
- Karl Marx
Is that Chekhov?
But it's a proverb. It shouldn't count.
> I'm finished. I trust no one, not even myself.
> Remark to Nikita Khrushchev and Anastas Mikoyan as quoted in "Khrushchev: Notes from a Forbidden Land", Time, 30 November 1970, citing the publication of an installment of Khrushchev's reminiscences in Life that week.
this unironically happened
if only they had listened
Stalin on his first wife
>As the ship bearing Justinian sailed along the northern coast of the Black Sea, he and his crew became caught up in a storm somewhere between the mouths of the Dniester and the Dnieper Rivers. While it was raging, one of his companions reached out to Justinian saying that if he promised God that he would be magnanimous, and not seek revenge on his enemies when he was returned to the throne, they would all be spared. Justinian retorted: "If I spare a single one of them, may God drown me here".
video game villain tier backstory.
My personal favorite
Based Goering
this times 2.2 Million
words to live by
He would have legit said this if he lived today
Still my favorite
This should be a site banner
Based Duce
Why didn't they listen
lol zizek
It's a common saying in Russia
>Don’t call it a pyre, it’s the future you chose.
This explain why Stalin was a lefty edgelord.
Why are Yanks so edgy? CSA generals were still active when he went on his niggering spree with his gaggle of rapists. Prussian observers called what he was doing nonsense
Fake quote. Dude was a devote Orthodox.
What did happen was that the crew of Apollo read out of Genesis.
>Fedoras this desperate to appropriate achievements
>Live all your life wanting to just be a rancher in Rhodesia
>Soviet-backed niggers slam dunk your homeland into the shitter
The irony is cruel
>Why are Yanks so edgy
Because they've been told since childhood that the North dindu nuffin eva
I bet he speaks from experience.
French Philosophers have done more damage to western civilization than anything else.
Moments later:
"Hitler, help me!"
What did he mean by this?