
what gay, trash coin. Ark hate thread, post how gay ark is

>ark likes traps

liking traps isn't even gay anymore in the current year fucking get with it and make better threads


I didn't buy any ARK, so that shit is gay as hell.

Traps are sweet, fuck you OP

>he fudded every single step of the way
>he's not going to stop either

ark is going to crash and burm to .50 and i cant fucking wait

am i late for ark?

>Ark has brought me a loss since I bought in
You promised this would reach 10$

How stupid do you have to be to lose on this thing

Shut up and wait for ACES

>buying just yesterday

My deposit wouldn't come in earlier

i bagholded ark for a month until i saw some gains

now 5x my investment and if it ever reaches 50$ then im a millonaire

hang in there

Happy days on the new ATH, sell wall looks nasty though. Hopefully ACES is coming in the next 48hrs

$4 on Bittrex? Did I just see that!?


I tried to warn them father

nothing is straighter than liking traps

ARK is love
ARK is life
love the ARK
live the ARK

so gay it tripled my investment :(
deluded non arkies

I want to congratulate every arkie with their diamond hands and patience. You did well arkenouts may the 200k cross your path and enlighten you with golden fiat multiplas.


Check the way the sell walls have been moving. Definite manipulation. Recorrection to 92.5-93K+ imminent. score a few cheeky freebies while you can boys

Be patient, Jesus Christ. Did you make your first investment yesterday or something? You're not going to make it far in this game with your weak, jelly hands.

This thread has made it official Ark and traps are not gay.
Good job op.

Watch this lads

Shit wrong guy,

>tfw sold 5k ark at a loss for 23k sats

The only way you can be this salty is if you bought into NEO at $60 HAHA