Trotsky, Stalin and Lenin were arrested by the white army. They never killed them.
If the white army was oppressive as the bolsheviks claim no communist leader would survive through the 1900s to make the 1917 revolution. IF they killed Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky there would be no bolshevism to destroy eastern europe
Trotsky, Stalin and Lenin were arrested by the white army. They never killed them
>arrested by the white army
That never happened. Your picture is from 1910 which was years before the White Guard.
The state was oppressive, but it was also inept.
>arrested by the white army
US education!
he was arrested in April 1902 as well.. if anything it means the Czar police was way too moderate with agitators and thieves
Do you have that pic without the faggy cursor?
Imperia russia was a woman
Yes. The word Rossiya is feminine in Russian.
That's an English word, it doesn't exist in Russian. It's oтeчecтвo (fatherland).
Poдинa (motherland), durak.
Krauts sponsored the Heebs to destroy Russia. Also funny pic
>Yes the Jews are taking over your country as we speak but come on its 1917 tone it down with the baseless anti-semetic conspiracies xDDD
This is your brain on crumpets.
Show me the "mother" root in rodina you literal faggot. It literally means "land where I was born", not motherland.
Hey that's not fair, he wasn't even the person who pointed out the Mother in Motherland.
t. the Motherland poster
Hah, saved.
The curse of monarchical liberalism. Nicholas II wasn't hard enough.
Looks like maybe Denikin and the guys around him took the Protocols of the Elders of Zion hoax seriously.
the nazis arrested communist Gerogi Dimitrov, gave him a fair trial, and let him go when he proved his innocence, does this sound like mass murdering maniacs who kill everything they don't like? No, that would be the communists and leftists in general.
Communism wasn't the problem. The bane of Russia are Russians themselves.
nah commies are shit
was the greatest trick the Jews ever played never fucking the British so they didn't understand why everyone else hated them?
Eternal Kraut is behind every bad thing that happened in 20th century.