*ruins your economy*
*ruins your economy*
Other urls found in this thread:
*ruins your nation, values and morals*
Not everyone can stay at home and shitpost on Veeky Forums all day, your mother needs to make money to feed her child somehow.
That's not the real point.
Ask yourself: *why* do women need to work nowadays.
I wonder why that is
Because you should have started bringing in some income a decade ago like all teenagers throughout history but you're already in your twenties and you still haven't joined the workforce.
In your mind: because J000000000000000000000000000s fuck le liberal media ecks dee
In the mind of anyone sane: because if you have two arms and a brain you can fucking work autist.
Now what's your excuse?
I remember having to watch a video from the slimy kike Robert Reich on why the average worker value went down so drastically, one of the reasons he stated was that women went to work out of necessity to support their husbands and fathers with financial means, rather than stating that the worker value went down because women entered the workforce because they were pushed so by his feminists (((tribeswomen))).
It's funny how farmboys raised to work since the age of 8 don't act like this.
I wonder if manchildren get jealous? Man is only defined by his productivity. Watching all those pretty girls walk past you with more productive and more successful lives must sting, huh MGTOW boy? You mad because you're not even as good as a woman now?
Boom, who fucking called it. Every single time it's autism. Every single time! Why don't you just get a job, user?
>I wonder if manchildren get jealous? Man is only defined by his productivity. Watching all those pretty girls walk past you with more productive and more successful lives must sting, huh MGTOW boy? You mad because you're not even as good as a woman now?
there is some truth in it. women simply have it easy, they can get almost everything by spreading their legs and sucking dick, all they have to do is to look good.
men achieve things by brutal struggle, sacrifice and determination.
Yes user, that's exactly what happened, women and children as young as 5 were working in the 18th century because (((they))) told them it would be empowering
and by (((they))) I mean classical liberal cunts like Adam Smith
>two income families are the reason healthcare costs went up 1,665%
Yeah, and you're not good enough at any of those three things. So you get bitter when people are better at the struggle then you and claim they're all just spreading their legs out of bumsore, hurt feelings, and fox + the grapes.
It's hilarious!
Would you like some more oppression so you can show off how manly you are?
Why don't you use all that determination to walk yourself to the unemployment office?
nice projection, honey.
i'm working and taking care of myself.
Today you can become a rich man by posting "funny" videos on Youtube.
A real man, btw, looks at people who have achieved more than he, and says "I'm going to blow past you because I fucking can, you little shit."
You're not good enough for that though. Failed male status?
Working out of necessity=/=working out of ideology. Furthermore, the 19th century was completely different from traditional societies in terms of work, in traditional societies women would cooperate during the more stressful times (harvesting seasons) but their main objective was to be maintaining the homestead and looking after the family. Industrialization corrupted this ancient pattern, and once we finally reached a point where it became obsolete it was ruined by ideology.
Yeah yeah yeah industralization ruined everything and spawned liberalism having things is so awfull I bet the jews did this :((((((
God you an prim fucks should just get eaten by a bear jerking off to your tomes of Unibomber manifesto.
And then we removed them from the workforce for about ~150 years, until the (((economy))) needed a new kickstart to keep the consumption machine going and feminists told women how empowering it is to work 50 hrs a week. we forget how controversial working women were in their time. And ironically the modern neoliberal ideology that sees all human beings as just productive assets for the economy is much closer to Marxist ideology than anything else.
>And then we removed them from the workforce for about ~150 years
You mean like ten years. Women were huge in the work force through the guilded age and the world wars up till the 50's forced the idea that women should stay at home.
This is a history board.
>how could anyone be dissatisfied with modern society
Control your autism kid
This is not what happened, though. Ideology has very little to do with this.
>How could anyone be a moron?
Seriously, user? LOL
>it was only the 50s that said women should stay at home
Ironic that you say this is a history board. Look up separate spheres ideology.
Still didn't answer the question, why so triggered that some people have different beliefs than you?
Irrelevant because it didn't impact the economy. You can tout edgy 19th century philosowanks all you like, what matters is what people actually did.
And what they did was work. Men, women, and child alike. Eat shit.
>How could anybody be a moron?
>bet u mad cause I'm a retard!
repeating the same moronic question doesn't make it less moronic either
Literally no one mentioned holes or posters' genders beyond assuming OP is a male.
Keep this shit on /pol/
MGTOW always resorts to spamming "roastie" or "nu-male" whenever they get BTFO. It's a sign they're losing and they're shit at debate (they're always shit at debate).
This is not about beliefs but facts. Do women in the workforce ruin economy? I would like some real life examples, preferably from more than one country.
Yeah they did, learn to read
aboogaboogabooga muh feel feels I should have women jobs that bitch who got promoted over me TOTALLY SUCKED FOR IT I'M NOT INFERIOR
the modern faggot is built on self-excuses and blaming other people/society for personal lack of self will. Can't stop using the fleshlight? it's DEGENERATE JEWIFIED SOCIETY'S FAULT. Can't stop using drugs? IT'S DEGERNATE JEWIFIED SOCIETY'S FAULT. Women passed you up in office politics? ITS DEGENRATE JEWIFIED SOCIETIES FAULT
Real men care little when they lose. It's how you react to a loss that matters.
Take your meds.
Lol what? Less than 10% of married white women were in paid employment in 1890. It did affect the economy a lot, because society was structured on it. Women were barred from certain professions like law and medicine, and equal pay didn't exist. Men were the breadwinners and most women with the exception of the poor stayed home. For most women, even if they were qualified a job wouldn't even be offered to them. Women couldn't even make legal contracts under Coverture.
Here's some links that I know you won't read but just in case you're interested in not entirely shitposting:
Kill yourself, marryfat