Abortion to invest in crypto?

Should I make my wife take an abortion, so that I can invest money in crypto instead of spending it on a baby? That way we can wait maybe 5 years to get a child, and then we'll be much better off with all the crypto gains. Then we can support our child the best possible way.

She has been pregnant for just 8 weeks, so there is still time.
What would you do Veeky Forums?


sell it for organs and buy Bitcoin
She can born more, she have money pussy mashine

If you are asking this you don't have enough money to invest anyways.


It depends.
1) What race are you?
2) What's your IQ?

>What would you do Veeky Forums?
Not have a wife or a screaming money pit

You want your wife to kill your child in the womb to save you money?

Abortion is morally reprehensible.

If death is OK, then anything is OK, even government taking all your money with no notice, for example. All this is possible if there are no human rights or value.

>gf gets pregnant
>OJ is still investing his small income into memecoins

Top kekeeee mate this bait is great

OP's IQ is high enough to do the right thing


Don't ruin you life (more than getting married)

if all womans stop to be retarded sluts and start to make babys it will be eloot of babes, can half easy use for organs for sell and like slaves

>if all womans stop to be retarded sluts and start to make babys it will be eloot of babes, can half easy use for organs for sell and like slaves

Looks like your mom followed that advice :^)

why not? it smart
now have internen for everebody, even poorest boy can get perfect ejication for free

If hell is real that will be your 1st class ticket OP

you all- dumb retarded white degenerates.
Peolpe must born and die born and die and mix blood all over world- it the progress of human race!

Makes you wonder how far we are from Sodom and Gamora.

You're an idiot for entering marriage early when you can just buy a virgin girl in your old age if you just want someone to pass on your fortunes.

Religious cucks still believe bringing a life to this world to live a miserable life is moraly acceptable, but pissing off an unaware fetus is not.


If you're actually serious, you will burn in hell.

not everyone is miserable like you

5 from my 15 brathers die before 5 years

3 in jail and only 3 is good

human is litle bit beter than elefant
woman - betwin dog and horse

stuped whait people dont even now how to live
il teach you

Imagine if you could pick some random guy up off the street, beat him to death, and keep his wallet, and the law was like "well, his body, his choice" and a bunch of societal pressures exist to make your act of murder okay? Think you should do it?

(The answer, of course, is yes you should. That's free money and our society doesn't give a fuck. Kill all the babies you want for profit and people will laud you as a hero)

a boy is like lottery - most is useless shit
a girl is like goat for sell

>mfw asking Veeky Forums whatever you should abort your baby to spend its' costs on crypto

>Kill all the babies
50% kill it ok
not all babies is good - most is shit

whait people is woman`s slaves
and woman love babis to mach

cose babys eat shes breast

If you're miserable its your fault. Fix it.

>Not have a wife or a screaming money pit

>being this redundant

You don't deserve your wife. You degenerate piece of shit.

I can tell you if you manage to make her do that she won't be with your for long.

However, if you are white just do it and buy IOTA.

the smart move would be to pimp your kid out to john podesta and his gang.
that way you can get a big ROI from that ball of spit and shit.

Don't be degenerate OP
You'll regret it

OP he's right, having a baby is degenerate, abort it immediately or else you're contributing to the downfall of the planet.

thread makes me sick, reminds me how many people in this country have bought into the lie that it's okay to murder babies.