What caused Irish Republicanism to become so left wing? Was it Cold War Soviet influence?
What caused Irish Republicanism to become so left wing? Was it Cold War Soviet influence?
>In the 1960s the IRA once more came under the influence of left-wing thinkers, especially those such as C. Desmond Greaves and Roy Johnston active in the Connolly Association.[17] This move to a class-based political outlook and the consequent rejection of any stance that could be seen as sectarian—including the use of IRA arms to defend one side, that side being the beleaguered Catholic communities of Belfast in the Northern Ireland riots of August 1969—was to be one of the factors in the 1969 split that led to the Provisional IRA wing of the republican movement, with the latter subscribing to a traditional Catholic/nationalist analysis of the situation while the Officials subscribed to the Marxist view that internal strife among the working classes served only the interest of capital.[18]
Liberalism (in the classical, free trade ok sense) was one of the causes for the potato famine, it wasn't that their was no food, it was that the food that was there was being exported because "lmao imagine selling food to these poor fuckers", and this wasn't controlled, with the Britsh government thinking the market would fix itself, i can't say this for sure, but considering the tories attitude towards the Empire they would've been less for Irish independence (and coincidentally were in power a hell of a lot of the time).
The poor governance that resulted in massive calls for home rule (which then evolved into independence movements) were mostly conservative (or at least what we consider economically right-wing), meaning that the independence movements were going to advocate for policies different to the ones perpetrated by the tory government, giving it a leftist bent.
And it seems that strong traditions of republicanism tend to breed less conservative populaces.
>then gave it away
>pictures of black kids
>5 largest immigrant groups are all from Europe
nice """meme""
Genuinely getting sick of hearing this meme from uninformed manchildren as an Irish person myself
have a rare IRA x
It's because they are C*tholic subhumans.
But the Irish always supported blacks, they were a big force in the abolition movement.
it was the Qaddafi money my man
Leftism is inherently a low IQ ideology, and Irish "people" are inherently low IQ, so they go together naturally.
Didn't Marks say that Celtic people are racial trash unnable to get into the level of Communism? (They said something like this in The Soviet Story).
because marxism is brain rot
It's because the Irish were not made for civilisation, you're average paddy is not too different from you're average african, which explains how both have similar histories
Because from the beginning their nationalism was one that allowed them to empathize with other colonized peoples. Roger Casement, for example, was both a staunch Irish nationalist and a key figure in the campaign to stop atrocities in the Congo Free State.
All indepentists movements in history were either leftist or religious. Reminder that nationalism was originally an invention of the left, in reaction to the cosmopolitan european nobility.
the i*ish love blacks, arabs and every other minority
What did father O'Brien do to you? Where did he touch you?
>Two decent posts
>followed by a torrent of shitposting
Every fucking thread, go to /int/ or /bant/ you fucking morons.
Literally nothing obligates this board to be /pol/ or /int/ with dates. We definitely need a crackdown on it, we have containment boards for a reason.
The Provisional IRA (the most effective and largest strand of radical republicanism) actually purged the Marxists because they were seen as a threat
In general the average provo membership was comprised of Nationalists and moderate Socialists who didnt have any idea about identity politics that we see today. Sinn Fein has jumped on this bandwagon only recently but most people see through their shit.
>not fucking shit up
German, French and Irish threads always bring out the Anglo shitposters for some reason.
>for some reason.
My goodness! what an unsolvable enigma! truly wracking my brain for the answer to this puzzle!
It is a very contradictory mindset. However Sinn Fein don't wish to be collaborationist with the British establishment in the north and needed to find a niche in the south, socialism fitted both requirements.
IIDF detected
>People actually migrate to Ireland.
Irish Republicanism was radical left wing from day one. That's why it's Republicanism and not Jacobitism.
Ireland was one of the first countries to fight for a democratic republic, way back in 1798. The Catholic Church condemned it, and continued to condem it into the Troubles.
That had absolutley nothing to do with purging marxists, the IPLO was little more than drug dealing criminals at war with the INLA causing a lot of problems in Provo territories.
In answer to OP, Irish Nationalism has obviously a very strong anti-colonial element which naturally tapped into a lot of left wing sentiment but the development and practice of Irish nationalism is very different to what mainstream peace politics make of it. My father, uncles and many neighbours were part of the rural Provisionals in the early 70's and had little councsciousness of the socialist elements of struggle, for them it was first and foremost a Nationalist revolt against the abuses of British governance, and there was a natural distrust for party politicos that stated otherwise. It developed syncretic politics as only could be applied to the nation and many of the national heroes and martyrs are paradoxes in thought, Connolly and Mitchell were both revolutionary nationalists whose literature stands as totems today but their ideologies were very different.
Sinn Fein like any political party grasping for power does whatever it takes, including abandoing whatever radicalism it once had, right or left. It supports bourgeois democracy and all but advocates Neoliberal policy nowadays. The old guard of stubborn bastards that made up its core support back in the bad days of marginalisation have reverted to either small dissitant groups or organising in local clubs and societies. The independent groupings retain a syncretic approach, last year I was at a talk with Tommy McKearney and Gerry McGeough, both Nationalist outsiders and revered former IRA operaters but one is an old school marxist and the other is a Catholic conservative but there is shared admiration in the community for both.
Don't pay attention to what SF does nowadays, they're no different to any party desperate to be part of the system it once opposed
It's not an ethnic problem, i'm an Anglo, it's really not taht hard to keep /int/ and /pol/ out of Veeky Forums.
>Standing that close to the MG's primary direction of fire.
Africa-tier tactics
It had prominent left wing ideas and figures before the Soviet Union even existed
This, they can start worrying about Africans or Asians once they deport all the Brit fifth columnists.