Was the nazi party right or left wing. Which policies from either side did they implement? Legit curious, no b8.
Was the nazi party right or left wing. Which policies from either side did they implement? Legit curious, no b8
Right wing before 1933. Nothing after 1933.
The nazis are clearly [opposing political wing].
They were far-right, anyone saying they are left wing are either trolls or morons
its not easy to really put them on a left/right spectrum, authoritarianism and curtailing the rights of certain citizens based on race were really their defining features. They also vastly overspent on their military (they were spending 70% of their GDP on it by 1939, even with America's ridiculously bloated military today it doesn't spent more than 4%) and they financed it by taking out a series of loans. They paid them back by annexing austria and selling its very large gold reserves, then after invading Poland they looted literally anything of value to pay their creditors. If there had been no war their economy would have collapsed.
I think the answer lies in another question: Was Hitler's ball left or right?
Lol ok faggot
Nice. You learn something everyday
Think of it like this.
>still believing in the right vs left meme
Gee, what a mystery
>But muh North Korea
Not an argument
This, Bond.
>they used the word socialism, that means they're socialists
its just the name they chose, it has nothing to do with their actual policies. And all the actual socialists were purged from the party in 1933.
They weren't socialist in any sense of the word or aiming for socialism. They were pro-capitalism and as right wing as they come.
It was state controlled capitalism. They were right wing in that they looked to the past and glorified it. They were ungodly nationalistic and highly authoritarian. Even Stalin wasn't nationalistic, he wanted the whole world to go communist. They didn't want to socialize the economy but people. Pic related goes into a lot more on how they were right wing, and Hitler even purged the people in the party who took too seriously the Socialist in National Socialism.
Anyone who claims the Nazis were left wing after the Röhm Putsch is very clearly trying to sell you some bullshit.
(((Nazi Party))) was as (((far-right))) as it gets.
One thing that really set Nazism apart from regular fascism was how everything they did revolved around eugenics and associated biological concepts. That was a pretty progressive strain of thought at the time and Hitler was actually praised by plenty of non-Germans for his foward-thinking emphasis on social hygiene.
(/pol/ screaming intensifies)
The "socialist" aspect of National Socialism was practically eliminated by Hitler when he took full control over the party after 1933. National Socialism died with Gregor Strasser. Hitler betrayed the Party's founding principles and ideals and sold out to the military aristocracy and industrialists.
"We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!"
-Adolf Hitler
But sure, go on on your autistic rant about how Nazis weren't REAL SOCIALISM™
Because a fascist would never lie
If Hitler was socialist then why did he ban trade unions?
>politicans never lie guys!!!
Yeah and Trump's building a wall and bringing your pweshus coal back
By the standards of today, right wing. By the standards of the day, centrist.
Of course, by the standards of today the Clinton administration was a far right authoritarian hell hole, so you should probably judge political movements as products of their time
They may be called right wing for their völkisch policies, but where rather left wing with economic policies.
The third Reich is a good example of why one dimension for political positions is not enough, as one can be right wing and at the same time also left wing.
I wouldn't say their economic policies were left wing, just more authoritarian. There was still a shit ton of private property, and Hitler coddled up to big business. However, they did tell what the businesses could do and people got really rich. Oskar Schindler in the beginning took advantage of the corruption.
That's a strasser quote lmao
Holy fuck.
All authoritarian forms of government are LEFT.
The people who want to be left the fuck alone are on the RIGHT.
>All authoritarian forms of government are LEFT.
>The people who want to be left the fuck alone are on the RIGHT.
>SOCIALISTS are on the LEFT.
The left-right political spectrum is the dumbest shit ever.
So the evangelical Christians who tell fags to go to hell are actually leftist authoritarians?
Overwhelmingly right wing, this meme that collectivists are ALWAYS leftist is garbage.
I didn't know Bismarck, Wilhelm II, Tsar Nicholas II were actually lefties. People like the SDP and Lenin just misunderstood their positions!
Is there anything more pathetic than a poorly educated libertarian?
>poorly educated libertarian
>He's a liar, just like DRUMPF
Not an argument
Wikipedia on Gregor Strasser says this phrase was incorrectly attributed to Hitler by John Toland.
The Strasser brothers were left wing. They wanted a second revolution within the Nazi Party for the distribution of gibs.
Hitler assassinated Gregor and with him, the National Socialist aspect of the party was gone.
He sold out to the industrialists as some anons pointed out.
>John Oliver made fun of coal, that means the industry will never recover
Wtf I hate industry now
Ah, saudi arabia, the bastion of leftism.
>Coal will generate power for the next millenium and miners will live like KANGZ