Were swedes the good guys of the 30 years war? Why/why not?
Were swedes the good guys of the 30 years war? Why/why not?
of course not
they were niggers who pillaged and burned crazy amount of cities and are responsible for crazy amount of desolate lands in north eastern HRE
fuckin swedes
the only good guys were the bohemians, and they got brushed aside pretty quickly
Ehhhh, not really. There are no "Good guys" and "Bad guys" in war, it's kind of childish to have to put them in boxes like that. But the Swedes did rape, pillage, and plunder their way across Europe- not really because they had to do so to defend themselves, but because they saw an opporituity to gain wealth and notoriety. The Swedes have always been profiting off wars in one way or another, from the 30 years war to WWII, and even today- they're the third largest arms exporter per capita in the world.
>join because france paid you to
>pillage and rape across germany, alienating many of the protestants you were supposed to be "helping"
>be one of the three points in history in which swedes were relevant, the other two being charles xii and 1916-1917 winter in germany
>get exaggerated and bragged about for fucking ever
spain was the real good boi; stayed loyal and fought bravely for the entire duration of the war. sad that they simply weren't able to recover.
Nah, the Swedes were basically the ISIS of the Thirty Years War.
No but the chatolicucks had it comming.
>The Nazis weren't the bad guys
ok senpai
They genocided the Germans so it doesn't count
Yes, we all see what happens when germany gets into a position of power
They were the good guys since Sabaton wrote an entire album glorifying them.
objectively speaking, Spain was the good guy
Yes, the emperor went too far, he had to be stopped
Well, Sabaton is from Sweden
The relatively few Swedish soldiers there were didn't rape so much. It was the German and Scottish mercenaries who did the atrocities
>1916-1917 winter in germany
What happened then?
1- They sided with the heretics
2- They desolated Northern Germany
3- They fought for opportunism
4- They sided with the heretics
1-Pope worshipers are the real heretics
2-The C*tholics were worse, see Magdeburg
3-Not the primary motivation, the French were much more opportunistic
4-See 1
>Were marauders paid from French pockets the good guys?
>Beat and rape your way against peasants
>Spains sees the attrocities that they were comitting and BTFOs them so hard that France had to step in before catholicism reign supreme.
Sweden was a meme that got BTFO by the onlu real army that they ever faced in the war. Spain was the only power in the war that wasm't fighting for their own interests. Truly the good guys
>good guys
Y'all gotta admit the germans got fucked up though.
>The Swedes have always been profiting off wars in one way or another
This is true tbhfamalam.