What does Veeky Forums think?
Will omise partner with Apple?
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the apple shit is just shilling cause OMG rises with every shill campaign but never drops once they turn out to be fake.
Stfu cunt
No, what the fuck NO. You are an idiot if you believe that.
yes you stupid cunt
first the google partnership
next is apple
think about it
android + iphone
omg is going to dominate the mobile payment solution market
has apple bought a company named "Omise"?
[_] yes
[X] no
apple will not partner with OmiseGO. if so, they had bought it in an eyeblink, because this is what apple does with companies they are "partnering" with.
No google. confirmed.
No Apple. confirmed.
Bag of dicks 100% confirmed. i hope they're tasty.
20 capachas later, 70% say no.
Technically, 50% of people have to be below average IQ.
wew lad
Yes, my brother works at Apple and confirmed its true.
mr singh... pajeet told me he lied to you
Yes the writing's on the wall. It's an omen.
you faggots are barely even playing 1-D checkers here. everyone with a brain knows there's no apple partnership. OMG would only crash if the big investors were expecting Apple to announce that today, which they aren't. the expectation of no partnership is what's priced in, not the opposite.
pretty much what this person said
enjoy your 80% per day crash
You will be posting pink wojaks soon
Shouldn't the whales be pumping this for the apple conference rumours ot get people to FOMO and then dump on them...?
Why is he not telling us whats going on? A simple "no" would be enough. Really makes u think ...
Non disclosure agreement
>78% no
Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says.
That's what I'm confused about too, if they went through the trouble of making this up why are there not more moon threads followed by a huge pump?
Incorrect. 50% of people are below the median of IQ, but less or more that 50% can be below the average (mean).
Yep, iota talked to Apple and they laughed us out the room. Omise go will be approved in the app store first. Not a default app by any means
How the fuck do you know what the whales want?
My money is on the the "whales" ensuring a controlled, sustainable increase in price just as they've done for weeks.
It depends on what you consider of the distribution of IQ to be. If it's a bell curve, then the average would be the median.
No one is pumping because no one actually believes in the rumors.
Why is the price for OMG on bittrex so much higher than yobit??
Can anyone tell me?
Chinks are stupid and have weak hands.
Couldn't you make extreme money out of that? I mean on yobit only 60 satoshi...
Wow bro you're really smart you must be the first to figure that out. Buy OMG on yobit, then send it to your wallet on bittrex and see what happens. While your at it buy ESP on yobit too
everyday someone on Veeky Forums makes the revolutionary discovery of arbitrage
I accept that there is no partnership with Apple.
What I don't accept is the CEO of a major payments company posting a skateboard LITERALLY EVERYWHERE on his Twitter that VERY CONSPICUOUSLY has an Apple sticker on it.
This literally cannot be a mistake. It is intentional.
What does it mean? I don't know.
Don't be a pathetic smartass.
Don't wanna test it. Better tell me. So what happens?
No, they are just using their API with Apple Pay. No partnership, any other coin can do the same exact thing. Good grief.
its almost like he has a ton of OMG and wants the price to be pumped so he can sell.
this is literally the job of CEOs
Only fags and women start their sentences with "its almost like...". I instantly know to ignore who starts their sentences with that phrase.
>this is literally the job of CEOs
June isnt in Cupertino, just fuck my shit up senpai
so... are you saying this retarded prediction is actually true ? wtf
pump is happening, but lots of people are dumping at the same time. So whales dont want to buy too much overpriced coins