>The Mongol Empire was short-li-
The Mongol Empire was short-li-
>The Mughal Empire = the Mongol Empire
Read a book.
If a rump state of the Mughal empire is the same thing as Mongol empire, then modern Greece is the same thing as ancient Athens. Probably even more so.
Apply yourself.
They're completely distinct, only some commonish nomenclature, I guess the Roman empire lasted until 1918 because the Czar is Ceaser :^)
This. Nigga, Babur considered himself a Muslim Iranian Prince and while he was proud of his descent from Genghis Khan, he hated Mongols on a racial level.
The Mughals personally called their dynasty either Timurid or "Gurkani." They saw themselves as Persiaboo Muslim Aristocracy, descended of Timur..
In the 1500s, being a Mongol = to being a barbarian. Babur himself disliked the mongols in his autobiography, and waved off his mongol heritage by focusing on telling people he's of the Chagatai royalty, and not just any old mongol.
When Babur was a prince in Ferghana before becoming Emperor of Mughal India, the Mongols were a pain in the ass due to their raider antics. As mercenaries he found them undisciplined and unreliable.
In the Baburname (his autobiography) he writes.
>"Were the Mongols a race of angels, they would still be abominations. Were the name 'Mongol' written in gold, it would still be a filthy name.
>"Beware least you pluck an ear from a Mongol field. For whatever is sown with Mongol seed has an odious yield."
Really, the only reason why they're called Mughal is because to Pajeets, any slanty-eyed horse-riding cunt from Central Asia is a Mongol.
I knew Veeky Forums was dumb and illiterate but not this much.
>If a rump state of the Mughal empire is the same thing as Mongol empire, then modern Greece is the same thing as ancient Athens. Probably even more so.
Modern Greece is a rump state of the Napoleonic Empire, which had much less to do with ancient Athens than the TIMURIDS (NOT MUGHALS) have to do with the early Khans.
Wrong. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. The Indian Timurids were as Mongol as anybody despite some foolish propaganda from one guy over and over () about how Babur hated Mongols (white Swedes hate their country, does that mean they aren't Swedish?). They mover the court around very similarly to the original Horde. They had the same religious policy. They traced direct descent from Genghis.
Why do you think Tamerlane gathered the support he got? All the loyalists fled the Mings to follow him. Not the Golden Horde. Clearly he had 100% legitimacy.
More like FYROM is the same thing as Ancient Athens.
Does Bahadur Shah look Mongol to you, you literal nigger? He looks like a shit skinned gypsy.
That's a pretty good one.
Here we go again. This meme is spreading like wildfire. Now two people are posting it.
Nationality has had little to do with the Mongol Empire since Genghis Khan died. Even Kublai was culturally half-Chinese. "Romans" sure hated "Romans" in 1204. It means nothing that he hated Mongols from Mongolia. And his biography is clearly not some declaration of policy to the public. He's not the be-all end-all either. He didn't found the dynasty but spread it.
There goes the frenchfuck with his butthurt theories
>Nationality has had little to do with the Mongol Empire since Genghis Khan died.
Nationality have a lot to do with Mughals hating Mongols.
Mongols have become a byword for Barbarism in Asia. The same way "Tartary" works for Europeans.
>It means nothing that he hated Mongols from Mongolia. And his biography is clearly not some declaration of policy to the public. He's not the be-all end-all either. He didn't found the dynasty but spread it.
-Hates being called mughal.
-The term "Mughal Empire" is unofficial. Its the name given by Indians to the Dynasty.
-A dynasty that called itself Gurkani or Timurid.
-Which saw itself as refined Muslim Aristocracy than steppeniggers. Unlike the Ottoman Padishah (who had Khagan in his title), the Mughal Padishah only has Padishah.
>Modern Greece is a rump state of the Napoleonic Empire, which had much less to do with ancient Athens than the TIMURIDS (NOT MUGHALS) have to do with the early Khans.
What the flying fuck are you even talking about?
The first part was an exaggeration.
Hey, can we just make this a thread about old pictures of historical leaders?
It's pointless. Boyfucking Persaboos will never admit that the Mongol Empire lasted long enough for a photo of its last leader to exist.
>Boyfucking Persaboos
Like every mongol who lived west or south of the Himalayas?
Oh look it's that Persian who shills for the Mughal Empire being Persian again.
He's still a Turco-Mongol. Babur and Humayun exclusively saw themselves as Turco-Mongols.
Oh look, its the Pajeet who thinks Mughal Empire was Indian (fucking misnomer as it is)
He just said Turco-Mongol.
It was Turco-Mongol at it's beginning but (obviously) nothing close to so after Akbars reign.
>people saying it was short-lived aren't hypocri-
The Byzantine Empire was the literal Roman Empire, though.
No one considers the Palmyrene empire to be Roman, or Ostrogothic Italy.
At Akbar's reign it was a melting of Turco-Mongol Persianate and Indian, it's much later that all trace of Turco-Mongol Persianate is erased.
Stop being an idiot.
Are you fucking stupid? No one is claiming the Mughals were ethnic Persians but Persian influence on their culture, court, and administration are fucking well known.
Stop talking about your own kind.
Large numbers of people explicitly disagreed with that in 800.
Pages, look at them.
>Mongol empire: an empire ruled by central Asian slanty-eyed Ching Chongs spawning from northern China to Eastern Europe
>Mughal empire: a bunch of shitskin Indian Gypsies LARPing as Iranians and living mostly in what is now India, Bangladesh and Pakistan
>somehow these two are the same thing because they have a vaguely similar name (which the Mughals didn't even use themselves)
Your post screams neo-Veeky Forums.
Mughal Empire was unironically superior tho.
> LARPing as Iranians
It was. From its founding and starting expansion under Genghis in 1206 AD to 1294 AD after the death of Mongke in 1259 AD, the Mongol Empire became increasingly fragmented, divided, and coopted under the rule of various related but independent branches of the main family. What happens after Mongke's death?
>4-5 years of civil war within the Mongol Empire's holdings involving his younger brothers Kublai and Ariq, Kublai wins.
>Then more civil war between Kublai and Kaidou which leads to the other cadet branches and family lines of Genghis' sons to create the four separated khagnates with only Kublai's "Yaun" being seen as preeminent but excerising no actual tangible authority and this is where the rot truly begins
Also Mughals are not Mongols despite their relations.
Where does it say "united Mongol Empire" in OP?
it's a real stretch to consider the Mughals a continuation of the Mongols
Babur was Timur's great great great grandson and is also a maternal ancestor of Genghis
200 years of breeding with local nobles will do that.
For reasons that have nothing to do with historiography. The Pope simply disliked empress Irene. Him and Charlemagne didn't think that the byzantines weren't roman but basically that the roastie that blinded and dethroned Constantine VI didn't deserve an empire.
>using the word neo
Fuck off marxnigger.
It's true tho. The Mughal Empire was Mongols LARPing as Persian durkas at it's beginning and something completely else later.
is it "The Mongol Empire" if it's multiple independent states?
I wonder why they had a "vaguely similar name"? The two states are only vaguely related and obviously not the same but please don't be retarded.
Historiography has nothing to do with it. It's a matter of law. Constantine gave the Imperium to the Church, so the Pope can decide on these things. It's the sane thing with the Timurids.
Nu-Veeky Forums. Is that better?
>It's the sane thing with the Timurids.
The Pope decides who is the mongol emperor?!
Also by your definition of roman empire lasted until the abdication of Francis in 1806.