The greatest presidents America never had

Post 'em

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Thank God she lost.

I want traitorposters to leave.

I wonder why he has fallen to such levels of obscurity,after all the masons are more prominent now that back in his days.


Too bad he took the LONG way around the political system and as a result got shot.

all these were retards who would have sucked

And pic related are the correct answers

Even George?


But how did he manage to get less votes the second time he seeked the presidency?

>ctrl+f "goldwater"
>0 results

I would imagine it was because the dire effects of NAFTA hadn't come to pass (yet), combined with Bill Clinton doing a reasonably good job


>dude civil rights are tyranny lmao
>dude just nuke the gooks lmao
>dude reaganomics lmao
I think we found the problem...

I'd have voted for Webb over Trump desu

I would have gladly taken him over Hillary/Trump

race relations in the US have been growing considerably worse over the decades, north korea itself is now a nuclear power threatening to attack many countries, not just south korea or the US
so yeah
he was right


I unironically would have voted for him.

I like the content of your post but still, fuck off back to redd*t or any other website where it is acceptable to have a name other than anonymous

i wouldve taken the bullet for him desu

Besides what said, after Ross Perot did what was thought to be unthinkable and got 20% of the country's votes, both the Dems and Pubs got together and made sure that would NEVER happen again by denying coverage.

What exactly was his platform? Like the actual "spread our wealth"'s specifics.

good taste my dude

Socialism sort of, but not in the same way 99% of socialist governments do it. Instead of taking over private businesses and have the state run things, his plan was simply "tax the everliving SHIT out of the rich and give it to everyone else in order to lessen the growing wealth inequality".

Some specifics were
>Cap personal fortunes at $5 million each (about 90 million in today's money)
>if you reach over a certain cap in earnings, 100% after that cap is taken away in taxes (his plan was you can't make more than 300x what the average family makes)
>Guarantee every family an annual income of $2,000 (or one-third the national average)
>Free college education and vocational training
>Old-age pensions for all persons over 60
>Veterans benefits and healthcare
>A 30 hour work week
>A four week vacation for every worker

So outside of the caps on wealth and what's essentially a prototype version of Universal Basic Income, it's basically just the things that Europe has now had for decades.

Also understand that prior to the great depression, only the rich paid taxes. So his systems would not increase taxes on the middle class and poor because there were no taxes on them.

FDR called him one of the most dangerous men in America.


no they arent

so he was bernie but not a faggot
why can't we have him now


He was assassinated for being seen as too dangerous.

He had his flaws. Despite having mostly socialist policies, he ran Louisiana like a fascist state. He did bullshit like consolidating power by holding multiple offices at once. It's not that shit didn't work when he was in charge, but Americans are naturally adverse to one man having that much power.

1960 Nixon
2008 Jim Webb if he had run or 2016 when he did
Dewey any of his elections.

because Sinclair Lewis wrote a book slandering him and comparing him to Hitler

Because he was a socialist and that's fucking stupid.


>but benevolent
what's the problem?


2nd term would have lead to the next stage of human evolution

Well socialist policies is a pretty big flaw, I can see where you're coming from.

Funnily enough I'm actually holding a twitter poll on this question, might aswell hold it here too:

As president, would Mitt Romney have done a better job in 2012 than Donald Trump does now?

As president, would Hillary Clinton do a better job in 2016 than Obama did in 2012?

Ron Paul

that sounds fucking awful

Barely anything would have changed because Neolibs and Neocons are the same thing.

You know that neoliberalism refers to economics and neoconservatism is foreign policy, right?


She was retarded enough to lose to fucking donald trump. DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. SHE LOST TO HIM. bitch doesn't deserve to win a fucking wendy's.

>fucking wealth caps
>30 hour work week
The other stuff seems fine to be honest, but fuck that

he's a meme and the only reason he's so loved is because he got domed

.t cia nigger

neocons expand foreign markets through war and neolibs reap the profits

>He has a problem with wealth caps
Bill Gates is worth 85.5 billion USD, 95% of that money is going to stay stagnant and not go back into the economy. People shouldent be allowed to be so rich their very existence is detrimental to the economy

only correct answer ITT

>tfw we'll never have a Nam vet president

It's a testament on how Gen X is a lost generation essentially, forever squashed between retarded boomers and the boomers even more retarded kids (millenials).


>tfw Jim Webb was laughed out of the DNC because he wasnt a brown woman jew or a socialist cuck

You shouldn't be allowed to be alive since you will never contribute to humanity, economically, socially or by reproducing.

>Person making baseless insults on an anonymous imageboard says I don't contribute to society

>dude cucks lmao

Socialists like you never have and never will contribute positively. Kill yourself.

Found the standard oil shill

Whoops, meant to give you a (You)

In an economy the size of the United States, $85.5 billion is negligible to own in personal fortunes. Additionally, much of this money is earned overseas and if the United States ever capped his net worth, he would just keep it overseas. Not to mention the amount of charity work people like Bill Gates do, and how taking most of his excess fortune would be detrimental to charity causes.

>getting angry at someone using the insult of cuck in the proper context

I garuntee youre from leftypol

i'm trying to list all the world superpowers that have four week vacations and 30 hour work weeks, can you help me out?

but bernie is literally a cuck, not the meme insult

Biopic with Kurt Russell when?


why do people not like him? he seems unpopular among everyone i talk to

He was a great speaker:

americans don't like dictators

Gonna be honest, that's who I thought it was before I read the filename.

If you can get everything done in a 30 hour work week and are paid the same as 40 hours, why work 40?

Because his politics were populist and he focused largely on loyalty to himself. He was kinda like Trump if Trump was competent and more liberal

>ywn have Jim Webb as your president
Why even live

Brb killing self

>Implying American hegemony is built on anything besides access to two oceans and every useful resource on the planet

then why didn't the natives build such a masterful empire
and why isn't canada or mexico just as powerful?

Nam soldiers were boomers or silent generation, not gen X.
Also while I agree millennials are a repeat of the boomers, I'd say they are more of a lost generation in terms of economy, how the obesity trend is reversing now with gen Z, how the opiate/drug addiction is appearing less presence in gen Z.

Gen Z's wars were the 80s and 90s bushfires. Somalia, Balkans, Iraq 1991, Lebanon, Granada, Panama.

Herp derp Gen Z I meant Gen X's wars were the 80s-90s. Boomers was Vietnam. But I feel like Gen X at least had a good going. The risk is they might get jumped over when it comes to presidents.


Only acceptable response

If I was in college with Hillary I would definitely try to tap that co-ed ass

It's not like he has 80 billion dollars in his credit union's debit account or stuffed in 30,000 mattresses, that money exists as capital in real estate, companies, hedge funds, etc. The money is doing work and he's paying capital gains taxes on his earnings. Whether or not being rich when others are poor is morally bad is a different question.




He was supposed to be president.

The civil war wasn't supposed to happen.

>Whether or not being rich when others are poor is morally bad is a different question.

That wasn't what he was arguing

>unless you make him bring back some dat grub he ain't got no bidness wit!
We just don't get people who go full cajun in politics anymore.


This sounds terrible. Stupid Commie asshole. I'm glad he got shot.

Best post ITT.

You posted the wrong Wallace

>more liberal
More socialist, you mean. Liberal means libertarian.

This makes me sad

fuck France desu

Unironically Eugene Debs

Amazing to see a /pol/poster that isn't nu-/pol/