Insider here. The fusion between Apple and Omisego is real. But for different reasons than you think. There is an agenda ongoing for a long time to manifest an egregore (via subliminal predictive programming of your perception) into flesh to create a new world order (without physical cash) and therefore and finally to immanentize the eschaton. I know most of you are retarded so let me explain to you.
Subliminal predictive programming of your perception
This works very simple. Various concepts (ideas) are subliminally channelled to the perceiver via imagery that don’t disclose at first sight but still get an subliminal reaction and perception (because intention). It’s basically messages communicated hidden in plain sight (so you already know without knowing consciously). But when it manifests into reality you already received and perceived the concept so it’s not so shocking anymore. See the apple logo in this example. You perceive it as an bitten apple (retard). But in reality it assembles an hidden image (and concept) of an alien head. Aliens (basically frog like demonic creatures) have already been communicated into the mass consciousness. But some 300 years ago this concept was perceived completely different. The alien (grey men creatures) concept did hit the „mainstream“ after the works of Aleister Crowley’s „Amalantrah Workings“. The grey men figure was a demon spirit summoned by Crowley and its name was LAM. So from there on this image and concept evolved into what we now perceive as aliens and outta space grey little faggots.
Caleb Wilson
An egregore
Let’s make this short before going into it too much and quote the short version from Wikipedia: „Egregore (also egregor) is an occult concept representing a "thoughtform" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme.“ Meme magic is real, you read that here more than just one time. But it’s really a tricky thing because things may become real when critical mass is reached. Egregoric power is very hard to control. Of course not if you are the first thoughtform that ever was. But that would go a lot further than I want to go now. If you think you are retarded and you don’t like to research for yourself: watch the movie „Branded“. It will give you an idea how this stuff works and what fuel it needs (ritualistic sacrifice, worship via attention etc.). Drop some acid to feel more comfy if you like.
New world order without physical cash
Yeah.. this is something I guess I don’t have to explain too long. It’s about a time that is prophesized to come where we will not be able to buy and sell without some mark of the beast (sixsixsix, hexhexhex) and ultimately there will be no physical to achieve this.
Revelation 13:16-18 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
Evan Hernandez
But nobody knows what this New World Order will look like. Many assume it will be some sort of 1984 Orwell thingy… others think it will be some kingdom ruled by islamic power but… think about some alien sort of established system & economy with different creatures and high tech shit that will make your wildest DMT experiences look like Kuso. Which brings us to
Immanentizing the eschaton
Basically this is the elite (Illuminati or call em’ how you like) controlling the masses to make prophecies come true. So the Creator (i.e. the first thinker) of EVERYTHING has to come back and clear up the mess (cauz’ he knew where this is heading to). Sometimes they do immanentize on purpose… but sometimes the prophecies come true out of pure „chaos“ (supposedly) >see Trump election. Many religions, ideologies and sects have their own beliefs of creation and of endgame prophecies. Although they differ a lot… they all have some creation, salvation and endgame story in it. And then there is the book of books where all is lined out. But… difficult read (especially for retards). But… it’s true. Trust me. Insider here.
I don’t want to go into the ritualistic and worship aspect of all of this. Let’s come to Apple and Omisego:
Apple continued the works of alchemy and is prime communicator of technology and the concept of manifesting the alien grey men. They are basically on the forefront to manifest „The Head“ into flesh. This is communicated via the logo and all the ufo (campus) and alchemy technology stuff apple is pushing (innovation, yaeij right). And they moved on to the next phase as rituals and worship (of the concept / idead) via unboxing apple products etc. is already mainstream. Enter „Apple“ + „unboxed“ into youtube. Or upload your own worship. The concept is worshipped on a huge scale and now the same has to happen with the body, i.e. the torso first. This is were OMG is coming into play.
Brandon Gonzalez
Buy that muthhafukkin OMG right nows ya hear?
Parker Brown
>Nobody is going to read that wall of stupidness
Andrew Roberts
A torso consists of a sex (cock or cunt). The union of this is presented in the magical work (channeling the message) of uniting two opposite concepts to become something new. This is done via the Vesica Piscis ritual / concept and can be seen in the OmiseGO logo (revealed in the image). It combines the two opposites and ultimately creates something new (alien cockcunt sex). But it also represents the torso body (mentioned above retard) so it’s a crucial part to become reality. All that is needed for this to happen is hype and concentration (of thought) on something huge (the OmiseGO logo and the hidden concept). This is already happening. And it’s fueled with each uploaded OMG meme and especially the coins we buy.
You do realize the worldwide hype of OmiseGO(d), do you user? You do know the memes of Vitalik to be a alien (he is retard), do you? I personally (insider) saw him do miracles. You can to do if you watch closely. Ok. So here’s the thing:
They want go make this happen for a long time. And you are either part of it or not (maybe Jesus will kick your ass for supporting this.. maybe not). OMG has to manifest the torso into flesh. With your attention, with your money and the worship thereof. And two other companies will be assigned (already are) for the arms (including hands) and the legs (including feet). This is all to happen when the year 2023 comes. Then they will arrive and manifest in flesh. We are not mooning. Moon is coming to visit. So expect Apple and OmiseGO to rise beyond your wildest imagination. Do you support this? Then invest. You don’t? Sell these bags and set yourself free. Cauz’ you know… eschatology, Jesus and „I don’t wanna be part of this!“
btw.: The two eagle heads have to do something with the eastern and western roman empire. But that’s an old egregore story I don’t need to tell.
Connor Davis
Bro, you really are a talented entertainer.
Gavin Thompson
Omgtards your pushing it too much
Carson King
Thomas Davis
big if true
Lucas Jenkins
Shhhh just bought 100k, let me accumulate some more first
100 million sats by the end of the week
Aaron Peterson
Nice, just bought 100k
Brody Cruz
Uh, ok. Nice, just sold 100k.
Adrian Lopez
Thanks, just made 100k tin foil hats.
Angel Thomas
i was into what you were throwing down until you said alien head. You're an idiot I guess? It's a bitten apple representing original sin Adam and Eve. The Earth is Flat. the Christians were right (fuck I know wtf), heaven is real. Apple/Google etc. know these truths
Ian Morales
Nice, bought aliens
Benjamin Peterson
Nice, did nothing with 100k
Cameron Watson
Joshua Richardson
Connor Morris
you all will see it's real >it's flappening right now!
Charles Martin
flagrance of ignorance >missed all moon missions >will miss this one too