This is pretty damn cool - trustless atomic swap DX built directly into the qt wallet itself.
Can't wait for the UI to be rolled out - this coin BLOCK is a sleeper
This is pretty damn cool - trustless atomic swap DX built directly into the qt wallet itself.
Can't wait for the UI to be rolled out - this coin BLOCK is a sleeper
>watched it hit 400k sats
>couldn't buy because all my money is tied up in icos
Good luck user
I feel ya - same here, pretty tied up with multiple coins - don't have a lot leftover to really buy heavily into BLOCK... still have a decent amount tho. That 400k was juicy
I bought some yesterday, hopefully that was the bottom of the dip
Unironicly bought 2 btc worth in the past 3 days. People dont recognize coins until its too late. This shit will hit 50 dollars easily before december
You really don't deserve the gains if your shit is tied up in ICOs and other coins whilst block is this cheap. Once the DX takes off then this current 480k sat price will be laughably cheap, it's the most undervalued coin right now with the working tech it has. Get in now before the real pump starts.
buddy of mine shilled it to me when it was 6 dollars
please end my life
It's still ridiculously cheap if you're interested in it. So many coins out there are going for the decentralized exchange/multiple blockchain tech, but Blocknet are the first to have it actually working. Once word gets out about this coin then it's an easy top 20 market cap coin at the least.
I have 20k zrx from the ico, sold half of that zrx to buy into chainlink and obsidian. That's all my money. To b>
what important dates would you like to tell me about?
Happy to get in pretty big near 400k yesterday. Honestly surprised this thing went under 500k.
When is the new UI due?
I feel like you're a victim of marketing on Veeky Forums. You're buying into ICOs with 0 product that get shilled hard on this board. Do a little research on BLOCK and you'll see why it has a much better future than any of those ICOs, for some reason hardly anyone on here shills it on here.
honestly I still believe there is a downtrend going on atm after the last rally
ass to mouth.
floating around their Slack i hear later this year. So much stuff is going on with this coin - Ethfinex, UI, new production chain launched Sep 1, service nodes are the most profitable in all of crypto masternodes. It's wild the price is so low - Very low total supply too.
Right now service nodes are making $3300/month - and this isn't even counting trading fees on the DX. ROI for a node right now is 35%
Possible but I think 400k is the hard floor.
I know what block is, but I also know what chainlink is. I have 10 free eth. I believe in the long term viability of obsidian, chainlink, and block. However, I missed the 400k dip and I think my money is better spent on chainlink. Even if i spent half my eth on block right now, which I'm considering, that wouldn't be much block. It feels like an opportunity cost thing. I can only get like... 50-60 block. I already have zrx to hedge my bets on decentralized exchanges... Is it unwise to buy that small amount of block now after a big pump from a dip?
Check em. 800k by end of month.
Service nodes cost 100k.
buy block before it's 100$
A DASH node costs $324,000 and makes $1000/month less
>buy block
Don't think about it as a small number of BLOCK. The supply of BLOCK Is tiny overall compared to many other coins. Look at the market cap and think about the investment in terms of percentages rather than number of coins.
But block is going to be staked to earn tx fees... So you do have to think of it as amounts if you're looking to use it, right?
I just bought 55 block. That isn't much. The rest of my eth (5) I'm putting in the chainlink ico. This is all my money..
I fully understand block and its been on my radar for a while, but is that truly... Enough?
You can stake with any number of coins
But the returns are negligible with smaller amounts of coins right? At 50 coins I'd be getting a dozen a year..
still extremely good return for doing nothing but running your wallet whenever you use your PC - also BLOCK has very good returns for staking compared to many PoS coins
Money is money whether it's interest on 50 of a low supply coin or 10000 of a high supply coin.
Decentralised exchanges are the future. Right now it may not seem like much, but when it has a multi billion dollar market cap that amount will be significant due to the low coin supply.
Ok anons.. It's the best I can do without giving up the funds I need for an obsidian masternode and the chainlink ico.
So now I've got pic related
+1.6k bmc
+8k odn
+6k link (if they dont refund presales)
A-am I going to make it?
Forgot pic..
>needs you to have the full blockchain of every shitcoin you want to trade
>implying that even if they manage to add SPV support people will use this and will not continue using whatever shitcoin centralized exchange on a normie accessible webrowser
You're missing the bigger picture
1) not having to wait for centralized exchanges to add coins to trade them (like etherdelta does for erc20 tokens)
2) the inevitable death of centralized exchanges
Normies are filthy animals. Give them a web-browser normie website and they will use this even if it's centralized.
Saying that will be dead is like saying Windows was going to be dead because it's closed source, guess what it isn't.
It's going to die as more countries impose stiff regulations seeing centralized exchanges as pressure points. Exchanges, seeing massive liability, will decrease in pairings.
Decentralized exchanges are the future out of necessity, not convenience.
Not impressed at all user.
I thought they were supposed to have a nice wallet - Ui sucks on this
We will need asset gateways
Mining is a thing, user.