Help me build up pink wojaks portfolio, as it seems I'm going to need a large reserve of them soon
Also funny Veeky Forums related pics
Help me build up pink wojaks portfolio, as it seems I'm going to need a large reserve of them soon
Also funny Veeky Forums related pics
pink wojak and humor in the same sentence doesnt work out well together
Well, one has to take losses lightheartedly and a good pink wojak really puts me in a better mood. Especially if posted by others
Come on faggots make my day more interesting
I wouldn't really say that BTC has succeeded in anything other than being a MASSIVE FUCKING BUBBLE though.
Well, at least the price went up ten times since then. It definitely was a great investement
Fuck off all of you I hope americans ban bitcoin
Wow thanks, this is a nice one. Saved. May all your investments double
come on
>Not realizing that the china ban was a desperate attempt by goldman sachs to bring the price down to their predicted level
>not contributing to the thread
very well
I kek on this one
Thank you both