>when the existence of your economic system is predicated on infinite growth
When the existence of your economic system is predicated on infinite growth
Other urls found in this thread:
Africa = cancer
>when the existence of your economic system doesn't exist
>greatly improves the conditions of millions of people worldwide
>b-but some bad shit happened so it didn't work!
>criticize capitalism
Communism didn't accomplish any good that couldn't have been accomplished just as easily by a liberal democratic society with a social safety net. There was no fucking reason to terrorize Eastern Europe for 40 years.
yfw the welfare state is just soft communism with the poor voting themselves gibs at the expense of the rich
yfw modern neoliberal societies are primarily concerned with getting as many people into the labor for as possible and essentially just see citizens as productive units like a communist society would
>unironically using this to extoll communism despite condemning capitalism for the same
>mfw OP is right when literally 2 posts in is whataboutism of the Soviets
No arguments left to be made
>greatly improves the conditions of millions of people worldwide
True, being dead is better than living in a communist country. The suicide rate of Cuba can tell you about that.
>ITT children of middle class who will never "make it" and will literally die in cancer trying so
avarage brainlet amerisharts
And the suicide rate in South Korea?
Nice argument.
>implying both communism and capitalism aren't equally interested in destroying the environment for the sake of infinite growth in a finite world
The only difference between capitalism and communism is how the wealth from exploited resources is distributed, neither systems are interested in the preservation and conservation of said resources. They're both cancerous.
what other arguement you need apart from fueling a system that due its very nature, destines most of its participants to be a failure mr. temporarily embarrased millionaire
It's all due to their final exams in school.
But almost no-one holds the ideology of growth for the sake of growth. People don't want growth in the abstract, they want growth for the sake of more specific, concrete desires.
but most of the economicsts do, they usually hold the very strong belief if the economy isnt growing its shrinking, theres no stopping the greedtrain
>woops , I just accidently the ozone layer and the ocean
>Better invest more money into space exploration, because by the time I'm done with this planet, colonizing a whole other planet filled with barren desert and no atmosphere will sound amazing :DDD
Not even Hitler was this stupid
i think the AI will exterminate us because we are a parasitic species
What's that you say? Housing shortage? Unemployment? Pollution? Congestion? Healthcare system collapsing under its own weight?
How can a system that needs infinite growth exist in a universe that itself isn't even infinite? It's doomed to fail eventually
>respirate, contract
>Why is the human body predicated on infinite breathing????
Because when a system is not built around the finite kept in mind it will collapse eventually. Like our current neo-liberal order :D
>The individuals is the same as the collective
You realize we have things like birth, and evolution, and the ability to delay impulse gratification, right?
There is another option
Both capitalism and communism believe in infinite growth, they just disagree on how to go about it.
The way to sustainable civilization is en.wikipedia.org
Sure, it "improved", barely.
"Greatly" though? Nah, capitalism did that.
Lol, I love this image. Nothing else so clearly displays the inferiority of leftism.
won't happen until 3000 at best
>they'll have flying cars and moon colonies by 2020
Commies are unironically proud of this, they have their own infographs with how successful it was
>GDP raised by 300% over x period of time!
>With that, if only it lasted few more years, commie states would catch up with West!
What is gross social product
How is this picture wrong?
Where does this pathetic meme come from?
The whole point of capitalism isn't "growth", the whole point of capitalism is increased efficiency.
>retarded growth
>no infrastructure to support it
Capitalism does not RELY on growth, growth is the RESULT of capitalism. We say it's bad when there is no growth not because we need growth, but because growth is the expected result of normal economic activity, so its absence indicates a problem.
Do you really think centuries of growth is just a coincidence that capitalism is merely reading advantage of? I mean, really?
Instead of a cure for cancer though it's actually just them lobbying the government to import tens of millions of retarded third worlders.
Infinite growth and zero sum. The ideology is that in order to create growth the economy has to be owned by as few people as possible.
But your second panel already show those capitalists reinvesting for more growth. If anything the biggest falsehood is that it is the governments that care the most about cancer and fusion power
>Capitalism does not RELY on growth
But nobody said that
>rich guy posting on Veeky Forums to shit talk poor people
WT actual F is this meme?
Get over yourself
Capitalism and Communism are both murderous ideologies
The Africa one? It's not.
Who? A business would not waste money doing that.
Risky investments that might amount to nothing or very low returns.
Private company developing several drugs which help the immune system target cancer cells, Dasatinib, Elotuzumab, Ipilimumab and Nivolumab.
Still investments that seeks to give even more returns. Whether or not it actually does is irrelevant.
>idk how the drugs or anything else are developed
For fuck sake, government's grants and research form the theory and proof of concept that these private companies are trying to monetize. No company built internet infrastructure before the researchers on the government's money made it a thing
Africa is literally cancer tier, holy shit...
>what is life itself
Self-replicate or GTFO you sissy
"Whataboutism" is just the yelping sound a commie makes when offended by a capitalist who's seen through his memes
Isn't the goal of humankind to spread out and settle the stars?
>what is a cancer/virus
sustainability or gtfo you sissy
no. there's nothing out there for us. just boring ass rocks. the most complex and beautiful things in the universe are already right here.
>and then i woke up from my fantasy
so we all have to be neets and study philosophy to save the world. sounds good.
Why would growth be bad?