Where my Obsidian Virgins at???

Where my Obsidian Virgins at???

Don't let the Dions Bro chads... bother you.

Waiting for my 40k. Hoping this shit wont be a bust

i only got 22,000 of them... should of bought more... feeling stupid.

Any predictions for end of week on the exchanges?

Could we like, not have a shit flinging thread this time? Cant we all get along?

$1 minimum

ODN thread.

we getting our coins today!!!

reporting in, don't have many but did buy the ioc

Holding until it gets to $50. Then, I'll retire.

i'm still mad i only bought 22,000 of them =(

There's actually a study that shows that if 2 companies are rivals and their fans hate each other, that is a good thing for both companies. Basically there's a high correlation between the aggressiveness of the fans and revenue.

This only works if the split is 50/50 or close to that, like Samsung vs Apple. It doesn't do much when the split is 20/80 like Bing vs Google.

i really need this to 10x otherwise i'm fucked

Lot's of people hoping for an immediate moon mission on Obsidian. This won't end well

the slack says we won't get the coins till late today, possibly early tomorrow

very high hopes for this project
i would say I'm excited to see it on an exchange, but that's not an appropriate barometer of the awesomeness of obsidian
don't take this to mean that it won't be on exchanges, but rather that I have no intention to sell when it does arrive there

Youre going to make it

I got 3340 of the little beauties

Going to hold these for a while see where they go

I couldn't give two fucks about the price, I just hope to god they have a decent product.

whats the exact release date? which exchanges is this getting listed on?

I got 392 with what was around $60 work of ark back in the day, ark have x2 since then so I hope I made a decent call
>hoping for $1

Will buy peoples ODN for 20 cents a pop... that's 4 more cents than the ICO price.

no one's selling that cheap


Good luck finding a seller, faggot.