Today's Price Change Is Already Negative

just for your information

Keep fudding and stay poor

Literally isn't.

Fudding is spreading fake news and rumors. Guess what little man, China news is 100% real.

What are you saying, my 3 main coins are up?

It's already priced in

after all these PnD made by chinks

we are at a lower low

this is inevitable because chinks are cashing out

Wow, you're actually fucking retarded. Thank god idiots like you won't make a penny off crypto. You deserve to stay poor.

Since polls have shown a fast majority thought and still think it's fake news. No it isn't.

Chinks are not leaving. Even if they "leave", they will still remain invested, otherwise they would miss the gain train.

Yeah it just means no more margin trading, far less shorting because shorting btc with another crypto is beyond stupid. Lower volumes due to the nature of p2p transactions. Then you have to speculate if that's where the regulation stops, it adds more uncertainty which means lower prices and less buyers. I don't get how you can even attempt to spin this.

what polls?

Every community made one

All I know is red and negative

hrehre wriv me arr yur munhey write mran


yeah i monitor twitter polls all the time to inform my trades

Great because there the closest thing to a consensus you will find. faggot

shit == shit m8
