>"Buy when others are in fear" - t. Veteren Investor
>o-okay, no one wants to buy when the price has pumped so high
>*Buys OMG over 310k sats*
>A few hours later the price drains slowly like my soul
>Hear people saying it will take a dump
"Buy when others are in fear" - t. Veteren Investor
you bought when everyone was greedy, dumbass
>5 min charts
>Meme lines
>5 min candles
lmao pls sell at a loss then FOMO buy next week when it hits 330k
No one is in fear when the price is high you fucking idiot.
It's for when the price is DOWN.
Am i being trolled? Fucking hell.
Bought at 29k and feeling comfy even with no partnership the 18th omg will pump through the clouds
lol feggets, never going to listen to you guys agian
hurr durr
There is a even more important rule: DON'T BUY THE PEAK, SELL THE PEAK, BUY THE DIP.
WELL HOW DO I KNOW WHEN THATS THE DIP AND PEAK? It might continue to dip futher or go up even more
OMG will skyrocket when the Apple partnership is announced.
You fucking don't you pleb, set a reasonable target to buy and sell at.
how autistic do you have to be to believe this will actually happen ? I'm shorting for 5 hours already, the dip will pay my rent this month
I usually set my sell target when it goes like ~2%, lost about $400 in the past 2 weeks..
>sold bought
>bought a tiny bit to sell more apple hype
Oh well, got my 30% profit anyway.
Set a goal. Look at the chart, 5% up look like a good ceiling? Ok. 3% down look like a good floor? Ok. Then, sell at 5% up and re-buy at 3% down. Stick to your plan, and never go all in, you need risk management.
is this the OMG support thread?
>bought at 150k
>sold at 245k
>afraid of missing moon mission
>bought at 268k
Seen people many times go all in and get insane gains
It hasn't even reached pre pump levels
Expect it to drop when idiots realize that the apple shit wasn't happening
Its still going to moon on the 15th
like this?
I dont understand pls draw a chart help
Who here /mastertrader/?
Fuck forgot pic