Did Roman and Greek women shave?
Hygiene in Ancient times
From what I've read, yes, they did. I'm sure someone will be along with source eventually, I can't be assed to find it.
They appear to have, or it was at least the idealized state of beauty. All the woman in their art lack body hair. If they didn't shave, the artists definitely wished they had
Yes Greek and Italian women have to shave their upper lips to this very day.
>Deal with sex partners who haven't shaved their entire lives, in a time before the discovery of saponification
you fucking bet they wished.
God, I wish that was me
Romans were able to clean themselves well with oil. You apply oil to gather up the oils of your body, scrape it off, and then bathe in water.
yeah, I know. just a joke.
also, as
noted, body hair removal was defacto standard for many ancient civilizations, for the mites if nothing else. there's tons of sources on this, so it's not too hard to find.
AFAIK there's reasonably good proof that even neolithic humans did this in most places.
>tfw no fake-blonde roman gf with qt feet in sandals to ride my dick every day
why even fucking live
In antiquity both men and women used to remove body hair.
Egyptians completely shaved everything with tweezers and wax, as hair was considered unsanitary. In Rome men having extreme body hair was considered to be part of the lower classes or a barbarian so they shaved with razors, picked hair with tweezers. Women I think just used wax to get rid of body hair. Romans also used soap during imperial times to bathe, which were produced in Gaul.
bump with sandals
I know the men generally did shave facial hair, and given the beauty standard it's probable Roman women, especially wealthy women, shaved their pubic hair. Doubtfull if they did their legs though
i always had fantasies about going back in time and fucking sweet roman/greek pussy while their husbands watch.
i bet they were into cuckoldry
Calling someone a cuckold was one of the worst insults you could call someone back then. Their entire sexual culture revolved around domination and submission, and submissive males were viewed as freaks.
More then likely you'd have your throat torn out attempting or suggesting such a thing.
yeah pretty much, they'd gut user like a pig
>some foreign barbarian who can't even speak a normal human language trying to fuck my woman
I bet they waxed
honey and melted bees wax
or maybe pummice the hair
> Romans were able to clean themselves well with oil. You apply oil to gather up the oils of your body, scrape it off, and then bathe in water.
I’ve never understood how this worked?
> be dirty and sweaty
> pour olive oil all over yourself
> scrape it off with a knife
> jump in a pool
How does that result in a person getting clean?
Seems to me they’d just end up being all sticky and greasy, which would instantly attract dirt and dust onto their skin?
> Hygiene
> Shaving
it is exactly what I wanted to make as a thread
all women do that you virgin
Not shaving was seen as barbaric
Like dissolves like, you apply oil which dissolves the oils on the body then scrape the whole mix off manually. This is practically the same way modern body soap works. The only difference is we don't have to scrape it off because our soap is designed to both dissolve oils and dissolve in water.
Ok, but even after scraping the oil and jumping into a pool, you’re still going to have olive oil all over your body.
Seems to me washing with plain water would be better.
Sounds like Sweden
fucking Jews pushing this WE WUZ bullshit. >light white skin
>blond striaght hair
>somehow supposed to be Romanoid
Is realism too much to ask? Historical accuracy is contrary to their globalist agenda, so they have to shoehorn in whatever race fits the narrative. I fucking hate kikes.
Most of what we consider to be unclean particles are non polar meanwhile water is polar and will not dissolve them. Washing with water will dissolve polar molecules on the skin and leave non polar ones alone, you will not get very clean by washing with water alone. The only way water will remove the non polar molecules is if you use a high pressure stream to essentially blast them off, at which point scraping with no liquid would be more efficient. Meanwhile washing with non polar oil will dissolve all the non polar grime etc and then all you need to do is scrape off the mix. Yes it is true however that if you didn't scrape it all off then it would remain on you even after jumping in a pool of water. Assuming they were able to scrape it all off however it would probably clean you pretty well. However keep in mind I am only speaking theoretically using my knowledge of how modern soap is meant to function.