Do you ever wonder if all these atheists would flip like a switch the moment the 2nd coming comes around?
Do you ever wonder if all these atheists would flip like a switch the moment the 2nd coming comes around?
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If Jesus returned, I'm sure a lot of them would reassess the evidence.
Does the bible even say anything about a second coming?
>would people who don't believe in christianity because there is no proofs change their mind if something irrefutably proved it
>would non-Christians convert if Jesus literally showed up to talk to them
Question for the century right here.
you do dishonour to the pic you posted by interpreting concepts such as the second coming as literal material concerns.
Atheism is purely concerned with material existence and it's emergent properties.
If you cannot bridge the gap, then at least refrain from growing it even larger.
This. I really don't know what OP was thinking.
apocalipse of jean
I definitely would. I laughed at the doomsdayfags before the 23rd (there were many around me IRL), but I was ready to repent if anything resembling the biblical omens began to happen.
You're assuming that atheists are reasonable. They aren't. Atheism is merely a post hoc intellectualization of sin. It has nothing to do with the faculty of reason, or even other aspects of the intellect, as its basis is much deeper. Atheism's error is fundamentally spiritual, not logical, emotional, psychological, cultural, social, ideological, or what have you, although they obviously err greatly in all these regards as well, but merely secondarily to their spiritual failure. They aren't the first of their kind. The Pharisees who, recognizing Jesus' miracles and knowing that He is the Son of God, rejected Him anyway, and ordered Him crucified, they were atheists in a much more profound and complete sense (and in a way truer to the word's meaning). The vast majority of atheists would no doubt reject God even when they meet Him face to face, as they will at their Judgement. By blauspheming against the Holy Spirit as the Pharisees did, they will consign themselves to Hell. So to answer your question, no, atheists will not convert when given proof, because they have not given themselves to the devil through reason, but by sin. They don't want proof. They want Hell.
No, everything Christians say is not in the Bible, which is, if you ever actually flip through one, just a bunch of blank sheets of paper.
Also read the Grand Inquisitor.
Jesus was a pharisee
The Romans and Sadducees killed him
Sure, (((Hyam))), and Socrates was a Sophist.
Jesus clearly rejected the "oral torah," which was and is the essential doctrine of Pharisaism as a sect.
>it isn't actually jesus it's an alien
>it's some sort of outer dimensional force
Unless of course literally Jesus comes and say "I'm the fucking Messiah" and does miracles.
Matthew 12:
22 Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 23 All the people were astonished and said, “Could this be the Son of David?”
24 But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, “It is only by Beelzebul, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.”
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.
30 “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31 And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32 Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Honestly even with miracles it would make more sense to assume aliens, mass brainwashing, or some other kind of sci-fi bullshit. Because even the most ridiculous but physically possible explanation is more likely than some ancient prophecy being true.
>Whoever is not with me is against me
Isn't that phrase made a counter positive in other bible translations?
If this alien says "I'm the messiah blablablabal sixth seal" then atheists would say that christians actually followed an alien.
Most of his contemporaries considered him one, and you have to admit his debate tactics were of the same breed.
If it could be verified that the arriving Jesus was an actual deity they certainly would as it would prove the existance of a god.
If it was just some unproven weirdo going around performing all manner of great deeds then no. We've had plenty of those throughout history.
It would take a bit more than a conversation with the chap to demonstrate the actual divinity of Jesus.
I guess you've meant first comming, the Jewish messiah never came... tho I doubt he would ever come, torah is a mess - pure fantasy full of contradictions.
Obviously we'd talk in the bathroom, and he'd be in the tub.
>Do you ever wonder if all these atheists would flip like a switch the moment the 2nd coming comes around?
I'm a Catholic and in my opinion, the ones who are going to be most surprised by the second coming are Christians who found out that all their hosannas, all their hand waving and feel-goodism, all their moralizing and all their detached armchair judgements isn't going to save them when Jesus asks why they couldn't be bothered to show compassion and mercy to anyone who didn't look, think and act like they do.
This. I mean shit the whole point of atheism is a lack of proof. If proof exists then well that's that.
The bible is like the necronomicon, its pages only reveal what you want to see.
Why do fedoralords think this is important.
Proof doesn't exist, period.
Contradictions don't exist, fedoralord. They only exist in your perverted mind.
>Being this fucked in the head.
You're fractually wrong.
woah man that's deep
This. It's extremely hard to prove the existance of divinity. I for one don't even know how you would go about doing it.
Churchill is not the messiah.
Do you ever wonder if all these Christians would flip like a switch if the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) came back?
so this is the power of mental retardation...woah
According to islam it's still Jesus who will come back at the end of days. Muhammed was the perfect man and last of the prophets.
It'a very obvious in the context of the Bible that Jesus told the apostles he would come back like thirty years after he died. He said the next generation would witness it, and that some of his apostles would still be alive to see him return.
Believing your eyes wouldn't mean that there would be any kind of deep changes on the day evidence appears.
some guy says he's Jesus returned
I believe him
I don't think you fully grasp it.
There have been human beings around Prophets, and witnessed whatever miracles God bestowed on the respective Prophet. The ones who CHOSE to disbelieve still DISBELIEVED, resorting to labeling miracles as illusions, magic tricks, etc.
Some of Mose's followers witnessed the SPLITTING OF THE SEA, and STILL worshiped a golden calf after Moses went MIA for around 40 days or so.
This idea that "atheists" would change their mind if "evidence" is there is demonstrably NOT TRUE.
well they will believe and they will bow their knee, but by then it will be too late.
>anybody who doesnt accept my ideology is le stupid
Well I have to admit. I almost adore your utter lack of intellectual honesty and/or failure to spot your own fallacies and biases.
Proof that you are/aren't a faggot?
Do you ever wonder if all these goyim would flip like a switch the moment the real Messiah comes around?
if jesus returned I would tell him he doesn't exist right to his face
>tfw you will never be retarded enough to believe that proof isn't real and thinking otherwise is an ideology
Feels good.
No, you are much more stupid than that.
This is better than Turk shitposting
Stinkiest shitpost I've witnessed in a long time.
I don't know but it's more probable for religious people to flip the script in the absence of evidence.
It is more likely that someone will build a Basilisk AI before the second coming of either Jesus or Mohamed (actually in Islam, Jesus does come back before Mohamed).
Although I'd probaly not like being tortured all eternity but HATE AI, I'd have the smug satisfaction that white Christians are probably being forced into the bodies of black Muslim women for all eternity.
Why couldn't God exist
It's not fair, there's no point to fucking anything
>and in a way truer to the word's meaning
Someone didn't study their roots in school
What do you mean "if?" Jesus is already back in action smoking spliffs and planting gardens in the hood, fool. Adult Swim proves it.
>n-no u-ur dum n-not me
Shit bants and a shit brain, wew lad.
No u
"Atheism" was originally used a synonym for "godforsaken" and "damned."
shit nigga
>Proof doesn't exist
>Contradictions don't exist
Do go on.
When I was a Christian, I never understood this. Like, the Jews were bitchslapped by Yahweh every generation or so for disobedience, so why would they keep disobeying? Were they retarded?
Now I realize that the people who wrote the Bible are the same people as you. Claiming that there were totally real and true miracles in the past and that you're just a smelly atheist who refuses to believe when faced with "overwhelming" evidence.
Same shit, different year.
I'm pretty sure that if Jesus returned most Christians wouldn't accept him.
If a magic man comes around and says he's Jesus and starts killing people, I'll accept that he's real, though I'm still not going to worship him, unless Revelations really was just a fever dream and Jesus is an actual cool guy. Even then, "worship" would be a strong word, admiration might be better.
This, Christians would be mortified to find that acquiring wealth and hating liberals were not actually what Jesus wanted.
That depends on your interpretation of Revelations
There's a quote near the end of Scorsese's "Silence" that goes something like: "Faith and doubt go hand in hand. You have no evidence for it, but you believe it. If you had evidence for it, it wouldn't be faith, it would be knowledge."
Even as an atheist, that really stuck with me.
>jay cocks
more like GAY cocks lmao
Still not on roots
I'm an atheist and of course i would
It'd be stupid not to.
I would love if Jesus was real, i merely lack the faith that he actually does
As an atheist, I'll try to answer your question honestly.
If a dude comes around and starts healing people, feeding the hungry, calling for peace, etc. and demonstrates obvious magical powers, then yes, I reassess my worldview. I would still most likely not become a Christian as there are many tenets I am fundamentally opposed to, but I can admire someone who eases needless suffering.
>fundamentally opposed to
Back to plebbit
What do you think a second coming would look like?
Well Jesus was a real historical figure
Answer the question you nigger
2nd coming is paulist propaganda. The first coming was the only coming, and it's still with us in every monent.
It's hard to say, anonigger.
Would rather depend on the nature of the avatar and its arrival.
I mean, if this is the same old testament god that's flooding the planet and throwing his own creations into hell to suffer for eternity... While I might start believing in his existence, under the appropriate circumstances, I'm still fighting that shit.
Sure, I'd suddenly be a theist, but I'm not worshipping clearly evil gods, even if it's an inevitably losing battle.
Plus, there's that whole line of thinking that the antichrist is supposed to show up first that does muddle things a bit.
Well their whole schtick is that there's no proof so if you gave them proof they would probably flip, yeah.
what game is this?
>Proof and contradictions don't exist
This is your brain on organized religion
>If a magic man comes around and says he's Jesus and starts killing people, I'll accept that he's real,
Why would you believe that claim based on that? There's a huge difference between magic is real and god exists.
What's the point of faith though? Don't say free will. Satan still managed to rebel with direct knowledge of the existance of god. Even Paulus, a heinous persecutor of christians didn't have to rely on faith as Jesus took the time to actually manifest for him.
So is Chuck Norris. That doesn't mean that the stories about him are true.
Also: Kinda related
Magic powers + seemingly kind personality =/= Jesus
Your description could just aswell fit the medieval notion of a white witch.
Also, how would you differentiate between actual Jesus and some kind of trickster deity who merely pretends to be him? Keep in mind that a deity with limited capabilities is drastically more likely than one that is omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent while also happening to be three yet still only one.
Looks like 'I have no mouth and I must scream'.
Revelation is horseshit
I would accept that the man exists, not God.
I don't care if the individual is "Jesus" or not. If he claims his name is Jesus, then whatever, there's no way to know that he has Jesus' "soul" or not. I was just saying that if someone matching Jesus description started doing Jesusy shit, then I would have to think about it. That's all.
Fair enough.
Huh? Is he doing things like contradicting himself and not offering proof for his claims? oh wait doesn't real
you have a poopy face and you can't prove you don't