Why are Western Europeans so afraid of Slavs?
Why are Western Europeans so afraid of Slavs?
They fear the mighty Polish Hussars
Why do burgers fear niggers?
Because they fear the slav warrior.
Western Europeans love the BBC. Brexit was literally about kicking out Poles and Lithuanians, and taking in more Pakistanis and niggers. Western Europe is beyond fucked and we shouldn't feel any sympathy for them.
Not as much as the US though.
Slavs are whiter than Western Europeans
Tell that to your crime rate, general alcoholism and HIV epidemic.
Because the only times we see/meet east Euro's they're eather aggressive drunkards, cheap labor, or criminals/thiefs
What does that have to do with being white? Are you united statian?
Source? There is less crime in Poland, Czech, Slovakia than in France or England.
>he says while posting a part-polish person as his reaction image
thats probably because theres more popoulated urban areas and a shitton more actual blackos
And you think there are no gypsies in V4?
>all Slavic countries are Russia
Top jej. Czech republic:
>lower murder rate than most of western Europe
>higher IQ than most of western Europe
>lower HIV rates than all of western Europe
>way less Arabs, Turks, Pakis and niggers than western Europe
>no terrorist attacks
Western Europe is a fucking shithole, especially the UK.
the weak should fear the strong
What's going on in Ireland and Portugal?
Because they act like niggers. Every time I'm out drinking in my hometown, there's always a squad of Polacks running around beating individual drunk people to a pulp just for fun.
Slavs are literally subhuman.
it's like Spartans hunting helots
know your place W*stern cuck
Go suck Putin's KGB cock slavshit.
It also has fastest growing economy in whole EU
t. poverty island
Main reasons?
Cultural differences And Cold War propaganda
Because they're poor, and it's not their bright, young middle class that are coming over in large numbers.
Generally speaking though E. Europeans are alright (they're no worse than the indigenous working class, anyway), they actually work, unlike a significant number of Roma gypsies that have come recently.
The bright EEs go to America, the retards go to England and the Netherlands. England and the the Netherlands were already filled to the brim were retards so they probably view them as a competition.
Ukraine is an African country that somehow ended up in Europe.
>Zambia tier poverty
>civil war, half of the factions are basically warlords
>HIV through the roof
>unreal corruption
I'm not even a Russiaboo but I'm glad they annexed Crimea, because Ukrainians literally turn everything into shit.
To be fair, all Slavs are a shower of shit.
The ones to the West are a bit better i.e Poles and Czechs, but they're still a joke compared to Western Europe.
quiet you little faggot
Western Europe is the joke. There literally isn't a single positive thing about modern Britain, not even one.
cold war propaganda
that's it
Then why is there higher crime rates, lower literacy, sexual harassment, and death in areas in France, the UK, Germany, Italy, that involve Slavs?
Except all the development and employment.
Living in any Western European country is generally better that any of the ex-Soviet states, for obvious reasons.
Why do Slavs have such a pathetic superiority complex? Most of youse are Turkish or Mongol rapebabbies.
>attleast w-we're not cucks
>attleast w-we don't have shitskins
Yeah because your countries are absolute shitholes. Literal nigger tier compensation.
No, Britain really is a hellhole compared to Czech republic, whether it's unemployment rate, safety, crime, quality of housing or anything really. The only people actually WANTING to move to the UK are the Polish underclass and Romanian gypsies and that's not the kind of people you would like to brag about getting. Those countries are basically flushing their toilets on Britain.
Source: your ass
>lower literacy
>schools are mandatory both in Slavlands and Anglolands
>Most of youse are Turkish or Mongol rapebabbies.
Genetic research refutes that nonsense pretty thoroughly. The only Slavic country with Asian admixture is Russia and it's beause of actual Asians living there.
>nigger tier
Your countries aren't just nigger tier, they actually are nigger countries, since they're full of niggers. The fact you're unironically bragging about having such extensive welfare state you end up supporting hordes of shitskins with your taxes is pretty telling. You're cucked beyond imaginable.
>Source: your ass
Wrong, Sergei.
Great argument Mamadou, you knocked me the fuck out with thouse well sourced claims.
>Genetic research refutes that nonsense pretty thoroughly. The only Slavic country with Asian admixture is Russia and it's beause of actual Asians living there.
stop lying to yourself mr slavic (aka subhuman :DDDDDDD) mutt mongrel rapebabby
>Your countries aren't just nigger tier, they actually are nigger countries, since they're full of niggers. The fact you're unironically bragging about having such extensive welfare state you end up supporting hordes of shitskins with your taxes is pretty telling. You're cucked beyond imaginable.
stop your disgusting screeching i'm not wh*Te and neither are you
But if Britain was truly as bad as all that, then their underclass would be moving to Poland.
Wrong, Sergei.
>screeching Turk shitskin
>i'm not wh*Te
You're right about that Abdul.
Countries that subsidize their underclass are dysgenic and subhuman. The reason British underclass isn't moving to Poland is because a country like Poland doesn't offer them benefits out the ass, and they wouldn't be able to live comfortable on the dole like they do in Britain. In Eastern Europe if you don't work, you don't eat, aberrations like unemployed Irish Pikey scroungers vacationing in Spain with their welfare bucks just don't happen there.
>/pol/told me the only metric of success for a country is how few immigrants it has
If people aren't keen on moving to a country, it's not really a good sign.
>Britain really is a hellhole compared to Czech republic, whether it's unemployment rate, safety, crime, quality of housing or anything really
Scotland alone has a higher HDP, quality of life and safety than your slavhole
silence you LARPing wh*Teoid subhuman or I will kick your subhuman skull in just like all my altaic ancestors
People starving to death in the streets is a national pastime in Eastern Europe, but we gave it up a long time ago.
>Slavs are whiter than Western Europeans
Whiter as in behaving like animals? You got that right.
Holy shit, you are back!
Does it? The murder rate in Glasgow is 3.3 per 100 thousand people. In Prague it's 2.7, in Budapest and Bratislava 2.1, in Warsaw 1.9. And that's one of your whitest cities, not counting the rest of the country where your cuckolded police is covering up Paki and nigger crimes like no tomorrow.
Feel free to spam the thread with nigger cocks now like the good cuck you are because you won't be getting more (You)s from me.
Don't forget Eastern Europe and particularly, Russia, have huge issues with HIV/AIDs.
i'm on break from your mother
Thank you for excluded western Slavs from "Eastern Europe".
Have a QT drevokocur.
Will my cat eat that thing?
To be honest I have no issues with Ukranians, Croats, Poles, and Slovenes/Slovaks.
I guess it's better to subsidize unemployed inbred faggots cramming their faces with greasy shit until they're 300 kg and immobile, give them free housing, and then have the NHS pay for their gastric bypasses and tit jobs.
V4 countries have some of the lowest HIV rates in the world.
> The bright EEs
Not being a cuck is behaving like an animal now
>polish master race
Shitty guess, I'm swiss, my mongolian friend. And even the Pope looks more humane than "EE"s
No trustworthy man squats that much
>mongol cannot into settings
>he believes same filename = same poster
Still proving my point. Go, there's still tables and toilets to clean
French IQ is 102, Niggers/Sandniggers/Slavs reduced it by 3.8 points
Because theyre like Muslims; causes a ton of crime, AIDS off the charts and are in a constant state of butthurt
Why is always cloudy/foggy in Poland?
Because while they're less civilized, they're more sensible and because of this, their civilizations will last longer.
The point is kind of exemplified by the example of the British Nationalist who excoriates Polish workers for undercutting British tradesmen (doing blue-collar jobs well and cheaply) while turning a blind eye to the Muslim colonization of his neighborhood. Hating Poles who plan to work hard for a few years in Britain, save money, and go back to Poland with the money to buy some capital has more social permission than hating Muslims who are there to permanently change his society.
>Because theyre like Muslims
>AIDS off the charts
>causes a ton of crime, AIDS off the charts and are in a constant state of butthurt
Only the last point is true for Poland.
>inb4 manipulated infograph with foreign crimes in the UK
Divide it by population, they be the most inprisoned because they are the biggest non-British minority.
The real question is how did Viggo become so based?
>not a single positive thing about the UK
>hundreds of thousands of slabs keep trying to get here
Stay mad Ivan.
Because they are jealous. We are racially stable, safe and represent everything they wish they were but they can't be because of marxist influence.
And they try to avoid thinking about it by being ignorant and write bullshit "hurr durr all slavs live in poverty, because they earh 4 times less than me and have 8 times lower prices".
Eastern Europe is haunted and cursed, always has been.
Everything East of Berlin is Dracula land.
He grew up in A*gentina. Which is no different from R*ssia/U*raine
I agree. This is a much more important question.
>all Slavs are Russians
Care to find an example of British nationalists hating Poles but not Pakis?
Because Pakis don't "steal their jobs". However they are too dumb to realize that cheap Polish workers are good for the economy while welfare unemployed Musliims are not.
I see it all the time; British nationalists will moan on and on about Polish people but are too scared to say anything about Pakis.
Brexit is kind of a manifestation of this. The real demographic threat isn't coming from inside the EU, its coming from people the UK is allowing to immigrate from outside the EU.