What -boos do you hate Veeky Forums?
What -boos do you hate Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>people who think that you don't have to know about the primary sources
>wiki warriors
the list goes on
Hipster commieboo. The ones who think Stalin, Lenin or even Trotsky are too mainstream, so they masturbate over obscure crackpot characters like Rosa Luxemburg and Nestor Mahno.
All of them.
Byzzieboos needs to be gassed desu
>people who place primary sources on an altar instead of realising someone who has spent their entire life studying the document might have a better interpretation of it than you
I get what you saying but that's what I was implying. I mean people here take Tacitus literally which is beyond retatded.
Both of these types of fuckers like to boost their irrelevant achievements like they saved/dominated the world and revise history until their shithole's history looks decent enough
Anyone who posts haplogroup PCA plots. There's a thread up right now with this autism. Romanboos, sovietboos and wehraboos for generally shit quality posters who are more interested in imposing a point rather than discussing knowledge.
vikingboos are probably the most shallow people out there desu
>people believing ranking the history of nations is high level of discourse
i fucking hate byzaboos but it's good to know the precept to being a true byzaboo is being a 160 kg obese anime pro virgin so at least I'll never be unfortunate enough to meet one irl
i see fucking spartaboos, vikingboos and samuraiboos everywhere tho
Wehraboos that make up elaborate plans on how Germany could of won WW2, usually filled with logic gaps. They love to say "not all German soldiers are nazis", and then comment on another video blaming things on Jews.
>wiki warriors
Those really make me butthurt. It's basically brainletsplaining. Imagine you spend years reading primary sources and then some retard comes along all like ACKHSUALLY YOU'RE WRONG, READ THIS KEKPEDIA ARTICLE! If I was near him I would deck such faggot in a second.
Men after my own heart
As a true Romaboo, in it for actual interest instead of memes and political agenda, Byzaboos are a blight that contaminate any discussion with muh Basileos, muh constantinople belongs to greece, muh true heir of the empire bullshit, they usually know nothing of the Byzantines as a culture, society or political body or have anything to say about them, they just bring up they existed over and over and derail clearly classical era discussions nonstop. Only thing worse is when Ottomanboos play along too.
Fuck you turk rape babies stop wewuzing and find some dignity by finding an identity of your own
prussiaboos become somewhat more rare but they are still the most obnoxious boos out there
the entire existence of this shithole was an result of polish incompetence and constant russian mercy, not some political genius of overrated cucks like frederick the great who wanted to build mosques in berlin
>b..but muh alpha tall male military culture
*tips napoleonic wars*
Angloboos because they are so infuriatingly right about everything.
aren't vikingboos mostly just misguided normies who like skyrim and spartaboos misguided normies who watched 300?
/Pol/ shitposters
/leftypol/ shitposters
actuall weaboos
Literally every single one is a fucking scourge on historical discussion because for them it always becomes personal.
Pretty much, i don't actually mind them because it's clear they are people who have never felt intensely about history before and just can't handle it well, but they get better.
Actual japanophiles and other "exotic land" fetishists, and politically militant proselytizers never get better.
This guy is spot on.
I hate hebrewboos/bibleboos. Muh prophecy, muh precious mythology, etc.
There is literally nothing wrong with spartaboos, hellenophiles generally, sinophiles, and anglophiles.
People who think vikings were an ethnicity
People who think pirates were an ethnicity
People who think fall of Rome era barbarian tribes (Goths,Huns,ect) were a political movement that included Romans.
The amount of millennials in post-secondary education who cum everywhere over Communism without knowing about things like Holodomor, The Khmer Rouge, Great Leap Forward etc is beyond
>people who like shit I don't like are virgins
Are you the guy from the Evola thread?
Disgusting. Other than technological advancement there is literally nothing worth admiring in Anglos (and even then most of their inventors are actually Scottish).
You can only be a -boo about cultures, if you are a proponent of an ideology you're just one of them.
Granted, they're college campus starbucks communists, but still commies.
"We started the industrial revolution"
Sovietboos / tankies
Thats about it
t. from an irrelevant country that was probably invaded by Britain
The unholy trinity of autism.
Well the Prussians actually are interesting
No. Prussia was just a poor millitary state, from where millions of Germans were flooding to America to avoid poverty and being cucked by Junkers, the only reason you find it interesting is because autists love everything millitary-related.
there is nothing interesting about American history with the exception of them literally going nuclear on Japan, Americans fetishize their involvement on the west of Europe more and convienently forget they nuked a country.
As if that's something to be ashamed of
Can we not all agree that conspirboos are the worst?
Prussia would be interesting even if it had no military. Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, Weber, Humboldt, Marx, Engels, Handel, von Braun, Siemens, Virchow etc.
That said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with adoring the military.
>Kant, Nietzsche, Hegel, Weber, Humboldt, Marx, Engels, Handel, von Braun, Siemens, Virchow
Only Kant, Händel and von Braun were Prussian of them all.
In which fucking universe was Humboldt not Prussian?
Commie/nazi-boos who are american
Especially neonazis who claim to be 'patriots' because they're 'nationalists' while supporting a ideology that considers democracy weak and gives no shits about the free market.
>hurr nationalism is about race, no le shitskins in america
So Kant, Händel. Humboldt and von Braun, and only if you count Brandenburg as legit Prussia.
Virchow too. Siemens was born in Hanover, but he spent most of his life in Prussia and achieved everything in there. Marx and Engels were from Prussia as well.
Virchow, Marx and Engels lived in the state of Prussia, but they were not of Prussian blood/nationality. Virchow was Pommeranian, Marx and Engels were Rhinelander. It's like saying that Napoleon was French even if he was 100% Italian Corsican by blood.
>Prussian blood
Considering the original Prussians were killed off and what we know as Prussia was actually created by Brandenburg that's a shitty point to make.
Celtiboos and Ouiaboos
>Muh celtic warriors
>muh napoleon
Sealandaboos get my jimmies rustled every damn time.
Patrician tier:
High tier:
Descent tier:
Shit tier:
Normie tier
That isn't a -boo fool, but what do you have against /k/omrades anyway?
>had the largest empire of all time
>won both world wars
>started industrial revolution
>world superpower for over a century
>most widely used and relevant language today
>culture renowned around the world
>thousands of advancements in culture, architecture, technology, etc.
Anglophilia is the rational adult's point of view.
>Good tier
>Shit tier
>Autistic tier
>Loser tier
They are a thot.
t. from an moderatly country that was probably invaded by France alone or by Britain and its countless allies
>Crusadeboo and Ouiaboo
>not the same
Most crusaders were french, senpai
The French people are fine, the French nation is pure faggotry
Sveaboos are the only respectable boos.
All other boos are irrevelant
The second to last is an extension of the last btw.
Lowlanders are Saxon immigrants to Scotland, there's a reason Scots came from Old English.
Damn right
>Éireboo in God-tier
This guy get it
>Araboo not in shit tier
Redpill me on Tanistry
Any mudslimeboo
fucking subhuman cancer
What about hipster natsocboos?
Whole family votes on the next man for the job.
It was a Gaelic inheritance sytem. The Tanist basically chose the heir and the Tanist was chosen from the heads of the righdamhna
>gets BTFO by superior Swedish empire
>gets BTFO by superior Swedish empire
Prussiaboos and Wehraboos which tend to overlap. They’re annoying and smug as hell even though they have hardly any right to be.
He was refering to the Anglosaxons
Lower Saxony, not Upper Saxony.
Also, you lost that war hard.
>They’re annoying and smug as hell even though they have hardly any right to be.
>tfw France is still butthurt
>Also, you lost that war hard.
To Russia and that was after 21 years
As someone who actually likes studying the Viking Age, holy fucking hell do normies piss me off. I think that the most annoying people are anti-vikingboos, because they're just as historically illiterate but ten times more belligerent about it.
I have never encountered more cringe-worthy human beings.
>WW2-Era weaboos
Both countries lost the second world war for being pants-on-head retarded at a strategic level.
I have no idea how people can revere Hitler. Dude fucked Germany up so bad after 'fixing' it.
>loses two world wars
FUCKING WOW, such a epic military history for the Prussian military.
All of them.
History isn't a football game you fags.
That's what their entire day consists of, spamming ''could nazis have won if x'' and alt map threads.
That being said, there's nothing wrong with being a Germaboo.
Ignoring the fact that it only took France 19 days to completely smash and occupy Prussia during the Napoleonic wars? Yeah what a great military history you France's bitch for the 18th century you win one war against them in the 19 then lose both world wars.
>loses two world wars
alone against the entire fucking world
Why do you always forget this part?
>w-we did good guys we were fighting the entire world, we were super powerful
Nazi Germany couldn't project power across the English channel you dipshit, if they couldn't get across 30 miles of water how the fuck do you think they could have seriously won the war in any circumstance?
WW2 was doomed for Germany to get crushed from the start and WW1 was doomed for them at the Battle of the Marne
>starting a war against the entire world
So a decent military led by drooling retards?
>Germany started WW1
Who the fuck started this meme?
I don't hate a -boo because of the country he likes, but how he talk about it.
Good -boo : Discuss about why he loves this particular culture and likes to explain and debunk the common misconceptions most people have about this topic. He read a significant amount of books about his "-booism" and knows his shit about it. Won't hesitate to criticize this particular country/culture/whatever either if he feels like it.
Bad -boo : Will only argue about how his particular culture is so far superior to the others while his only skills about this topic are common knowledge everyone knows or biased misconceptions. Get triggered when anyone make a relevant pejorative remark about "muh vikings" or "muh samurai".
I'm sure Belgium asked to be invaded and Austria Hungary really needed that blank check
>Nazi Germany couldn't project power across the English channel you dipshit, if they couldn't get across 30 miles of water how the fuck do you think they could have seriously won the war in any circumstance?
Is this thread about navies?
Generals do not start wars, the countries leader does that and yes, both Wilhelm II and Hitler were drooling retards.
As a Frenchman even I find this offensive.
>Germany invading Belgium started WW1