Why is the 1917 Bolsevik revolution in Russia never labeled as a Jewish revolution?

Why is the 1917 Bolsevik revolution in Russia never labeled as a Jewish revolution?

When over 90% of the important roles are taken by the Jews and when the political system is founded by the Jews then it is a Jewish revolution.

Are people afraid to link Bolseviks to the Jews in fear of exposing the fact that Jewish families ruled Soviet Union?

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good thing based Stalin took care of all those kikes

It was often kikes who took care of all those kikes. Guess who planned assasination of Trotski?

It's actually staggering just how many top Bolsheviks were Jews. And there was even more Jews among the mensheviks/social democrats, where the bolsheviks originated from. A good example is Trotsky, pretending to be a peaceful social democrat before the revolution, and then becoming a bloody communist tyrant upon taking power. I call it the Bernie Sanders syndrome.
It was also obvious to every contemporary figure just how Jewish the revolutionaries were. Denikin mentioned it, Churchill mentioned it, American congress reports mentioned it, it's only in modern times when mentioning it is considered a "conspiracy theory" or "canard" or whatever the fuck.

Technically kikes also took care of Stalin when they poisoned him.

Ffs, these memsters should check their facts before creating such "red-pills".
Otherwise they just discredit the entire premise of their "argument".
Poles, Latvians, Finns, Lithuanians, Ossetians and Estonians were all far more over represented than Jews in the Russian Revolution.

Yet nobody cries about "Finno-Bolshevism". Just mindless screeching about da jooz.

JIDF is already here.

You really are retarded, aren't you?

>Fins, Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians over represented
>Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania now independent
This conspiracy theory actually makes sense.

Jews were overrepresented in the leadership.

Looking at all of the Latvians that signed up to be foot soldiers is a false equivalence. Go be JIDF somewhere else.

Faggots always post the total party members while ignoring the high ups. Your point is like listing all the Apple employees and then concluding the company is actually ran by the Chinese just because the sweatshops are full of Chinese.

>Jews were overrepresented in the leadership.
Would be nice if you had any statistics on that.

Those Jews in "leadership" were constantly killing each other, destroying traditional Jewish life, the Zionist movement, and Hebrew culture on orders of their uncircumcised overlords. What a fucking conspiracy you have in there.

Why dont you go back to /pol/ to discuss this?

Fuck, ignorant faggot


>Dominican kike strikes again

You are ruining this board, little champ, stop

Sorry, Wilton is not a reliable source.

Members of the central comittee and their ethnicty are no secret. You can freely check them up here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Committee_elected_by_the_7th_Congress_of_the_Russian_Communist_Party_(Bolsheviks). You even have the Jews pointed out.

You are a jew.

Are there any jews that are proud of Jewish involvement in far left politics? It seems even leftist jews like to downplay Jewish involvement in leftism when ostensibly it is something they should proud of.

Of cource. Just not the ones that would challenge capitalism or Israel.

Jews are lmythical creatures that are able to magically change their DNA upon converting to another religion. Therefore Marx and Trotsky can't count as Jews, since they criticized judaism! And Marx's father converted to protestantism, that makes him a German. I guess if he converted to Aztec religion it would make him native American too.

>When over 90% of the important roles are taken by the Jews and when the political system is founded by the Jews then it is a Jewish revolution.
Because they were all atheists.

Except the actual central committee (ruling council) of the party wasn't majority jewish either, or even close to that

Lets look at the FIRST Central Committee of the USSR:

-Lenin (not Jewish)
-Andrey Andreyev (not Jewish)
-Aleksei Badayev (not Jewish)
-Andrey Bubanov (not Jewish)
-Nikolai Bukharin (not Jewish)
-Vlas Chubar (not Jewish)
-Felix Dzerhinsky (not Jewish)
-Grigory Evdokimov (not Jewish)
-Mikhail Frunze (not Jewish)
-Mikhail Kalinin (not Jewish)
-Lazar Kaganovich (Jewish)
-Lev Kamaneve (Jewish)
-Moisei Kharitonov (Jewish)
-Sergei Kirov (not Jewish)
-Nikolay Kolotilov (not Jewish)
-Nikolay Komarov (not Jewish)
-Stanislav Kosior (not Jewish)
-Ivan Korotkov (not Jewish)
-Nikolay Kubiak (not Jewish)
-Emanuel Kviring (not Jewish)
-Mikhail Lashevich (not Jewish)
-Dmitry Lebed (not Jewish)
-Ivan Lepse (not Jewish)
-Dmitry Manuilsky (not Jewish)
-Alexander Miansnikian (not Jewish)
-Vasily Mikhailov (not Jewish)
-Anastas Mikoyan (not Jewish)
-Vyacheslav Molotov (not Jewish)
-Ivan Morozov (not Jewish)
-Ivan Moskvin (not Jewish)
-Nariman Narimanov (not Jewish)
-Mamia Orakhelashvili (not Jewish)
-Sergo Ordzhonikidze (not Jewish)
-Grigory Petrovsky (not Jewish)
-Georgy Pyatakov (not Jewish)
-Karl Radek (Jewish)
-Christian Rakovsky (not Jewish)
-Janis Rudzutaks (not Jewish)
-Alexi Rykov (not Jewish)
-Turar Ryskulov (not Jewish)
-Mykola Skrypnyk (not Jewish)
-Alexander Smirnov (not Jewish)
-Joseph Stalin (not Jewish)
-Leon Trotsky (Jewish)
-Alexander Tsiurupa (not Jewish)
-Nikolai Uglanov (not Jewish)
-Konstantin Ukhanov (not Jewish)
-Mikhail Uryvayev (not Jewish)
-Kliment Voroshilov (not Jewish)
-Isaak Zelensky (Jewish)
-Pyotr Zalutsky (not Jewish)
-Grigory Zinoviev (Jewish)

31 members, 7Jews = 22%

>Chuvash + Kalmyk + Swede + German + Jew
>literally not a single drop of Russian blood
>everyone calling him "Russian"

Israel hates communism, this has nothing to do with their online shilling

Lenin was Christian until the death of his father.

He never practiced Judaism in his life. Probably had a humungous uncut cock too.

>what is kibbutz

This retarded argument again. See

Kibbutz are basically kill in Israel.

>gets BTFO'd with statistics that show Latvians over 10 times more overrepresented than Jews and Lithuanians over 5 times more overrepresented

Lenin actually wasn't Jewish though. Both his parents were disgusting goy animals, and they had a disgusting goy child named Vladimir.

>Your point is like listing all the Apple employees and then concluding the company is actually ran by the Chinese just because the sweatshops are full of Chinese.
This is a very bad comparison. Parties and companies work in a different way. People who joined the communist party obviously believed in communist ideas.

>everyone calling him "Russian"
He called himself a Russian, so why not? Lite mongoloids like Chuvash or Kalmyks can be considered Russian once they assimilate. It's not like ethnic Russians are some sort of pure race.

Why are you denying context on purpose? Most bank tellers in my area are disproportionately black females, but the banks themselves are still disproportionately owned and managed by jews.

>jew is only ethnicity
Plus, if you count all those other ethnicitieshe's barely a jew racially

you're so fucking obnoxious. to argue as you do, that jewish DNA taints people, is as equally retarded as saying that marx is full blooded german. majority of jews haven't done jackshit but you insist on your stupid genetic determinism and your caricature of opposing arguments demonstrates how little willing you are to actually consider the opinion of the opposition.


>ignoring the statistics which annihilated your argument
>w-w-what about the context?

I know Lenin wasn't really Jewish. I'm just saying he wasn't a Russian. And challenging the idiotic idea that only a believer in Judaism can be a Jew.

>And challenging the idiotic idea that only a believer in Judaism can be a Jew.

Marx & Trotsky an anyone else halachically Jewish are clearly Jews whether they liked it or not.

>Why is the 1917 Bolsevik revolution in Russia never labeled as a Jewish revolution?
Are you retarded?

That is not a good refutation, the upper echelons of communist parties were traditionally led by jews communism is a Jewish movement overall. Especially vanguardism where the (((educated))) revolutionaries are supposed to impose a brutal dictatorship on the proletariat which is a distinctly Jewish bourgeois strain of communism.

Fun fact: When Trotsky was an anti-communist in his teen era, he was a member of a Russian Zionist club.

Are Jews the most triggering ethnic group on the planet?

Any mention of them can inflame the senses of the many people out there who are obsessed with them.

I think Southern Italians come a close second to having this trigger potential.

He even went to one of the Zionist congresses, he eventually realized they were bourgeoisie imperialists though. Comrades like him almost destroyed the Zionist reactionaries.

>an anyone else halachically Jewish are clearly Jews
That's not true. For example in western society ethnicity is determined primarily by paternal side.

Which statistics ANNIHILATED my argument? None. Jews were disproportionately represented in upper echelons of the communist party both in Russia and Bavaria. Just own up to it Schlomo.


Rabbis do refer to them as seed of israel, and they're still ethnically half jewish.

It's similar to how Arab Muslims call themselves "Sons of the Prophet" and shit.

so what? all you have to say is that they were "jewish" by jewish laws? what significance does that have at all? you keep implying that to be of jewish descent makes one sinister but you haven't proved or told us why that is. You keep insisting that Bolshevism is Jewish but you haven't told us why or what that means? You just keep spouting the traditional antisemitic tropes of "jewish bolshevism" but all i'm seeing is someone who is historically illiterate who is full of bluster and makes false analogies but has no arguments to back up anything he says.

Maybe in ancient Israel, not in our patriarchal society.

>by jewish laws
By DNA actually.

revolutionaries were mostly people who were fed up with tsarist russia, persecuted and wanted independence.
makes you think, huh?

Gas lighting: the post

Germans did the Holocaust. Jews did the Holodomor.

The Holodomor was much worse, this should be acknowledges.

no shit. but again, you're still avoiding the point. what does that prove? why are you drawing so much significance from DNA in the case of Lenin for example?

Again, more proof that you have no interest in arguing in good faith. All you care about is distorting other's arguments and accusing everyone who has a different opinion than you of being communists or jews, because you so badly want to prove that jews are evil, even though you haven't provided any substantial or historically grounded arguments. You don't care about history all you care is using it for your own ideological ends.

>Germans did the Holocaust. Jews did the Holodomor.
so this is what it's all about? proving that the jews are more evil than nazis? where's your proof here anyway?

>Holodomor was organized by Kaganovich, a Jew
>Young Turks were created by Makedonian Jews, Armenian genocide was perpetrated by them
>Sephardic Jews hugely participated in Atlantic slave trade
>Jews are behind the colonial exploitation of Africa, Cecil Rhodes was acting on behalf of the Jew Alfred Beit and the Rothschild family was the biggest shareholder of Debeers company
And then they have the nerve to say shit like pic related.

If you use the DNA argument that means you unironically believe the Old Testament

Which makes you the JOOOOOO

>Jews invented human biology

Jews were disproportionately involved in Communism, and jews were disproportionately represented in the leadership of the early USSR and the Bavarian Soviet Republic. I am not arguing in bad faith I'm simply stating facts. I'm sorry that merely pointing out jews causes you to lose your shit and engage in all kinds of mental contortions.

>Jews are unironically the descendants of Egyptian slaves
>t. Orthodox Rabbi

Hungary too. Bela Kun and Gyorgy Lukacs, both Jews.

>Jews are responsible for Holodomor, Armenian genocide, Atlantic slave trade and colonialism in Africa

Wow, so this is the power of /pol/...

Whatever the fuck they are, they're genetically distinct.

Not all colonialism actually, but specifically the British one. In fact we might as well rename the British empire into Rotschild empire because that's pretty much what they are.

>Holodomor was organized by Kaganovich, a Jew
In what way was Kaganovich more responsible for Holodomor than Stalin?

So you agree with Orthodox Rabbis that Jews are genetically unique

So if one grows up not knowing a thing of Jewish heritage openly joins a party seeks to smash Judaism in the world that person is still Jewish despite being in absolute ignorance of and heritage and open dislike for Judaism?

You are just like the Orthodox revivalist trying to get new believers into their meme religion by claiming religion is in the DNA


>Rabbi says sky is blue
>If you think sky is blue it means you're a Jew!
This is your brain on Christian blood matzo. The mental gymnastics are amusing.

Is your problem with Judaism or with Ashkenaz?

If you have problems with people who light shabbat candles then Trotsky should not be considered Jewish.

If you have a problem with Ashkenaz, just say so, don't conflate it with Judaism, especially if the Askenaz in question loathe Judaism

>The Holodomor was much worse
Nope. It was bad, but not worse than the Holocaust.

Because it wasn't Jewish or Russian or any other but marxist and international.

Fug! Shud id down! :DDDD

Just another day on Veeky Forums. Yet another muh Jewish conspiracy thread.

>Why is the 1917 Bolsevik revolution in Russia never labeled as a Jewish revolution?
Because they were atheists



The eternal Kraut strikes again

Many not Jewish members had Jewish wives.
For instance Molotov's and Voroshilov's wives were Jewish.

Don't forget about the bolsheviks who had Jewish tailors.

Do you actually think jews are genetically predisposed to being ebil or something?

How is having a Jewish wife the same as being Jewish? I thought you said it was a genetic thing?


>jewish wives were behind the russian revolution

Most believable claim ITT so far.

Good argument fuckface

Not him but "one drop rule"

>"one drop rule"
is fucking retarded

Ironically, /pol/tards believe that Jews are superhuman demigods with amazing powers of exerting political influence, while whites are just passive puppets. The /pol/tard vision of history is one in which Jews are the chief protagonists and central driving force behind nearly all important political developments of the last 2000 years. It's like a complementary shadow version of Jews' own belief in being the chosen people. Jews are powerful, sure, probably the most powerful ethnic group per capita in the world - but not even in the most ardent Zionist's dreams are they as powerful as /pol/tards imagine them to be.