Based on historical evidence and research, who are the Sea People most likely to have been?
Based on historical evidence and research, who are the Sea People most likely to have been?
I always assumed they were an army comprised of deserters from various cultures that all turned to piracy.
Anglos trying to open the Suez for money.
The second one you in that photo has armor, helmet, sword and shield identical to that of sardinian nuragic warriors
S*rdinians and then some opportunistic warband from various places that took advantage of the destruction.
so do I
anatolians, a few minoans, some italians maybe
They weren't one type of people, they came from many cultures across generations. They are most analogous to the Vikings, who were drawn from across the Germanic world, and who were an occupation rather than a class (you would go "a-viking", you wouldn't BE a viking). After the success of the first wave of Sea Peoples, the booty and stories they brought back to their homelands inspired the next wave, and so on for ~100 years. In that time, the victims of the first waves themselves joined the later waves, so you get Achean Greeks being destroyed in the first wave and then showing up as the Peleset in later waves, fighting alongside the very peoples who had destroyed their civilization a generation earlier.
that's a retarded theory. Why would I join the guys that destroyed my father's way of life?
it's nearly sure that the sherden were sardinians and the shekelesh sicilian
For loot, of course
>muh boats
Nice try, we all know that nobody could possibly have lived there until recently.
>be civilized bronze age Greek
>barbarians invade and destroy your civilization
>oh shi- now we're all starving and impoverished
>another group of different barbarians arrives, recruiting for warriors to go fuck shit up in other countries
can you link me the thread where this meme started? as a sardinans its amusing
yes this is accurate
They came from a Mad Max 2 set.
Etruscans, Sardinians, Sicillians, Balearics, Minoans (/Eteocypriots/Lemnosi), and Anatolians. Maybe Tartessosi too.
Basically, a hodge-podge from nations that collapsed when the price of bronze plummeted. The hungry people then left, becoming pirates, joining up with other pirates, and raiding the cities and nations that had weathered the storm.
In 13th century BC new groups migrated into Italy, the Balkans and Thrace from Central Europe.
From the Balkans a group began to attack Mycenaean Greece down the Aegean Sea starting from around 1250, possibly centered in Epirus or perhaps drawing manpower from tribes along the coast. The Mycenaeans held off for decades, during which time the sea peoples apparently adopted Mycenaean pottery and a Doric dialect, then by around 1180 invasions devastated much of Greece with western Greece most affected leaving it speaking Doric for centuries thereafter.
From here they set about sailing around the Mediterranean. The Phrygians, a distant offshoot from the original migrations, used this opportunity to invade the Hittites.
Black warriors
>Sea People
Is this fuckery related to the aftermath of Santorini eruption?
Most historians will tell you either Dorians or invaders from the Carpatho-Danubian region of Europe, but really there's no solid evidence to any hypothesis.
My personal opinion is that in the wake of the Trojan War, many greeks took to plundering on their way back home (as alluded to by Homer), which in turn caused widespread Greek disillusionment with farming and settled society, favouring the naval raider lifestyle. This would account for the collapse of writing as well.
In short, the united Greek and Trojan alliances fell apart and gave rise to an amalgate of mercenaries and pirates from various cultures, living from the plunder of remaining cultures ie Egyptians, Hittites, ...
No, santorini eruption took place a few centuries earlier and should rather be associated with the Minoan culture collapse
Thanks. Interesting opinion btw.
I was reading about the Santorini eruption, and from a geological point of view it was an actual extinction event, so I wondered if it wasn't the starting point of the collapse of the emerging civilizations. Major event + fragile structure, you know...
Based on the foreign pottery and materials in the Levant and Cyprus which where said to have been invaded by the sea peoples the answer are: Aegean (a good 50%), Anatolians (20%) Cypriots (20%) South Italians and Sardinians (10%), the berbers also helped the sea peoples to fight against Egyptians in different occasions
It's like I'm living in a twilight zone, the same fucking threads over and over, with the same replies each fucking time.
Still happening today
You forgot the
>yfw when Spanish destroyed Aztec civilization thread
>yfw nihilist/depressed thread
>why did Vikings lose every battle? thread
Mainly Indo-Europeans most likely. The Mitani might've been Iranics.
No, they were sailors and mainly footsoldiers, not horse riders
>people are coming from the sea to rape and pillage your civilization? Okay here's what you do to defend yourself against them you ju-
>Why would I join the guys that destroyed my father's way of life?
somebody has never read machiavelli
Time travelling Ween fans
Mitanni are citied to have been likely ruled over by a Iranic high caste. mate.
Mitanni were not among the sea peoples