Trigger the boos in this thread
>Werhmact wasn't that great, army organization gave them the advantage in WW2.
>Nazi Germany would of failed economically given time
>Byzantines aren't Roman
>Sparta is literally the most overrated greek city state
>Prussia was a shithole
>Britain is responsible for 90% of the worlds current geopolitical problems
Trigger the boos
>Byzantines aren't Roman
>Britain is responsible for 90% of the worlds current geopolitical problems
Not a Britaboo, but it's exaggerated. Britain does have some degree of responsibility for most of them, but definitely not sole responsibility.
>Nazi Germany would of failed economically given time
>would of
you've triggered me alright
The best thing to ever happen to non-whites was whites
>Byzantines aren't Roman
>army organization
Weird way how to spell Zerg rush
>declaring war
you can only trigger boos if you literally falsify history
>Triggering "boos"
>with blatant fasehoods
What do the numbers on their shirts mean?
Nothing triggers me more than 1871 and 1940. And l'm not even French.
Curse the eternal Kraut.
prussia vs france
half the german army vs britain and france
ww2 11 countries defeated
>would of
This should result in instant execution.
>Prussia was terrible country to live and milions of Germans were leaving for the US
>Britain BTFO'd German Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, while Russians BTFO'd Wehrmacht.
>Venice did nothing wrong. PS: The Roman Empire fell in 476.
>British were "great" only because they fought with technologically inferior peoples, but sucked at fight with other Europeans.
>Russians are part. Mongoloid and degenerate.
>Germans are swarthier than Poles.
>Nikolai II Romanov was a cuck and an idiot.
>German "Empire" got BTFO by Entente. PS: Wilhelm II was a retard.
>Sparta was the shittiest Greek city state.
>Alexander the Great was a blond Slav.
>Persia got BTFO and religiously cucked by the Arabs.
>Turks are Middle-Eastern LARPers who have nearly no connection to the real Altaic peoples.
>Vikings were brutal savages and Odin drank semen.
>Japanese got BTFO by the Americans, and they deserved Hiroshima and Nagasaki for what they did in China.
>Modern Indians have no right to feel proud of Indus Valley/Zero number/Sanskrit, because it was developed in present-day Pakistan.
>Napoleon was an evil and cruel dictator who got BTFO by winter. Also LOL THE FRENCH ARE SHIT UNLESS THEY ARE RULED BY NON-FRENCH.
>Italians are side-changing cowards, and Kingdom of Italy was pathetic.
>Roman Empire was degenerate. Thank you germanics for destroying it.
>Irish are low-IQ commies who first fought for Irish Ireland, and then gave it to non-whites. PS: Black and Tans were anti-terrorist group.
>Egypt is overrated and didn't invent anything meaningful.
>Sumerians were blue-eyed Europeans.
>Babylonian and Assyrian history is boring.
>Poland is a poor shithole which never achieved anything.
>Holy >Roman >Empire was retarded.
I hope I didn't forget anything.
Voltaire was a smug faggot and it was holy, roman(controlled rome), and it was indeed an empire
Byzantines were Hellenic, moron
>controlled Rome
They did and then they didn't. They were still romes spiritual successor
Pretty sure the last one should be 11-1 at the very least.
Not arguing that.
>they controlled Rome
>tfw boos wouldn't exist if the french only bothered to fight and counter attack instead of acting like sitting ducks
>>British were "great" only because they fought with technologically inferior peoples, but sucked at fight with other Europeans.
This is absolutely wrong. The British often fought very well against other Yuros, and often fought natives with similar tech and overwhelmingly more numbers.
No, the secret to British success is Jewry. The Eternal Anglo knows no shame, nor honour; they play Anglo tricks on "friend" and foe (everyone) alike. They divide empires, turn neighbour against neighbour, and oh-so-handily sweep up the now war-wasted lands into their engorging empire, laughing that superlative laugh.
>Britain is responsible for 90% of the worlds current geopolitical problems
this is 100% true
>The British often fought very well against other Yuros
Sometimes yeah, provided they had strong allies to rely on
>and often fought natives with similar tech
That one is wrong tho
India, dude.
By "similar" I mean like the US vs. 80s Iran or something. So, yeah, they had better tech, but it's not Brits vs. Zulus.
look up the Suez Canal scandal to see British people get utterly cucked by Americans
Britain didnt conquer India militarily but through economical and political chess game
They used trade to jew indian factions into fighting each others and eventually bought the country
That's exactly what I said.
yeah, they literally occupied it. thats why the pope had to call the first crusade from his house in france, since he was kicked out of HRE rome
>They were still romes spiritual successor
The Byzantines weren't Rome's "spiritual successor." That's like saying that 1980's America was the spiritual successor to 1970's America. It was literally the same group of people, but with their capital moved to Constantinople.
HRE = Germans LARPing as Romans
ERE = Greeks LARPing as Romans
case closed
wehraboos need to be either gassed or forced to read history books on the Eastern Front
I find it funny how nobody is criticizing France in this thread. Veeky Forums really is a ouiaboo board.
Notice how no one is booing that?
Carry on lads.
>Germans are swarthier than Poles.
Not really, but darker hair is (historically) way more common in the south, thanks to old Celtic mountain stock.
Anyway, I've been to Poland and that you're in a Slav land is obvious.
Ireland would happily be part of the Union if the English weren't so absolutely terrible at administration and had treated them better.
>>Werhmact wasn't that great, army organization gave them the advantage in WW2.
Beats me.
>>Nazi Germany would of failed economically given time
Maybe, but I think there'd be a revolution/revolt that succeeds much sooner.
>>Byzantines aren't Roman
>When a roman walks outside of Rome he stop being a Roman.
That doesn't make sense.
>>Sparta is literally the most overrated greek city state
What do you mean with overrated? They dominated the other city states for a while, until their numbers started dwindling.
>>russia was and is a shithole
>>Britain is responsible for 90% of the worlds current geopolitical problems
Probably, those rascals.
But those idiots got overtaken by sandniggers.
More like overrated armies
>the war ended in 1870
Says a lot about the average Veeky Forums poster
Look at this leftypol faggot crying for a leftist safespace
"Roman" was a nationality, not an ethnicity. Eastern Roman Empire was a Greco-Roman state; Greek by culture (and presumably ethnically), Roman by state mechanics.
If that's wrong, then please refute me.
Oh shit that picture wasn't on-topic at all
The poster was talking about >>>- not Byzantium.
Communism worked but people didn't
Pretending to be retarded much?
This is true though.
>Nikolai II Romanov was a cuck and an idiot
Yes, but he was cute.
>Muh superior Soviet Army
>Muh Greatest Generation
>German superiority is a myth
So you didn't actually fight them, you subverted them through economics like the common kike
>Sumerians were blue eyed Europeans
>anyone questioning muh Nazis is a leftist
Go beg for your socialist programs, hanz
>best armies
>lost each time
What did he mean by this?
Hitler did rebuild most Germany off credit which would have sent Germany into another depression if it wasn't for the war.
Germany declared war on belgium and France in 1914 stupid
Not very good at reading, are you?
That's wrong though. Incas were superior to europeans.
superior to europeans at dying
>Turks are Middle-Eastern LARPers who have nearly no connection to the real Altaic peoples.
I will find you and kick your fucking skull in
>Britain is responsible for 90% of the worlds current geopolitical problems
As if this hasn't been Britain's modus operandi for hundreds of years.
The phase of the war in 1871 was essentially the siege of Paris. So he really cannot be blamed as the real war was in 1870.
>siege of the enemy capital city isnt a major part of the war
>no francoboo joke
Really makes me think
kys faggot