I am getting really good at making retro gaming systems that are very small and have thousands of games on them...

I am getting really good at making retro gaming systems that are very small and have thousands of games on them. I have been mostly making them for friends and family selling them at cost. Everyone loves them.

I want to maybe start selling them and make a little side cash. Is there a way to go about doing this so that I don't get in trouble?

I'm not looking to build an enterprise, but some gas and pizza money would be nice. What do you think user?

Other urls found in this thread:


I imagine the only people you could sell this to without exposing yourself would be people who already know how to play those games for free.

Just don't put games on them. Provide a simple Interface to get legal free games from a portal, where "black sheep" also upload illegal games. Provide the portal with dmca takedown like one click hosters.

I was actually thinking about making a hobby of this.

I want to start buying old n64's, install HDMI mods and also everdrive 64 with all games on them.

U cant sell them legally, but i would find it extremely fun to sell them illegally to friends etc.

>I am getting really good at making retro gaming systems that are very small and have thousands of games on them.
So, loading a raspi with a nes emulator?

Buy a bunch of mini SNESes when the next batch ships out and sell them for retarded markups on ebay.

Easy legal money

Its more than that. I have spent months scrubbing lists, cleaning meta data, adjusting shaders, testing N64 plug ins, applying themes and locking down the interface.

It really is an out of the box dummy proof setup. I even made like a 30 page instruction manual for it.

My problem is that I have created a SD Card Image so I can easily duplicate them. There is no easy way for me to show someone how to download and rip the image to an SD Card.

I'd be interested in buying. Put a link up

It's time for closed source. Rewrite some parts and make them closed source. Make the games only playable when having an internet connection or provide them with uuids and serial numbers like win 95 did.

Wuku is that u

Literally nobody wants to buy your RetroPi box.

Or if it's a really original idea, make a kickstarter, lie that you're only halfway done, use buzzwords like "open source", and say you need one bizillion dollar to complete your project and take over the world.
Hipsternerds will buy in.
Lay back and get paid

Whatever you do be careful. Nintendo won't hesitate to sue the fuck out of anyone they can. They sued a guy for having a Pokemon party. lol

>Is there a way to go about doing this so that I don't get in trouble?

A. sell them with no games loaded, make it as easy as possible for people to get games loaded on it themselves

B. dont get caught.

There's no way around copyrights and trademarks. Every videogame is licensed and you cannot profit off it without permission. You're not even supposed to download a rom unless you own the physical copy

Nintendo is known to get real serious about their trademarks, moreso than the others from what I've heard. You don't want to be on the wrong end of a lawsuit like that.

Can I maybe just advertise on Craigslist or something. I see ads all the time for people on Craigslist and eBay selling preloaded Hyperspin hard drives. Is this any different? Do they ever get in trouble?

Here is one on eBay now:


There are a ton of these listings.

Dude this is exactly the thing I want to do, can I gt that manual?

>open source
>active devs
>no resistance

>It really is an out of the box dummy proof setup. I even made like a 30 page instruction manual for it.

like, just re-read what you just wrote... dummy-proof =/= 30 page instruction manual

>choose one

sounds like a solid plan. I'm sure law enforcement officers are way too stupid to keep an eye on places like craigslist for illicit activities. No way meeting in person in your local surroundings to sell highly illegal merchandise could go wrong, go for it!

You could probably start selling things like weed and coke through craigslist while you're at it. They start with an 8ball of blow and an NES emulator, then once theyre hooked you get them on black tar heroin and Dreamcast.

I think you might be the next kingpin.

Someone is already doing it:


Most of the pages are controller layouts. There are tons of pictures on it. Its plug and play.

there was a guy in the netherlands selling what you do, he got caught, not by nintendo but by the licencing asociation of holland, don't know how it's called in america but he is out of business. so you probably can do this, till you get caught... i would say, sell them without the rom and send a link with a website to the roms to upload, then you aren't doing annything wrong i guess

Can I state in my listing that the sale is for the hardware and no software is included in the price and just include the card with the preloaded software on it for free?