I'm not talking about why people nowadays hate Jews, or why the Nazi's hated the Jews, or anything of that sort. If I do recall, Jew hatred was a thing in modern Europe much before that. I'm curious as to why, I can't really think of anything that it came from unless it's the leftover resentment from the religiousness of pre-modern Europe.
Where did Jew hatred come from?
The reasons have changed dramatically over time.
>small insular minority of people who do things that your religion considers unethical, like moneylending, who are also said to have killed your prophet
Hmm... I wonder.
>Ancient Jew-Hatred = These damn Jews only believe in one God, how rude
>Medieval Jew-Hatred = These damn Jews killed Jesus, how rude
>Medieval Jew-Hatred II = These damn Jews caused the plague, how rude
>Medieval Jew-Hatred III = These damn Jews keep stabbing the holy wafer to torture Jesus, how rude
>Modern Jew-Hatred = These damn Jews invented communism, how rude
>Modern Jew-Hatred II = These damn Jews invented capitalism, how rude
>Modern Jew-Hatred III = These damn Zionists caused ___
canonized hostility to jews in christianity, and jews were always an alien body in whatever state they lived in that kept to themselves and refused to assimilate
both of these made them ideal targets for scapegoating and expulsion, the latter especially because if you expel them you can seize all their shit and look like a good christian while you do it
What were the reasons? And were the issues related to Jewish people or was it more like "Random problem X is an issue... It must be the Jews!"
Nevermind, internet took a shit and didn't see the new replies.
>like moneylending
Technically, lending money at high rates is condemned in the Old Testament too. The only reason Jews did usury is because Christian royalty wanted to use them as a loophole against the Church authorities who banned Christians from moneylending. They would build up these rich "Court Jews" (term used in Britain, France) or "Protected Jew" (term used in Germany), or "Useful Jew" (term used in Russia/Eastern Europe) and then, once their Court Jew made too much money, they would execute the entire family and seize all their property. Then they would kick out all the Jews who usually did normal ass jobs like tailors. The Rothschilds are a good example of what happens when you don't execute and take all the money from your Court Jews.
Ah okay. That makes sense. Thank you.
and what's a good example of what happens when you do, the Romanovs? The Bourbons?
>The Rothschilds are a good example of what happens when you don't execute and take all the money from your Court Jews.
The Rothschilds started out as court Jews? Wtf I hate Germany now.
>The only reason Jews did usury is because Christian royalty wanted to use them as a loophole against the Church authorities who banned Christians from moneylending
>lending money at high rates is condemned in the Old Testament too
Raising the question of WHY THEY DID IT. I totally agree that these high-status people sought to profit from Jewish moneylending, but they didn't force them to lend money in the first place.
And why are jewish people so predominant in related modern "industries" now? Usury in the medieval sense hasn't been illegal for Christians for some time. Either they're innately better at it (which makes no sense if they were "forced" to do it by by Christian royals as you imply) or they just kept doing it and favoring their own group extremely heavily even after it was legal (which also seems to indicate that they weren't forced into the role originally, otherwise why would they continue?).
I don't even want to bring up why Christianity condemned usury in the first place.
>what's a good example of what happens when you do, the Romanovs? The Bourbons?
Any rich Jewish family who made their wealth off being official court Jews of European royalty before the Rothschilds. I've yet to find one wealthy Jewish family in Medieval times that didn't end in the entire family being executed, all their wealth being seized, and all the Jews being expelled.
>Raising the question of WHY THEY DID IT
Because they were given equal rights. Useful Jews/Court Jews/Protected Jews didn't have to deal with the typical Jewish restrictions. They were equal in every way. If you were a Jew back then and the King offered you equal rights in return for being his personal court Jew who controls a lot of the money, you would probably take it up.
>but they didn't force them to lend money in the first place.
When you pigeonhole Jews out of most industries besides money lending, you clearly are. It was completely strategic, money lending was looked at as a terrible job back then. It was too, considering you would eventually lose all the money you made in the first place when the royalty decides to snatch it all up for themselves.
>Where does anti-Semitism come from
Jews are nativistic and xenophobic assholes to anyone who isn't Jewish. Since the Second Temple of Solomon was crushed by the Romans, they have existed as a diaspora people who re-interpreted their religious doctrine into the Talmud, which has some pretty nasty things to say about non-jews and Christians.
During the feudal system they were also assigned royal protection as tax collectors who were property of the local nobleman or king, and of course there is the kabbalah which was created by Jews as an esoteric religion which most common folk saw as a form of Satanism. European hatred of Jews was also mutual, as Jews lived by strict internal law systems and codes which they kept separate from the gentiles. You have to keep in mind that most Jews you see today who don't fit the description of Jews I'm giving are atheistic, conservative, or reform Jews.
Even they are fairly nativistic in an unconscious manner, but the Orthodox and Hasids? Forget about it. Hasids won't even speak to goyim.
>WW2 ends
>Jewish settlement begins
This is your brain on Palestinian Nationalism
I think they mean mass Jewish settlement, obviously the Mizrahi were still there. Most of whom didn't want to associate themselves with the newcomers who were stirring up tensions with the local Muslims , at least as I've been told by a few Jews I know.
>the Talmud, which has some pretty nasty things to say about non-jews and Christians
No it doesn't. The Talmud doesn't mention Christians or Jesus even once. Christians claim every reference to Yeshu is a reference to Jesus even though there are clearly multiple Yeshus who exist in many different contexts. As far as "non-Jews," Goys are irrelevant as far as Judaism is concerned. If you take a statistical look at Jewish texts, they talk about non-Jews very minimally. Judaism is about being a Jew more than anything.
>And why are jewish people so predominant in related modern "industries" now?
In the case of Hollywood, it's because they were the first to establish the studio system and the first to start distribution on a relatively wide scale.
>Jews are nativistic and xenophobic assholes to anyone who isn't Jewish.
didn't realize jews were a hivemind, thanks for this historical information
>I think they mean mass Jewish settlement
That's even more autistic. Jews had already almost been a majority by WW2. Zionism started in the 1880's. Anyone who claims "Jewish settlement began after WW2" is lying.
>Most of whom didn't want to associate themselves with the newcomers
Propaganda. Every single Mizrahi became a Zionist in 1929, when Palestinians massacred Anti-Zionist Middle Eastern Jews in Hebron. Before that they were iffy about Zionism, but ever since then they've been on the far-right. The most notable Zionist assassins have all been Mizrahi, since the 30's and 40's.
>That's even more autistic. Jews had already almost been a majority by WW2. Zionism started in the 1880's. Anyone who claims "Jewish settlement began after WW2" is lying.
There were about twice as many Muslims as Jews west of the Jordan in 1947.
>Yeshua isn't a reference to Jesus
Except it's references to Stada in Sanhedrin are meant, obviously, to be references to Mary, where they call her a whore and her son a false prophet
Then in Toldoth Jeshu it says
>And Jesus said: Did not Isaiah and David, my ancestors, prophesy about me? The Lord said to me, thou art my son, today I have begotten thee,(18) etc. Likewise in another place: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my right hand(19). Now I ascend to my father who is in heaven and will sit at his right hand, which you will see with your own eyes. But you, Judas, will never reach that high(20). Then Jesus pronounced the great name of God (IHVH) and continued to do so until a wind came and took him up between earth and sky. Judas also pronounced the name of God and he likewise was taken up by the wind. In this way they both floated around in the air to the amazement of the onlookers. Then Judas, again pronouncing the Divine Name, took hold of Jesus and pushed him down to earth. But Jesus tried to do the same to Judas and thus they fought together. And when Judas saw he could not win out over the works of Jesus he pissed on Jesus, and both thus being unclean they fell to earth; nor could they use the Divine name again until they had washed themselves."
I know that this is no longer Canon, but it's definitely evidence that Jews do not like gentiles, back then, and now. That's not to say all jews are like that, but I've been around you lot enough to know you treat non-Jews differently.
>Doesn't read the caveat:
>You have to keep in mind that most Jews you see today who don't fit the description of Jews I'm giving are atheistic, conservative, or reform Jews.
>Even they are fairly nativistic in an unconscious manner, but the Orthodox and Hasids? Forget about it. Hasids won't even speak to goyim.
Sorry m8, I've known enough jews in my time to notice that you're an easily offended and nativistic bunch. Always have been.
you're painting millions of people with an awfully broad brush
racist nonsense, you should be ashamed for thinking your anecdotes are relevant to this discussion in any way
They're a middle-man minority and they are disproportionately successful. Similar to Armenians in the Ottomon Empire, Igbos in Nigeria, Lebanese, and so on. Each of these groups always invite envy because they are so much more successful than the general average and they tend to be in "middle-man" positions like traders that don't on a surface-level like they directly contribute to society the way other positions do. They usually invite conspiracy theories and other explanations to their success.
> so predominant in related modern "industries" now?
part of it has to do with traditions. jewish banking families had expertise in the area and its what they knew banking best, so their children continued to go into finance. part of it might be nepotism, as jewish financiers trusted their own in-group to be loyal and dedicated to bettering the ethnic group than inviting outsiders in who had different cultural and social mores from jews. another set you can attribute to drive and ambition, as there were some jews born into utter poverty who became financiers in early twentieth century america. their drive probably came from cultural traditions and their feeling of being underdogs in an environment that scorned them and at best socially snubbed them.
Yeah, I am a racist. I prefer the term , ethnographer, biological determinist, or race naturalist.
Sorry, but I actually go outside of my mother's basement and experience other communities without letting small outliers cloud my vision of the collective. Most Jewish people I've ever known are extremely neurotic and noisy about being Jewish. They don't treat non-Jews in the same manner as jews, ever, not even the liberal ones. It's almost like there is this Darwinian preference for your own kind that most people share amongst each other which is just inherent.
>which also seems to indicate that they weren't forced into the role originally
not really. the modern industrial world is heavily reliant on banking and speculation and so to work in those industries in the modern era meant the possibility of gaining untold wealth
your anecdotal evidence (certainly tainted with bias considering you admit that you're racist) is completely worthless
>It's an unironic JIDF fag trying to defend the Lehi
This is why people don't like Israelis
do you have a counter point to make? Your image and insults are not a counter point.
Except it isn't anecdotal evidence, and me disagreeing with you on the nature of genetics , deterministic models of behavior (inheritted behavioral traits, for instance), and theories of evolution doesn't give you a right to make me into some ontological other who you can separate from yourself as an irrational being simply because I disagree with you.
That's anti-dialectical, and you know it.
I started out as a jewish conspiritard thanks to /pol/ and being young and impressionable. Then, I went to college and made best friends with different jews. I also read a bunch of books about jewish history and history in general since then.
I can now say that elements of what you're saying do have truth to them but you dont have the full picture.
I doubt you've ever met very many jews and your entire picture is probably clouded by /pol/ memes and infographics.
>Except it isn't anecdotal evidence
Unless you've conducted a survey of jews using scientific methods then it very much is anecdotal evidence
>I've met a bunch of jews, they were assholes to me. I think this is because they inherited this behavior from their parents.
is the very definition of anecdotal
>Jewish settlement began after WW 2
When did I say that? Zionism first became popular due to Theodor Herzl , but it wasn't until after WW2 that the movement drew so much attention from the diaspora.
Come on, anyone who says that the issue wasn't polarized and more widespread after WW 2 than before is a lunatic.
No I met a lot of Jews in college and before college too. Most of them reform. They're all like that. They all act different amongst each other than with the goyim, and it's just something I've come to expect to them. Anyone who thinks Jews aren't an insanely nativistic people needs to get to know them better. I'm not saying they can't be good people either, hell the jewish friends I had in uni used to joke all the time about neurotic their community could be.
This doesn't mean there is some Rothschild banking conspiracy (although the jewish mob did get up to shady shit, but i for one am italian so I can't really complain) , that's just a quintessence of their folk.
again you're applying your anecdotal evidence to a vast and extremely diverse group of people
>I met a lot of jews in college
how many is a lot, 10? 20? 50? There are 15,000,000 jews in the world what relevance do you really think your anecdotes have?
>Unless you've conducted a survey of jews using scientific methods then it very much is anecdotal evidence
Well, there is this
But as to studies on trait neuroticism among Jewish populations, I don't have much.
Jews throughout Europe always had a vertical relation to their host society, that is, they would make a deal with the state to perform some function that their host society needed but was considered taboo or undesirable and never integrate with the actual population.
In return they would get some area (a Jewish ghetto) for their people to live and they would do all the same trades as other people, except that Jews would typically only patronize other Jews.
Examples would be money lending, collecting taxes, collecting rents, stuff like that.
You had this foreign parallel society who's main interaction with the local population was enforcing the edicts of rulers and the upper class or performing ignoble functions.
Modern antisemitism comes from their nepotistic practices within the confines of a free market and the modern state of Israel colonizing the fertile crescent.
his post literally has
>jewish terrorists.jpg
and you are trying to claim it's JIDF
how are you this dumb?
>but it's definitely evidence that Jews do not like gentiles
What did that reference have to do with gentiles? Gentiles does not mean Christians.
>I've been around you lot enough to know you treat non-Jews differently.
You obviously haven't. The only ones who do are Hasids, and Hasidism is a separate religion entirely. They are Jewish Amish. There is a reason Hasidic Jews are getting pushed out of Jerusalem into the Negev desert by native Palestinian Jews who are sick of their shit.
So it seems antisemitism is pretty much western or middle eastern how come there was no recorded cases of anti-semitism in India when the jews came there after the second temple was destroyed?
>When did I say that?
You said mass settlement, which clearly began in the 1880's.
>but it wasn't until after WW2 that the movement drew so much attention from the diaspora
They didn't make Aliyah though. If Zionism was so popular, all the American Jews would have came and there would be no Israeli-Palestinian conflict today. The only reason Israel isn't majority Arab today is because of the Mizrahim who came in swarms during the 40's and 50's.
Not even Middle Eastern. It's mainly European and Arab. Persians to a small degree. Kurds have always been chill with Jews. Georgians, Armenians, other West Asians never did anything to Jews either and they had been there for a millennia. The Mongols fucked with the Jews until they converted to Islam then they hated the Jews a lot.
Europeans are the most friendly welcoming people on earth, if you assimilate, Europeans will see you as one of their own, if you create an alien culture in enmity with them, they will see you as an enemy. Jews are nepotists.
According to Judaism, all non-Jews are less than human, the murders of non-Jews should be ignored by the courts, human sacrifice can be allowed, parents should mutilate the genitals of their children, pederasty and pedophilia should be permited, slavery is OK and certain crimes should be punished by stonings and beheadings. It seems obvious to me why people would be hostile towards a religious groups which subscribes to such "values".
So essentially there are either groupings of jews in europe and the middle east who are causing problems or that they were villified and simply grew into the role.
This post also says
>Every single Mizrahi became a Zionist in 1929, when Palestinians massacred Anti-Zionist Middle Eastern Jews in Hebron. Before that they were iffy about Zionism, but ever since then they've been on the far-right.
In other words, defending the mizrahi.
>most friendly
>genocides superior civically amerindians
The only place I’ve found it pre-Christ is in Greece. It seems likely that that Influenced antisemitism to seep into Christianity itself.
>Europeans are the most friendly welcoming people on earth
That really isn't saying much, either. Europeans can be down right brutal if provoked or if they feel righteous intent. I guess compared to people like Arabs, Amerindians, orientals, Bantus, etc they aren't as bad but let's not pretend like white people are all that old white couple from down the road who gives everyone cookies
> In other words, defending the mizrahi
Why wouldn't you defend the Mizrahi? I don't like these Russian LARPers, but Mizrahi Jews and Samaritans are objectively the indigenous people of Palestine. Arabs & European Jews are just immigrants who should be expelled.
[source needed]
>inb4 fake Talmud quotes in books not even in the Talmud
>re-interpreted their religious doctrine into the Talmud, which has some pretty nasty things to say about non-jews and Christians.
True, but from my experience in the Jewish community, the Talmud’s importance is exaggerated by non-Jews. It’s still all about the Torah on the inside, and I actually had to look up what the Talmud was later when I heard about it from an outside source.
>they are that bad
>I prefer the term , ethnographer, biological determinist, or race naturalist.
I meant lehi, not mizrahi. The lehi we're a far right Zionist group in Israel
To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly. (Libbre David 37).
The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts. (Baba Mecia 114-6).
A Jew may rob a goy–that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him. (Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348).
If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death. (Libbre David 37).
>Jews get an ethno-state but goyem get diversity
Ultimately Jew hatred comes from jews. They separated themselves from the rest of the world and started viewing themselves as the Creator 's (whom they more or less created) chosen people.
Separation leads to resentment. The main factors may change over time (religious, social, economic, political, ethnic) but the "difference" remains the main reason for hatred and contempt (on both sides).
>whites genocide amerindians and destroy almost completely most cultures
>just give me x!
Alright I admit, it sounds a bit pretentious but it's the only way to get around the "racist" buzzword. Otherwise people have this preconceived notion of my arguments I have to spend a good hour trying to work around so we can have a dialectical discussion.
>Its ok when the jews do it
>To communicate anything to a goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the goyim knew what we teach about them they would kill us openly. (Libbre David 37).
Libbre David is not even a real book, typical Goy fabrication.
>The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts. (Baba Mecia 114-6).
That numbering isn't even how books in the Talmud work. Another Goy fabrication.
>A Jew may rob a goy–that is, he may cheat him in a bill, if unlikely to be perceived by him. (Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348).
There is no "Choszen Hamiszpat" in the Talmud.
>If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death. (Libbre David 37).
Again, there is no Libbre David in the Talmud.
I'm not saying Goys are gullible... but....
>genocide amerindians
They accidently gave them small pox and the plague, how did they genocide them again? Are we just going to ignore King Phillip's War as well?
It's not like the Amerindians were much to marvel at, the Aztecs enslaved and killed so many people that they couldn't even progress out of the bronze age.
What are you talking about? You do realize 10% of Tel Aviv's population are Sudanese non-Jewish refugees, right?
>Jews still deny parts of the Talmud
Even after centuries of trying to keep it secret and away from the goys, you still push this shit eh? You used to deny it's existence altogether
>jews didn't round up the Palestinians and put them in concentration camps
oy vey rabbi
Not citizens :D
Find me "Libbre David" in the Talmud. Find me "Choszen Hamiszpat" in the Talmud. Find me "Baba Mecia 114-6" in the Talmud. You can't, because they don't exist. Do you realize how pathetic it is you have to stoop to making up books that don't exist and claiming they are in the Talmud?
That's nothing.
>kills 90% of amerindians due to disease
>amerindians suffer constant epidemics of 60-80% death rate
>europeans writte "legends" that nowadays reveal they were more savage than the exceptional aztecs
>wipes out the rest of the amerindians if they could (literally all nomadic amerindians except the uncontacted tribes in brazil that were later enslaved and killed by disease anyway)
>murder most high-middle class and assimilate the rest of the priviledged classes
>low classes thrown to toxic mines where the life expectancy is 30 years old more or less for 4 centuries
>inca culture almost erased as the objects from their capital and cities were burnt and the metal art and devices were melted for coins
>mongrelize them with niggers
It's pretty simple. Amerindians populated a vast territory of America. European disease killed the majority of their population, and started stealing their land. Mesoamericans and S.Americans were treated similarly.
>bronze age
Like whom/when?
not him, but i have noticed this trait in a couple of jews I've met
he's reform and acts really formal toward people he doesn't know, almost Reddit-like, but after being friends with him for a couple of years, he frequently talks like he's black since even though we're not the same religion we're still in the same tribe (same interests)
>A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
>Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
Well hey, Jewish Taqiya works too
>European disease killed the majority of their population
disease =/= genocide
learn to definition
Where is that book though? I'm serious, find me a source of it anywhere.
>Like whom/when?
Everyone except certain australiods, even Africans made it to the iron age, and they killed and enslaved each other even more than the Amerindians
>Accidently giving people a disease is genocide
Just gave it to you :D. You don't recognize your own book, rabbi?
Find me it in the Talmud. Why are there tons of Jewish websites with the entire Talmud on text but there is no trace of that book?
>The Book of Jore Dia 17. No such statement appears, This is a complete fabrication. Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17. There is no such book in the Talmud. These two words are part of the title of some 1500 books, but by themselves they mean only "responses."
First thing that shows up when you look it up.
>murders and enslaves the survivors
Are you admiting that europeans didn't conquer America, but actually waited till the 20+ diseases fucked them up completely?
The consequences of the enslavement, murdering of priviledged classes and assimilation are there. And all POVs lead to America belonging to Amerindians.
>all POVs lead to America belonging to Amerindians
not anymore lad, daily reminder that if you conquer something its yours
Probably because they don't want it to be on there. Its not like, for centuries, you hid the Talmud from the gentiles and denied it's existence
Not sure why that would change now.
>I read on a Zionist website that this doesn't exist, therefore it's true
So you admit that the current replacement of europeans by mexican mongrels and arabs on USA and europe is pretty valid?
This. As much as people have the rich jewish bankers meme these days, for most of their existance the jews were shit poor. It was only with the adoption of capitalism that they finally started to leave their state of absolute poverty.
>Accidently kill people through small pox, something that had been killing your people centuries
>Tons of open land available to you suddenly, while you're just a starving peasant trying to make a living
>Make agreements to stay out of certain native nations
>Population explodes because you are more industrialized and advanced than the natives
>Tensions arise
Sorry about that. I mean that was kind of inevitable t b h , but that doesn't make it seem good thing.
>So you admit that the current replacement of europeans by mexican mongrels and arabs on USA and europe is pretty valid?
only if they succeed, which is why they must be opposed in the present. Just like how the natives should have opposed the europeans better.
Didn't they do that to get away from Edison and his constant lawsuits? Which is rather ironic considering how lawsuit-happy Hollywood is now.
>invades land
>provokes the death of 90% of people of such lands
>procceeds to invade the rest of the land
It's pretty simple. America belongs to the Amerindians the same as europe belongs to europeans.
>opposed in the present
Irrelevant. All sides have traitors and different interests. If you support invasion giving one right's over a territory how can you defend the people who cannot even have a replacement rate that can sustain their own degenerate system? All POVs lead to America belonging to Amerindians.
Modern Jews (outside of Israel) are less tribalistic than they used to be. It's why there are so many atheist Jews now, which would an oxymoron for any other religion but Jews are also a culture.
>All POVs lead to America belonging to Amerindians.
by that retarded logic than Europe belongs to the neanderthals and Africa belongs to homo erectus
Being somewhere first has literally nothing to do with ownership, the group with the most power has ownership.
Not him but the conclusion is that you basically choose to believe in those quotes based on nothing.
>jewish terrorists.jpg
>Jews are nativistic and xenophobic assholes to anyone who isn't Jewish.
Can some stormfag explain how they reconcile this belief with the giant % of jews marrying non jews? It may be true for the super orthodox ones, but I don't think your average jew gives a fuck.
>Most Jewish people I've ever known are extremely neurotic and noisy about being Jewish. They don't treat non-Jews in the same manner as jews, ever, not even the liberal ones. It's almost like there is this Darwinian preference for your own kind that most people share amongst each other which is just inherent.
You know usually when people see a negative aspect of someone, they generally don't say that it should be the natural order for everyone, they say it's a bad trait that should be removed.
I gave a valid reason that has a direct relation with the ethnic groups of an entire subcontinental area. The group with the most power has nothing until it robs it from the people. By that logic the state owns your organs, just because it can rob them. Truly a retarded point of view.
America belonging to Amerindians is a commom sense reason that is even supported by people from europe thinking that europe should be for europeans and Africa for Africans.
Logically, it follows the ethnic reasoning of origin and proximity zones of development.
If you support the change of ownership through conquest, then how can you reject mexicans and arabs replacing europeans in europe and USA? That's contradictory with your ideas.