JPMorgan Chase & Co. Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said he would fire any employee trading bitcoin for being “stupid.”
JPMorgan Chase & Co...
christ the FUD campaign is outta control
> To be sure, Dimon later noted that his daughter purchased some bitcoin.
>be CEO Jamie Dimon's daughter
>life is easy but everyone thinks you've been handed every thing on a silver platter your whole life
>study finance for years in the shadow of your father's success
>finally discover Bitcoin after much research, make some purchases and amazingly actually profit more in percentage terms than any of daddy's employees on wall street
>With tears in your eyes you approach your father who you finally annoy enough to put down the wall street journal for 5 seconds
>with dead, glassy eyes he listens to every word
>this is the moment
>please approve
>"we'll talk about this later"
>a week later you turn on you 80 inch solid gold hologram tv to watch some news
>"I'd fire anyone who was stupid enough to trade bitcoin"
>"even my daughter thinks she's some kind of financial genius now"
>"I don't care if bitcoin goes to 100k each everyone who uses it is a stupid idiot who I'll never respect"
Whats this boomers problem is he not busy enough giving out predatory mortgage loans
This is like, so fucking real.
his satanic blood letting rituals will never give him the inner peace he desires
Didn't we have to bailout his bank?
I dont even care about getting rich.
I just want to see this guy be poor.,
I want to see him eating garbage while people laugh at him and pelt him with rocks.
I feel bad for his daughter,
Poor girl.
>tfw no evil banker's crypto daughter gf
Just like the plot of my animus!
His daughters are all pretty cute. Im guessing Kate Leigh, the youngest is the BTCer.
Too bad they all appear to be raging leftist asshats like their dad.
This guy sounds more like an old boomer republican than a leftist to me.
>I'm sick of America's stupid shit
>I want Trump to fix it
>lower my fucking taxes
these boomer fudsters are just pathetic, they know literally nothing about the fundementals. anyone with half a brain understands the implications of this technology and knows that it is the future of global markets and supply chains. This guy literally works for one of the companies that is stealing money from everyone and is a total societal leech. Cant wait till these old fucks get their just desserts
He got rich with other people's money and now wants to prevent others from doing the same.
That makes him a leftist.
Jamie Dimon went bankrupt his trillion dollar shitstain went bankrupt. hes a fucking welfare hobo in a 10,000 suit paid for by middleclass americans. this fucktard is dying right now. he robbed America and hes gonna die. 100pct no escape from death for welfare queen jamie
>wants to prevent others from doing the same
I haven't heard him call for any regulations against crypto. He just called it stupid, possibly because the only person he personally knows that's in it is one of his libshit daughters, stop being an oversensitive faggot.
how do we remove the bourgeoisie?
Sounds like you are projecting.
By saying things like, "someone will get killed," and making statements that are verifiably false (and which testimony from both FBI and AG have BOTH testified before Congress have born to be false) that crypto is the choice of crime.
Every branch of LEO of DOJ will tell you clearly that USD cash is the dirtiest money and most usable for crime.
An AG lawyer testified two months ago that "there are lots of crimes we catch ONLY because they involve bitcoin, and that means lots of forensic financial evidence, which is what we need."
He's FUDing. It's not cause he's stupid, it's ego.
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his pay depends on him not understanding it.
Plus, the fact his daughter made some money on a financial move he doesnt like must eat at him. THat sort of explains the hyperbole of "gonna get someone killed."
Its the shit you say to convince your child not ot do somethinfg,.
perrrfect justice would be a nazi knocking up his bitcoin baby and jamie dies the day after the lil cutey is born
Must sting knowing your daughter made 2000% more gains in a few months than he did in years.
You kids will learn eventually, this is all just bubble mania.
Yes. I imagine it would make you angry enough to consciously call her out as "not a genius" and assert that you'd "fire anyone doing that," while calling it a "bubble" (being one of the people who created, crashed, and rewarded themselves for the housing bubble with other people's money.)
He's gonna spend the next 10 years feeling smaller and smaller as bitcoin gets bigger and bigger.
>literally doenst know what a bubble is.
>literally doesnt know that the tulip bubble really wasnt
>literally doesnt know how bitcoin works
Your magic internet money isn't going to make you rich, grow up and get a real job.
I started with $200 and a desire to own some bitcoin.
All in I've invested ~2500
Made a few good moves, BTC - ETH, ETH - NEO, NEO - OMG.
I could lose it all- that is a possibility in every market. But I dont think so. Money cant stay stone age while everything else gets digital and instant.
All I know is this gave me an opportunity the stock market never could have and banks never would have.
tl;dr : you're dumb, like people who thought the internet was a fad.
>muh tulips
yes indeed, short with max leverage my friends!
Some of us have already made more in a year than we would have made in 30. How can you even say that with a straight face? If crypto suddenly did disappear and die over night, that money doesn't just up and vanish you old geezer. It's secured if you were smart and took it out of crypto.
I'm seeing upper five figures from some of the largest postings on this board. Is this supposed to be considered impressive that the most successful of you managed a middle class income that you could potentially lose overnight?
Thanks to people like Dimon, yes.
I went from $200 in savings to 30k in savings. That means a hell of a lot more than going from 200k in savings to 400k in savings
You dont have to be impressed, but you cant tell me it's bullshit.
>buying btc
>lmao am I supposed to be impressed with only 5000% gains?
How do you do this though?
30k damn
Did you have to moon and shill or stock up and sell high?
Not everyone is going to post their earning on the bored. It's a worthless security risk.
I think you replied to the wrong person.
No, I took out of profits from stuff that was high and bought quantity of stuff that was low.
I had some btc and eth (almost by accident) when they first started going up. Went from like 500 of my money to 2k-3k by luck.
THen I got smart, took our some eth while high adn went into NEO. Before it mooned big i put some of my NEO profit into OMG. Diversified into other things too.
No shilling involved. i don't think it actually works.
I've been up to 38k and down to 28k lately. Doesn't bother me anymore.
Research and buy in low and hold is honestly the best way I find. I started this year with $80 a few months ago back and that 80 is now around 1k.
Only BTC or what else you do?
I'm really only interested in holding BTC
Most stuff is traded IN btc. You want to diversify because other stuff had fodl power - aka, it can not only double or triple, like btc going to 10 or 15k, but it can increase 8x or 10 fold. Very important.
300 neo is great but 1500 omg has been better.
1500 omg?
But OMG has dropped recently no?
Not really. It spiked a few bucks last night. It was good for a bit. OMG is a good hold, especially if you got it cheap. WIsh I had got more. Same with NEO.
Pray for DNT
I sold OMG actually. panicked and sold it
OMG was good to buy at lower price then...
You can't buy omg with usd?
Only bitcoin or eth ?
"To be sure, Dimon later noted that his daughter purchased some bitcoin."
i dont understand the meaning of this