At what point did people decide music no longer had to be good?
At what point did people decide music no longer had to be good?
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>hurr mozart is still alive
Im so tired of this stupid meme
With the invention of radio.
When the socialism meme got started and music stopped being a hobby for the aristocracy
Music is still good though.
It remained mostly untouched by post-modernism, since no one can pretend to enjoy noise.
Culture was never meant for the uneducated masses
When Punk rock became a thing and Progressive rock a thing of the past.
>no one can pretend to enjoy noise.
Someone's never been to /mu/
>theater is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit
>literature is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit
>moving picture is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit
>music is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit
>video games is made available for the plebs
>it goes to, just kidding m8, video games were never good
>pornography is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit (sometimes literally too)
Noise isn't literally noise
Folk music was always a thing
>theater is made available for the plebs
>it goes to shit
Ah yes, shakespeare was truly the death knell for theatre
If music was kept only forva select few it would all be shit.
It would be nothing but generic party hits made to make a profit.
When anyone is able to make music, you get real artists who are in it for the art and expression instead of maximizing income.
>be music pleb
>listen to nothing but popular rock and metal bands
>idolize the 80's
>think newer music is pretentious garbage by talentless hacks
>stumble onto some 90's folk stuff
>"Hey, this is pretty good."
>listen to more and more related artists
>start listening to more obscure genres like math rock, lo-fi genres, and post rock
>barely listen to any of the old stuff I used to love
>all the music I discovered would have never existed if only the elites were allowed to make music
If you think music in general has gotten worse, you don't listen to enough music.
Stopped reading there.
>pretentious garbage by talentless hacks
>math rock, post rock
Pick two.
he really was
oh yes I cans
Can anyone recommend me some really shitty pre-20th century music? Has anyone bothered doing performances of old and horrible compositions?
>>moving picture is made available for the plebs
>>it goes to shit
moving pictures was literally always the art of the common man tho. theaters started out as smelly shacks that workers would pour into as the shift ended. in early soviet russia the motion picture was used pretty much solely as propaganda that the lower classes would watch. when were movies ever an aristocratic art form?
Yes. For some reason, JS Bach's compositions are regularly performed.
You trying to tell me you don't need talent to play math rock?
but the new godspeed you! black emperor album just came out
Nobody bothered to record the bad ones.
The notion that there can be something intellectual about music is itself plebeian.
i love it
John Cage's 4'33" and his idea that anything can be music so why try to compose something beautiful?
The works of Petzold.
Trips don't lie
After Biggie died
Some of which got made into symphonys
Makes u think
Why does Adorno hate fun?
Many people forget one thing.
We are now used to the fact that good music comes in numerous quantity every year. But back in 1997, there was no good music - OK Computer was the first good album in history and so the critics went mad.
So it was a pionneer in a way, many tried to play music up to that point, but everyone was shit, and then Radiohead came and showed that music can be at leat ok.
dae le wrong generation
Literally anything can be music.
4' 33" wasn't meant to create a standard, it was just made to showcase that idea.
Just think about what you re saying
When the masses got educated
If we are talking about classical i.e. "serious", complicated and sophisticated art music becoming a marginal phenomenon, I think it has to do with the ubiquity of music and also other forms of entertainment competing with it. Before recorded music, music was much more impressive and captivating, which is why people listened to it more attentively. Attentive listening is very crucial for appreciation of complex music. We still like music but it's either in short bursts or as a mood enhancer in the background. Sitting down for an hour long symphony just to listen to abstract music that does not (explicitly and literally) tell us a story is a very alien thing to most modern people.
Why are people in this thread pretending that classical music turned into some sort of SJW socialist dystipia that caters to the plebs?
It's literally the opposite: contemporary music is elitist, complex, ungenerous to the listener (who at this point is supposed to be a PhD in musicology with perfect relative and absolute pitch) and so on. This is literally the opposite of what yous had described so far.
And why the fuck are you guys putting a continuum between pop music and classical music? Beethoven earned more from a bunch of Scottish lieders than his last 3 sonatas, Chopin complained for his entire life about Waltz composers in Paris, Mozart had to deal with mediocre bel canto operists and dry counterpoint erudites, Bach was eclipsed by mediocre galant minuets, and so on.
In the West there has always been a side for classicla music (where a few genius will get some recognition) and popular music (very low entry bar, if you can think of a catchy melody and you can sell it you might make a buck), the only difference being that now these processes are globalized.
Also fuck off for thinking that contemporary theter audiences are somehow worse than their 19-th century counterparts: never the public has been so receptive, polite and respectful. Schopenhauer had to tolerate people talking and laughing during operas and symphonies for his entire life, the worst we can complain about is a cough here and there.
>modern music is ba-
The second you got old.
>this delusional faggotry
Somewhere in the early 20th century, around the same time "High Art" began to favor things like cubism and abstractions and shit. Music followed suit trying to make atonal garbage and no one actually liked it. The general public began to shift more toward popular music, especially ragtime, music that would eventually evolve into Jazz, and Jazz music. It was pretty much downhill from there because the Modern Art people dug in their heels, declared the general public too dumb to "get" it, and proceeded to make things even more stupid and unlistenable than before.
Early 20th century really shat the bed in so many ways, artistically, politically, socially, I can't even begin.
>can only tell two kinds of stories
>can’t maintain consistent tone
>sex puns in place of humor
Academia was mostly tonal until the end of WWII. The Viennese school was known, but it wasn't the main mover of Art music, and most avantgardists were killed in Russia under Stalin. Berg was somewhat famous, but his music was still essentially tonal, especially in his operas.
After WWII Webern had been promoted as the model for the contemporary composer, and from then on music got definitely dissociated from the public. This mainly happens because the public does not really give a shit about traditional art, and they are willing to subject themselves to it only when it's related to famous dead artists of the past with cool biographies and quirky personalities (Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Wagner and so on).
Technically there have never been as many to al composers as today, too bad that no one really cares about it. This applies to visual arts to: people who still complain about conceptual and abstract art always fail to realize that there have never been as many representational painters as today, so many in fact that it would be downright retarded to say that every single one of them is bad and modernity has ruined everything. But again, no one cares about the Art, everyone only cares about being right while holding some flaming, edgy opinion.
Pic related: no one would have cared about Ravel had he been born in 1985.
well, enjoy your pleb music
Radiohead is overrated normie music. Only people who know nothing about music think their pop albums are deep and experimental.
All German music, for instance
Hungarian music is worse. Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies are probably the worst pieces of music still present in our repertoire. It's basically cabaret music glorified with the cheapest, most vulgar tricks.
>Why does Adorno hate jazz?
Fixed that for you
>At what point did people decide music no longer had to be good?
When corporations realized they could make profits with music and turned art into a consumable product.
good taste
I know this is bait, but it still made me angry
Was art ever anything other than a consumable product? The answer is "no."
When they invented music
>tfw youre willing to listen to someone farting in the mic just so you can say your taste is not pleb
t. redditor that doesn't understand the aesthetic of modernity
Jazz is an amazing composer and an amazing theorist
Everything you listed is absolute garbage.
How is talent relevant you fucking retard?
>Music followed suit trying to make atonal garbage and no one actually liked it.
>how is talent relevant to calling people talentless hacks?
'talentless hack' has nothing to do with talent you fucking newfag
All music is pleb
>Kimbo Slice and Kevin Love
Didn't know they did music
I swear everything was going well until the latter 60's to know, everything started going downhill
Postmodernism really crippled any semblance of popularity of more complex art pieces
And it just kept going on like so until we've regueatton.
I also find it damned puzzling, how informal everything became. From fashion to customs and traditions, it all turned lax in a blink of counterculture
Why lads? Why did it have to go wrong?
capitalism + mass media
Why does /pol/ hate this guy again?
Folk music, faggot.
Think about how much European stock was obliterated between 1914 and 1945.
He also hates pop music, radio, people enjoying classical music as background music, movies, and anything remotely popular.
Antisemitism is one hell of a drug.
They only read memes
>muh pomo philosphy shaped the world
Things are the way they are because of technology
Why do marxists seems to be obsessed with genitals and sexual representations?
>in early soviet russia the motion picture was used pretty much solely as propaganda that the lower classes would watch.
in soviet russia pretty much every art form was abused for propaganda
I wonder how many posters in threads like this are simply interested in whinging about society today and modernism/ postmodernism/ cultural marxism is both a good concept for moaning about, as well as a convenient excuse as to why they don't consume art/ literature/ art music they actually aren't interested in.
>"stop liking what I don't like!!!1!" The thread
Based on those "top songs from each year" youtube videos, popular music started to go to shit in the early 2000's, by 2007 it was all pure garbage
You tell me:
/mu/ wins again
Because they're all cucks who can't get laid.
t: Master Kong
Really makes u think
Because regardless of if Adorno got some things right, in the end his motivations for getting them right or his views on other issues entirely were shit
that's a really good explanation of what jazz sounds like, actually
1900 when music began
a simpler time
kek. bach was the only one playing his tunes, producing more and more of them each day in order to trick people into novelty. hopefully we'll get back to that classic era where compositions were made to be heard too, not just played, or like now, heard.
shhh. just let the shitpost flow through you, this is a meme thread about music in a taiwanese sweatshop appreciation humanities subboard
>modern music is ba-
Essentially, music went to shit when it began to be used for commercial/social engineering purposes by Jews. I know, "muh stormfag," but if you look into it, the people promoting shit music since the early 20th century were almost entirely Jewish, as Henry Ford detailed. It's only become far worse. Even in the 90s, at least some of it was pleasant and focused on traditionally Western themes. Now we have Miley Virus covered in tattoos naked on a ball screeching something as a negro raps over her.
who is this bb?
The only correct answer in the whole thread