Seriously, do you hate money? This is a good chance to buy the dip.
Have you still not boarded the Ark?
heh, only the most deluded arkie would board this sinking ship now.
seriously, this coin does absolutely nothing. even moon man himself said the latest run up has been nothing but FOMO.
ark. will. fail.
>come hold my bags guys
It's almost impossible to be bagholding Ark, it's had nothing but a healthy growth for weeks now
>please buy my bags:the post
moonman is still salty he sold his entire stack at 25k trying to flip to accumulate more
Moonman's still trying to cope with having sold at 22k.
I was in at 30k. kek.
but really, unless you;re incapable of looking past the very short term, it's got potential.
of course he would say that. He sold his trying to day trade it and never was able to get back in.
Ark will not get past $5.
Okay, that's still a healthy rise from where it's at.
Why isn't Ark at $50, you might ask
who tf is mooman
Do I stick with Walton or transfer all to ark? I know both with ride eventually but what will rise faster and first?
walton is good but honestly im sick of this china FUD keeping it down. i sold mine and moved to ark
Ark is set to slayEth
You will be one of the sinners who will drown.
give it time
so i voted 1 ark to biz_classic awhile ago and have 611393 confirmations is there something im not getting or was i supposed to make money somehow by voting?
now make an account on and select your payout frequency. default is once a week i think
ark if literally unstoppable
above 0.001 btc here we GO
About to buy $500 worth. I'm nervous, but I've had 50 ARK since it was $1.95. I'm fairly confident this will be $10-15 by the end of the year, much more if it keeps growing like it has.
>buying at ATH
I have 50 ark as well, but will wait for a 10-15% dip to buy more
Good luck man, ATH was earlier today at $4.15. It's dropped about 10% since then. Following the growth patterns of this coin, I doubt it's gonna get too much lower, maybe another 10 or 20 cents.
Prop 2 if you want the delegate to be around in the future.
Anyways, just bought it, which brings my total to a comfy 189 ARK. See you boys at $10.
i've been buying all the way.
dropped some heavy eth bags for this lil nugget.
no point selling, just gettin dem free arks from staking on biz_classic
why not sharkpool?
Join the winning team my friend.
kill yourself faggot
She's not welcome on the ark.
What's the payout like for the sharkpool? Frequency? Downside?
prop 1 is better for you financially if you have less than 5000 ark or so. Moon Man prefers prop 1, Chang prefers prop 2. This whole, "UNLESS WE DO PROP 2 THE DELEGATE IS DOOMED" stuff is fear mongering from larger bagholders who are jealous that are taxes are lower. This won't even make their own tax rate go down.
LOL oh look another hater of the #1 Ark delegate
DO YOU really want the Hildebeast to go extinct?
it's great for fuckin whales. biz_classic is more egalitarian.
Whales will leave if they have to pay taxes to keep giving wallet splitters 100% payouts.
Then once those Whales leave you will have people with less Ark having to pay more taxes. One after the other the new Top 10 will leave for other delegates.
This is why Prop 1 is a death sentence
uh no. This is the time to take profits before the inevitable downtrend.
>healthy growth
>up nearly 300% over the past few weeks.
These are the retards who are invested in ARK.
>leaving out the fact that prop 1 already addresses this with RAB
I'm really getting sick of people pulling shit like this to mislead others.