
Other urls found in this thread:


>651 AD

>3100 BC



>476 AD







No matter how cynical I become this never fails to be comfy as fuck.



>1177 BC


>323 BC







>early 1978
>LATE 1979

5th Sep 1793 – 28th Jul 1794




> 1204
this, this was the most disastrous year and if the fucking christians grouped against the sandniggers, the world could have been 1000 years more advanced by now

1204 makes me far more angry then 1453.








>4th June 1920


What happened in 1859?






That's a Viking


Ever heard of the battle of Stamford bridge? It marked the end of the Viking Age

>399 BCE




You have erred.

>Saves the world from Vikings
>Is killed by French who LARPed as Vikings
Harold Godwinson deserved better


how so?

>French who LARPed as Vikings
Normans were Norsemen, not French.

You aren't even English, Lindy. Your surname is unironically Lloyd

>tfw I could live in better europe but russian cold winter crushed my dreams two centuries before my birth

You are both wrong, they were a mix of Norsemen and French

Norman literally means "Northman". Your french bias means nothing, honey.


I'll say this again, but I'm probably going to get shouted by down (again) by the LE EPOC VIKINGS WERE SHIT xDDDDD I'M FIGHTING MY IMAGINARY /POL/ ENEMIES BY DISMISSING AND MAKING FUN OF OTHER CULTURES :---DDD DOES IT MAKE SENSE YET -crowd.

The Normans spoke French, but still had some non-French cultural quirks that separated them from their contemporary "French" rulers. They were infamous for harboring actual Vikings, that were raiding England, and having official concubines in the style of actual Vikings. Hence why William was called, and considered by most, a bastard while not being a bastard in the eyes of the Normans. Historians call Herleva a mistress, but it is misleading in the sense that "mistresses" of Norman rulers were not like the mistresses of other European rulers. They were officially recognized, and their children did inherit, much like a concubine.


>The Normans spoke French
No they didn't, they spoke Norman, a seperate language

>Norman literally means "Northman"
in French...

A separate Romance language, aka a French derivate.

Still a seperate language...

Yeah, but not a Norse one. Venetian is a different Language than Italian, doesn't make them not Italian

>Yeah, but not a Norse one. Venetian is a different Language than Italian, doesn't make them not Italian

>i-it wasn't g-germanic, i-it w-was french i swear

It was. Check the genealogy. It likely didn't even develop after the Norse settlement, but was preexisting with a bit of norse word borrowing

It was the Norse influence that made them stand out though.



Yeah, although by 1066 they had seen seven generations of interbreeding with the locals and were like 80% French and 20% Danish...

>They were infamous for harboring actual Vikings, that were raiding England
Maybe at the very start, but they grew to hate vikangz (their main role was to guard the Seine river from them)

>and having official concubines in the style of actual Vikings. Hence why William was called, and considered by most, a bastard while not being a bastard in the eyes of the Normans
Yeah, non-viking nobles never have mistresses and bastards, rite?

Fact is that Normans spoke French, were Christians, followed the French feudal system and fought like the French (with cavalry) rather than like vikangz

146 BC

Old Norman is not a separate language, faggot
It's a dialect of Old French (langue d'oil) with a few varying spellings

Calling it another language would be like calling American English another language


It's more like what Austrian is to German. More than an accent, less than a language. But you're wasting your time, burgers do not understand the notiob of dialect.

>Yeah, non-viking nobles never have mistresses and bastards, rite?
Jesus fucking christ, why is this so hard to get? You're the second person who doesn't seem to grasp the difference between what historians called the concubines of normans and regular mistresses.
>Hence why William was called, and considered by most, a bastard while not being a bastard in the eyes of the Normans. Historians call Herleva a mistress, but it is misleading in the sense that "mistresses" of Norman rulers were not like the mistresses of other European rulers. They were officially recognized, and their children did inherit, much like a concubine.
>Hence why William was called, and considered by most, a bastard while not being a bastard in the eyes of the Normans. Historians call Herleva a mistress, but it is misleading in the sense that "mistresses" of Norman rulers were not like the mistresses of other European rulers. They were officially recognized, and their children did inherit, much like a concubine.
Do you need a third? William was not a bastard in the eyes of the Normans, but a legitimate child. It was other rulers who did not practice concubinage who named him a bastard. There is a differnece between an official concubine, and a secret mistress. European monarchs never had de jure official mistresses, even if they had de facto ones, but the Normans had. It's literally the Viking concubinage system where the women are called mistresses. Why is this so hard to get? Could someone explain to me? The difference between the two is not that complicated.

>why are people stupid on a Novgorod Amber Enthusiast Tradehouse

Come on lad

>American English is merely an accent

WRONG, it's a dialect
We have varying spelling (our = or), specific words (bix nood) and all
And just so you know, American English is the international lingua frnca (that's why Japs created the GameBoy Color instead of the GameBoy ColoUr)

Shut up fatso, non-retards are talking.

Old Norman was a seperate language, faggot
It was much more than just a dialect with a few varying spellings, tons of words were different.

A better comparison would be Scots which like Norman has faded into a dialect over the years.

Scottish is still a Gaelic language you absolute mong, not a dialect

>Old Norman was a seperate language, faggot
It wasnt, you literal cretin

>It was much more than just a dialect with a few varying spellings, tons of words were different.
Wrong again
All you need to know is there, inform yourself, faggot

>Old Norman, also called Old Northern French or Old Norman French, was one of many langues d'oïl (Old French) dialects.

>Old Norman contained a few Norse loanwords unknown in other Old French dialects at that time.

Lmao, still butthurt after a millenium
If Normans didnt speak French, then explain how pic related happened

I was refering to Scots, not Scottish Gaelic. Two completely different languages.

So you decided to pick one of the most debated classifications in linguistics. For fuck's sake man.

>Old Norman was an important LANGUAGE of the Principality of Antioch

Jesus Christ you are so stupid it hurts.

>Langue d'oil 28.3%
It includes Norman, you dipshit

You're admitting that Norman was a dialect of Old French (also called "langue d'oil")?

>The langues d'oïl (/ˈwiːl/ French: [lɑ̃ɡᵊdɔjl]),[2] or oïl languages (also in French: langues d'oui [lɑ̃ɡᵊdwi]), is a dialect continuum that includes standard French and its closest autochthonous relatives

Stop feeding the retard.

Good, now check the definition of "dialect continuum", genius

Had Norman been another language, the termn "language continuum" would have been used there instead of "dialect continuum"

>A dialect continuum or dialect chain is a spread of language varieties spoken across some geographical area such that each differs only slightly from its neighbors, but the differences accumulate over distance so that widely separated varieties are not mutually intelligible
There is no such thing as a language continuum

Nice arguments

1302 best yr of my lyfe