Why does it seem like only the West has a stigma about suicide? Why do Eastern cultures view it as "honorable"? Even today in Japan and Korea etc. "saving face" via death is seen as better than living with the shame of doing something bad. Or even living with the shame of one of your family members doing something bad.
Why does it seem like only the West has a stigma about suicide? Why do Eastern cultures view it as "honorable"...
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>Why do the Japanese view a business man who saw his company go insolvent killing themselves as honourable while the west see's a gay teenager hanging himself as bad?
These are totally different rationales
that was the opposite message of this movie
Life is valued more in the West than in the East.
Well, yeah, obviously. But that doesn't change the fact that the society overall still believed that seppuku was an honorable way to leave this life. Hell Mishima did it himself several years after this movie was released.
What is the difference? Is the Japanese businessman's reasons more rational than the teens? Both are pretty stupid.
One's predicated on saving your family and the state the cost of litigation, remember Japan has a conviction rate in the 90% region. The other is muh feelings
>Why do Eastern cultures view it as "honorable"?
1 fucking book written by an american jap and now everyone thinks the japanese willingly killed themselves in all situations for honor.
Fucking bullshit, either they did it to escape torture or they were forced to do it for public execution. There may not be a stigma against suicide in the east, but it is certainly not a hero's death.
The reason the west stigmatizes it, is because of 2 reasons:
1. the ultimate telos of human life, (that is, the ultimate purpose) is to reach full actuality from the potentiality inherent in one's birth. By ending one's life prematurely you are effectively preventing them from reaching telos. This is also why dying in battle is not a sad occasion: because the telos of a warrior is to fight.
2. According to Christianity: the human life has an inherent value because humans are made in the image of God; because humans are made in such an image ending ones own life is murder and defamation, both of which are severely sinful. and since the sin prevents one from repenting the just-done action, that person is frozen in a state of sin and therefore damned to hell.
Suicide in general is for weak-willed retards.
>1 fucking book written by an american jap
Which book?
Why would you go to jail for bankruptcy in Japan?
>Which book?
fuck i forgot the name but the spin-off number is bloody incredible: google.ca
Japanese don't think it's honorable for a failed businessman to kill himself.
heh, nice
mishima was not exactly a representation of the average man on the street's feelings on ritual suicide
Yeah, but he did represent an old way of life and culture that only died out about 25 years before he did the deed.
Not exactly.
with heaven & hell, you only get 1 chance on earth before your ultimate judgement.
With reincarnation you can always do better next time
Actually Honorable Suicide predated bushido.
It's a general thing among East Asian cultures.
>Why does it seem like only the West has a stigma about suicide?
Because the jews told you its bad.
Meanwhile Romans, Greeks, Celts, and G*rmanics offed themselves in matters of honor.
Not all Asians believed in reincarnation.
In what circumstances is suicide justifiable?
Retaining your honor, which is important in a society that places so much value in how others perceive you and that you must live up to their expectations.
Romans did it because if you killed yourself, the state couldn't take away your money/property even if you were a criminal.
Nope.jpg. Not everything is "muh economics" that's Marxist Tier reading of history.
Read up on Dignitas. The loss of that shit was big deal to Roman people that they offed themselves over it.
In the West you have Christian views of suicide as taking up God's role yourself. It's been tolerated in instances of martyrdom like in Islam.
now they just shave their heads
No, honorable suicide was something that was common in the Old World. The reason why the concept died out in the West was because of Christianity.
Honorable suicide and forced suicide as a punishment was a thing in plenty of Western cultures.
In the West it's or at least was a typical death of an officer to sav his honor or so he wouldn't get into enemy hands.
Is that why Hitler was so butthurt Paulus didn't kill himself instead of surrendering?
Christianity, which inherited this attitude from judaism. Greeks and Romans had nothing against suicide.
>Christianity, which inherited this attitude from judaism.
It really didn't though, King Saul kills himself and its not seen as a bad thing.
Well, it definitely was considered sinful by Jews by the time Christianity appeared. Look at how the Jews during the rebellion against the Romans preferred to kill each other taking turns instead of commiting suicide.
That's why.
Not an argument
>congratulations on your promotion marshal Paulus, just don't forget that no Prussian marshal has ever been taken prisoner :^)
Christiaty which teaches that suicide is a sin. Ancient europeans also practiced honorable suicide, we have tons of records of roman officers and nobles choosing suicide over capture and dishonor. Altho I would claim that the idea of suicide being preferred to capture is the result of and some cases remnant from the habit of torturing prisoners to death.
>Literal cannibal savages think killing themselves is good
>Civilized people disapprove of it
Really makes you think
>has a conviction rate in the 90% region.
What's that?
>You can always redeem yourself
t. Jeebus
>Nope.jpg. Not everything is "muh economics"
It's not economics, it's so that your estate stays in your family's hands so they have an inheritance. Especially since if you were murdered, the state DID have the right to take your assets. It's practical reason behind why Sulla had his purges, because he was able to use all the taken properties to pay off the soldiers he had under his command that Rome had cut off the funding to.
>Well, it definitely was considered sinful by Jews by the time Christianity appeared.
Judaism doesn't even have a hell. What's the worst that can happen?
He means it's in the range of around 90%
Because ego is very important in eastern cultures. In the west, it's seen as an enemy, because Westerners live with he idea that we have to get rid of our ego to comply with the rules and laws. In the east (and in ancient Europe), the ego was embraced. People who commit suicide, for example, in the west, are seen as cowards or selfish. In the east however , suicide in many ways was the ultimate act of selflessness.
Western thinking doesn't allow for a collective ego; we're taught to be individual, because we're afraid of a selfish ego. Easterners are allowed to have a collective ego, therefore they express their ego selflessly.