>mfw a filthy traitor is alive near me
Mfw a filthy traitor is alive near me
America was built on treason
yeah treason from tyranny not treason in order to maintain it
*commits warcrimes*
"muh war crimes"
Is there anything on Earth more pathetic than a dixeboo
>all this projection
Even Sherman himself claims that 4/5 of the damage his army did was totally seperated from harming the southern war effort.
>but thats war hurr durr
If Sherman had been allowed to carry out his strategy when he fought in the Indians he would not be remembered as a hero. Hell, if a US army general acted in this way against literally anyone other than the rebels they would be brought to a military tribunal.
You white guilt cucks
>hey southerners, we won't end slavery in the south, just the new states, also we will help you send them back to africa later when you end slavery yourselves in the near future
Why do you leftists spread revisionist propaganda?
Lol that YEEHOO got me. Anyway, it wasnt exactly like that. It was mostly just the rich of the south convincing the poor of the south to fight for them. Ring any bells?
Daily reminder that this is your average shermanposter
Unironically better looking than 90% of 4chins posters.
>a traitor calling others "traitors"
at least dixie betrayed a non-country, washington and his crew betrayed their ancient motherland
Teminder that Sherman later led Southern battalions across the plains to slaughter Injins and make way for white settlers, and the only people who think he hated the south are dumbass modern leftists trying to re-write history.
Like this faggot.
>owning people isn't tyrannical
What kinda faggot are you
>still gonna rebel, yeehoo
I dont have a laughing pepe adequate enough for this. Well done user
Wow, it's almost like it wasn't all about slavery. Really makes you think.
Seriously, how does their brain even work?
>lol Sherman BTFO traitors! I love him
>*is a communist traitor
Why do communism culturally appropriate historical figures like this to somehow count as "their heros"? Is it because communism sucks so much that all their "hero" are corrupt and despotic dictators, scumbag bureaucrats, and mass murdering psychopaths?
Leftists of zero historical American heroes to champion. Commies probably choose Sherman because he destroyed millions of dollars of private property. Specifically white private property. You know if Sherman was more famous for his total war against the indian savages, he'd be despised by the left.
>cor blimey wot wot yankland wuz founded on a birra treason 'erefore you need to let half of your country unilaterally secede innit
>Slavery wasn't tyranny when the founders did it
If you were against slavery, you would've sided with the British. They were the side freeing slaves.
Lol your strawman unironically makes a better argument than any shermanposter itt
That's because Shermanposters are some of the dumbest people on this board, they know literally nothing about him other than
>haha BASED btfo the South XD
(Which isn't even really true).
yeah, thats what I dont get. Sherman would have no problem running them out and killing them all himself if he was alive here today. They would call him a nazi
>fighting to preserve state rights from a corrupt, authoritarian and violent government
Speak for yourself, faggot.
They do this with Bomber Harris as well.
That's how pathetic leftists are. They love "triggering" wehraboos so much they'll worship a guy who literally chose to immigrate and serve the military of Apartheid South Africa.
To be fair, Wehraboos are the biggest cancer on history besides leftists
>Secede, citing the preservation of slavery as an institution in your new constitution
>not about slavery
The south just needs to be nuked desu, nothing of value would be lost
>Wars can't possibly have pretexts
Hmmmmmmm. Do you think we entered Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction as well lol?
>Sherman himself certainly did not believe that "each man is as good as another." For example, in 1862 Sherman was bothered that "the country" was "swarming with dishonest Jews" (see Michael Fellman, "Citizen Sherman," p. 153). He got his close friend, General Grant, to expel all Jews from his army. As Fellman writes, "On December 17, 1862, Grant . . . , like a medieval monarch . . . expelled ‘The Jews, as a class,’ from his department." Sherman biographer Fellman further writes that to Sherman, the Jews were "like n*gg*rs" and "like greasers (Mexicans) or Indians" in that they were "classes or races permanently inferior to his own."
Why do edgy liberals, leftists, and cuckservatives like this guy, again? Pretty sure him and Hitler would've been best buds.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is cancer
M8, I can't even have a basic conversation about the Confederacy and white idpol without liberals getting their panties in a twist. Everyone on this site is cancer
>You have to either like EVERYTHING this person did or said or NOTHING this person did or said
>assuming everyone who dislikes the south is liberal
southern "intellectuals", everyone
>doesn't win actual battles
>first major battle of the Civil War involving Sherman is him having a fainting spell and needing to be removed from command
Good one Willy!
>You have to either like EVERYTHING this person did or said or NOTHING this person did or said
>The reason I wear this t-shirt with Hitler's face on it is because he didn't like animal cruelty and smoking
>Who cares about anything else he did
>dislikes the south is liberal
Or a leftist or cuckservative. You uhh, forgot to read the rest of my post
so? hitler can still be right about animal cruelty being bad
or are you just going to say that every single point of view he had was evil? fucking libcuck.
people dislike the south because southeners are retarded, not because they are conservative
>so? hitler can still be right about animal cruelty being bad
>He is unironically defending his "logic"
Yeah because if someone sees you in a Hitler t-shirt" the first thing they think is "oh that guy must hate animal cruelty and smoking"
It's almost like you can't just cherrypick the views you like from a person from the whole.
>Southerners are retarded
Says the guy worshipping Union Hitler to counter signal white people
>Yeah because if someone sees you in a Hitler t-shirt" the first thing they think is "oh that guy must hate animal cruelty and smoking"
just because plebs like you might not think of something at first doesn't make it any less true.
It is perfectly within the realm of possibility that that person may not like animal cruelty or smoking. I'll grant you that thats unlikely, but still possible.
But lets go by your logic and say that its only proper to idolize someone for what they were most famous for.
If it is wrong for someone to idolize Hitler because he was more famous for the holocaust than his views on animal cruelty, then why is it improper to idolize Sherman for his conquering of the south (what he is most famous for), as opposed to shaming his memory because of a more obscure fact about him (his anti-semitism)?
>for what they were most famous for.
No you idiot, when I'm saying you can't cherrpick people's positions from their values as a whole I'm saying that you have to understand the C O N T E X T of their views.
Want to know why Hitler didn't like smoking? Because it was destructive for the German volk, and good aryan men can't be degenerates and must assert their Darwinian superiority over others. Why didn't he like animal cruelty? Because of his blood and soil idealogy, where animals are an expression of the German Fatherland.
Sherman is not some anti-racist or egalitarian folk hero, in any context. The only reason people admire him is because "dude br00tal he sure showed those slave owning southerners by burning down all their property and killing everyone". They don't know shit about him other than what they were taught in high school, which is why I can on laugh when I see people who say they are anti-racist or fascist or whatever Sherman post.
I takes such a lack of historical perspective that it's actually funny.
Daily reminder that this is your average dixiefag.
>You're ugly
>No you
Quintessential Veeky Forums
>Sherman is not some anti-racist or egalitarian folk hero, in any context
I never said he was. It sounds kind of like your arguments only hold if you shift the goal posts. It is still perfectly possible to agree with a person on an issue for different reasons. Context literally does not matter in this situation. You failed to address the core logic of my argument. North wins again.
>I never said
But we weren't talking in the context of you, we were talking in the context of other people and how they generally see him vs what he really was.
>it sounds kind of like your arguments only hold if you shift the goal posts.
Except that's not what shifting the goalposts is?
>Core logic
You're arguing that it's proper to view historical figures without any context. That's you. That's your argument
>Context literally does not matter in this situation
You said that unironically. That's the stupidest thing I've heard on Veeky Forums thus far.
>I'm going to claim intellectual superiority over someone while i say you can't judge a historical figure's actions and views on the context of their character.
You can't just simplify a person's views to "oh he is against x" you have to give them the reason one is against "x"
I love how people reduce historical figures into 2 dimensional cutouts based solely on a handful of actions and quotes. Read a biography on the people you want to talk about before shitposting
>on Veeky Forums
Nigga this is just /int/ without flags.
>this guy thinks people's motivations matter more than the ends they achieve
rebs will be forever asshurt
Who are some other civil war generals to read about? I have books on Lee, Stonewall, Grant, and Sherman so far.
>This guy is projecting his modern views on to historical figures to make them into symbols within the modern context that actually has no basis within historical accuracy or the ends they achieved
So Sherman conquers the South for opposing the will of the nation and seceding, becomes a symbol of anti-racism and anti-southern sentiments, and you can just ignore him genociding injuns out west and advocating for the purging of Jews?
Fucks sake yanks
Yet again, nobody is saying he is an anti racist symbol. If I only like him for what he did to the south, that doesn't imply that I hold him up as an anti racist symbol. This really isn't that hard to understand, but I don't know how to make it more simple for a southern mind to understand
how more based can he be
I feel a bit bad for Longstreet, well as bad as you can feel for a traitor. He was one of the South's best commanders and he gets shat on for his bad luck at Gettysburg and hated by lost causers because he became a Republican after the war.
>fighting to preserve slavery because entire shitty economy is based on free labor.
Some of us hate niggers and Indians and love Sherman precisely because of that. Anti-racists are pretty much traitors on their own.
What reason do you have to hate indians in this day and age?
I'm actually from Nebraska, so plenty.
I live north of Nebraska. Stop stealing my job by opening liquor stores on the borders of the poorest Rez in the nation. Legally I might add, which makes my pickup boozeselling runs even more likely to get the moralists pissed. Huskers are a shitty team btw
>South Cuckota talking about shitty teams
You're not even in the FBS, fuck off.
>moral universalism
Slavery is wrong but in the 1860s it wasn't, arguing the morality of history is stupid anyways
IMO the south had the right to secede but they also were autistic about it and had the right to get their shit pushed in
But why do I care I'm some darkie living in florida soon to become a yank
slavery is theft or at least imply theft and theft was always wrong.
I don't see Nebraska having a team in March Madness any time soon
>giving a fuck about apehoop
Dixieboo-Neo Nazis
It was wrong then too, you retard. It was outlawed in most other countries long before that.
>I can't even have a basic conversation about the Confederacy and white idpol without liberals getting their panties in a twist.
And right wing Dixieboos don't go about calling it "The War of Northern Aggression"? Even though literally the South began the war with declarations of Secession and attacking Fort Sumpter?
>he gets shat on for his bad luck at Gettysburg
The only "bad luck" at Gettysburg was that Custer was a better cavalry commander than JEB Stuart. Otherwise It's cause Lee was going full autism and thought Pickett's charge would actually work.
I do also feel bad for Longstreet, mother fucker did the best he could but he couldn't perform magic like Stonewall Jackson could.
Reminder that 1 Tiger > 5 Shermans
Southern whites are a shit tier people. Thank god for Sherman clearing them out to make room for educated carpetbaggers
>South began the war
Actually the North did when they disobeyed a direct warning and started reinforcing Ft Sumter with troops and ammunition
>Ft Sumter with troops and ammunition
nice blatant lie. Ft Sumter was only being resupplied with food.
His middle name was Tecumseh, yet he slaughtered injuns. That's some poetic irony right there.
Nice picture of a suicidal depressant that married his own sister all in the while professionally losing almost every battle he was given independent command. Deo Vindice
Dumb enough to make you come down here by the millions looking for work while your home state languishes under the pangs of socialism. That's brilliant projection pumpkin
Im not reading that. and the source for this shit Has 404'd. The fact nobody bothered to look at this literally says alot
Dixieboos everyone
No, that actually a lie that not even wikipedia agrees with
>Over the next few months repeated calls for evacuation of Fort Sumter[11][12] from the government of South Carolina and then from Confederate Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard were ignored. Union attempts to resupply and reinforce the garrison were repulsed on January 9, 1861 when the first shots of the war, fired by cadets from the Citadel, prevented the steamer Star of the West, hired to transport *****troops and supplies****** to Fort Sumter, from completing the task. After realizing that Anderson's command would run out of food by April 15, 1861, President Lincoln ordered a fleet of ships, under the command of Gustavus V. Fox, to attempt entry into Charleston Harbor and supply Fort Sumter. The ships assigned were the steam sloop-of-war USS Pawnee, steam sloop-of-war USS Powhatan, transporting motorized launches and about 300 sailors (secretly removed from the Charleston fleet to join in the forced reinforcement of Fort Pickens, Pensacola, FL), armed screw steamer USS Pocahontas, Revenue Cutter USRC Harriet Lane, steamer Baltic transporting about 200 troops, composed of companies C and D of the 2nd U.S. Artillery, and three hired tugboats with added protection against small arms fire to be used to tow troop and supply barges directly to Fort Sumter.[13][14]
Yankieboos btfo
Except it just references his diaries
>not even wikipe
I stopped reading when i saw that sentence. fuck off dixie
Gimmie a better source then
>I don't need to read anything fuck you
Your average Yankee, everybody
His diaries and memiors dipshit
I will truly never understand Dixieboos.
>Long, proud history of voting against their own interests, intense racism and fucking their family members
>Chimp out and betray their own country for no reason other than they actually fell for the aristocrat's memes
>Shittiest part of the country for nearly all of its history
>Fattest, least educated, biggest drain economically
>Culture made by the very people they are so racist towards
>North rebuilds them, they get to still use a traitor flag and have statues of traitors every where and they STILL bitch
I've met plenty of nice Southerners but Dixieboos are legit a lesser species
I like how if you take black people (niggers) out of this mix almost none of this true :D
>I will truly never understand Dixieboos.
>>Long, proud history of voting against their own interests, intense racism and fucking their family members
>>Chimp out and betray their own country for no reason other than they actually fell for the aristocrat's memes
>>Shittiest part of the country for nearly all of its history
>>Fattest, least educated, biggest drain economically
>>Culture made by the very people they are so racist towards
>>North rebuilds them, they get to still use a traitor flag and have statues of traitors every where and they STILL bitch
>I've met plenty of nice Southerners but Dixieboos are legit a lesser species
Well posted my friend.
There is no greater truth. The south has risen again, and they want no part with that faggot past.
All those men and women, blacks and whites that had their potential wasted because of the "southern way of life"
White farmers in the south were poor as fuck because of slavery.
A massive chunk of the South's culture comes from black people. Almost all American music has roots in music created by black Americans, the South's cuisine is heavily influenced by Native American cooking and black cooking.
Also Lincoln was going to send all dem slaves back to Africa for y'all yet you still chimped out and shit him cause MUH SOUTH DIDN' DO NUFFIN'
I know this is just shitty bait but nothing gets my dick harder than thinking about how stupid Dixieboos are
>Lincoln was going to deport the slaves
He was going to give them the option to self deport
Dumb yankeeboo
>Influenced by blacks and native Americans
Yet for some reason you take out the white element of Southern Culture. Why?
because he's not trying to jack you off at all times and it would be redundant to your position anyway
>Live in hostile shithole where you have to worry about getting lynched and are stuck sharecropping because you can't fucking read
Shit senpai I would love to stay there
Which aspects of Southern culture are white? Can you define Souther culture?
Shooting possums and eating them, making bootleg booze and crack, fucking your cousin who is also your half sister, taking welfare while voting against it, hating blacks, having less teeth than fingers on your hand, shitting up a Boer Concentration Camp Designated Urinal Tent
If by long you mean within living memory
if i didn't know any better i would say you were delaying responding to the real questions so you can point at that
>Live in hostile shithole where you have to worry about getting lynched and are stuck sharecropping because you can't fucking read
The majority of people lynched were lynched for a reason, nigger. It was also only about 3,000 blacks and 1,000 whites. Most of it was for accusations of cattle rustling.
>Be Yankee city fag
>Get shot