What is the definitive book on the Holodomor?
I'm especially interested in the cannibalism part.
What is the definitive book on the Holodomor?
I'm especially interested in the cannibalism part.
None because it did not happen
t. Schmulik Moiseievich
What is your preferred pronoun?
ebin comrade
Gulag Archipelago. It glosses over the Holodomor, as the many other starvations, displacements, mass-arrests, so on and so forth. You get Big Picture, not wrongly taking the Holodomor to be some isolated instance, or temporary hiccup in the Soviet system.
I've read the Gulag Archipeligo friend. It's the cannibalism I'm interested in.
Even in the midst of a famine of epic proportions under a communist dictatorship the free market still manages to find a way to fix it. Amazing.
Who is the smiling guy and why does he look so Hispanic/Mestizo?
That's acclaimed British writer and personality Stephen Fry.
Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder is very detailed. It's not just about the Hodolomor but about all mass killings in Eastern Europe in the 30s and 40s.
Hodolomor is right at the beginning. It mentions the cannibalism in detail with numerous stories. Fucking dark mate.
>Timothy Snyder
Please everyone ignore this poster and his recommendations, Timothy Snyder is a hack, and I can say that with confidence having met and talked to him personally. Treat literature written by Americans about Eastern Europe as nothing more than glorified toilet paper, it's like Zimbabweans publishing books on ice hockey.
How is the Gareth Jones stuff?
> One of the most respected authors on the subject who has spent years teaching elite European universities is a hack because I say so because his nationality.
/int/ posters everyone.
You realize he was a professor in Warsaw?
The guy told me straight to my face that Crimea is another Sudetenland and Putin is a new Hitler trying to start WW3 against NATO. He also launched into a tantrum over the fact Eastern Europeans aren't more hostile to Putin.
This. Snyder is a fucking porky apologist. All respectable historians know full well the Holodomor is a fucking myth.
Sounds reasonable.
Russians are notoriously untrustworthy.
>10 million people just up and disappeared
There really is a point where denying genocide just makes you look not very intelligent.
Hugo Chavez' mom
>/leftypol/ and /pol/ both shit on snyder
>Sounds reasonable
Putin is so untrustworthy he won't even let the Russian press take pictures of him standing next to people for fear people will learn he is 3 foot tall.
> What historians say on their uni junket tours implies anything about their scholarship.
Went to elite schools grad and undergrad. There are plenty of great academics who can be stupid when outside their area of expertise. Doesn't mean shit about their scholarship.
Think about all the dumb shit Kissinger has said on tape.
>All respectable historians know full well the Holodomor is a fucking myth.
>All Historians are biased Marxists with a vested interest in covering up the horrors of Communism
Colour me surprised.
He's Georgian, same as Erdogan
>Timothy "6 million Jews didn't die, it was actually 100 billion Jews" Snyder
>shameless NATO apologist and rabble rouser
>funded by the OSF (Soros' organization) and other groups with close ties to the Clintons and the Democratic party
>tours universities all around Germany and Eastern Europe trying to portray Putin as the ultimate boogeyman and drumming up support for a war
>patronizes Germans and educates them about their "historical responsibility" to arm and fund Ukrainian militias
>his wife, Marcie Shore, is a Polish Jew who specializes in Marxism scholarship and also has OSF ties
>supposed "elite scholar" unironically using reductio ad Hitlerum while giving lectures and equating not only Putin, but also Trump to Hitler
Anyone treating this guy as some kind of objective authority should get lobotomized.
Nobody denies that there was a famine, just the idea that it was a deliberate attempt to genocide Ukrainians
Then why did the Soviets try so hard to cover it up, ay comrade?
and then the whole class stood up and applauded?
and then the whole class stood up and was executed by the proletariat.
>/leftypol/ and /pol/ both shit on snyder
well I guess I found my definitive historian.
An ukri joke that i heard few years ago about this:
"hey grandpa, how was it during the hlodomor, was it really this bad?
-Yes it was terrible, you coudn't get even a slice of bread for all that meat..."
Fuck off centrist
You are literally the worst
>you won't take my side so fuck you
Literally acting like a child, grow the fuck up, you are pathetic.
>All Historians are biased Marxists with a vested interest in covering up the horrors of Communism
Damn. It's almost like spending a lot of time studying history will lead you towards anti-capitalist conclusions. I wonder why?
There was nothing to cover up because there was no genocide
/x/ is a really good source.
> Gulag Archipelago
It's a good book but you can't take it too seriously. Soljenitsynes always took the highest death toll as fact because of his hate for USSR. So if he says 10 million people died, it's usually closer to 4 million.
> Nobody denies that there was a famine
You would be surprised how many people do.