Has anyone here every sold cocaine?

Has anyone here every sold cocaine?

Is the money worth the hassle?

Here's my idea

1. sell blow (im white so its easy not to get caught)

2. dump profit into a crypto

3. watch that shit MOON

4. be rich

5. fucc bitches left and right

It cant be that hard.

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Are these girls asian?

i remember this thread from awhile ago. kys faggot

prolly not, they too thicc to be asians
now GTFO weeb

Gon help or what?

coke profits suck.

How is that so?
Ive heard the profit is almost 100%.

hmm, they dont look asian though?

even %100 profit isn't worth the risk of slinging coke. Why not sling shitcoins instead?

you have connections with local sellers? If you are cutting into someones territory expect to get murdered or at least beat up .


Even if you dump into crypto once the money touches your bank account they would be asking questions if it was actually a good amount of cash. Probably have to buy crypto in cash from people.

But then the same problem is relayed to that person unless they have some front of a business going.

Not yet but its easy to get some connections.
I also live in South America which should make it easier.

Then youll probably end up dismembered and tortured by the cartel.

enjoy your felony retard assuming this isnt a honeypot thread

man in south america you are already rich with your us income. dont waste your time risking your ass dealing coke, instead keep yourself on south america living like an alpha with an average of $1500 per month, and keep growing your crypto while you are doing it?

You need to think how you're going to get your dirty drug money from fiat to bitcoin without putting it in a bank.

Set up shop in dnm, package 1-5g like a pro, that real stealth, vacuum and mbb between two of the same post cards laminated, if it is pure you could get 40us a g. Get paid in crypto. Boss it out

And who said i have money?
Im not even american lol.
If i was then id do some IT shit and get my comfy 100k/year job.

My life is already fucked. If i dont get rich its not even worth living.

Problem is we dont have those box on which you can drop package on the street.
Here you need to go into some place and sign it. Thats why i think its dangerous and not worth it.

Its easy money especially if you can get fish scale you can cut the Fuck out of it and the druggies still come back all night

In South America coke is not expensive, you won't make a lot of money off from it.

where are you planing to deal in, the us or south a.?

yeah i was thinking about telling him that also. in south a. the gram costs a maximun of $5 so its worthless

Brazil, where i live.
Im white so its easy go not get caught. I could deal in some fancy nightclubs where rich people party and shit like that.
I know id make more money shipping it to the US but its risky as fuck.

Even to send a letter or postcard? No pre paid stamps? Damn that's unfortunate.

grow some balls and get it in the states. You are expecting to make money off a local product, which is nearly impossible

sell acid and mdma, lad
or grow your own weed and sell it

Move to Australia
>get your untouched gear for $100-200 a gram bulk price
>resell for $300 a gram, or cut each gram into six and sell for $250 each
Not even joking... in some cities cunts seriously pay 400aud for a gram of cut to shit trash that's probably only 6% purity and another 6% speed or something

I like how the master plan of people considering selling drugs is to not get caught like it's totally game changing and never been thought of before

Where could i find a contact in US?
The best place to ship would be NYC right?

If you really want to make a living in crime, forget drugs. Do the following:
>o to Venezuela
>find people renting children for sex
>find people in Brazil willing to have sex with children (easy)
>offer your services and take the person to the children
You help someone to relief from sexual desire while you feed poor venezoelan children.

Actually no, let me know where you live I'll come and do it for you

250$ in germany you get an solid mid to lower upper class whore for this amount of money

$250 gets you half an hour with some fresh off the boat Asian chick in australia

i assume drugs are difficult to acquire for a reason. if it were as simple as you describe more people would be doing it.

Rio de Janeiro. Favela.
Come and get me.

Coke isn't too popular
Hard to get into australia and that makes it expensive
Most people smoke meth or do pingas instead

>coke isnt popular in Straya

Has this song lied to me?

I live in the exact opposite of the venezuelan border.
Im also not a degenerate like you.

fuck off FBI

the brownie on the right looks to be, some kind of SEA; thai, cambodian, vietnamese, filipina. that hair is not from a black girl, and that dark brown hair looks like lbfm material

coke markup is shit. in bulk (ounces and until pounds...) it will yield nothing but headaches and cops. sell a drug that doesn't attract assholes and cops and which had better markups

>want 10 million dollars
>don't want to do what it gets to get there
You are weak.

dirty carioca


A drug that doesnt attract cops and assholes doesnt attract money.

Ehhhhh... If you don't understand the risks then it's not for you. It's not like selling weed bro. When you're slinging coke you're dealing with a different kind of animal and the consequences (DEA, FBI, Criminals) can be really really bad. Just go learn programming or something and then put money into crypto

Sold come and acid way back. Coke is hard as it is expensive up front even with great deals and risk is so damn high. Nothing like driving out to a party with 25 8balls on you. Worse is if you do it which is inevitable since you need to check quality and taste when cutting. This cuts into profits real fast. Acid in the other hand made me great money but I hated the hippies and concerts. I could get a book for 50 and turn it into 2k in about 10 days on average. But that runs out quick especially if you aren't moving around as the longer you deal in one area heat will rise. White kids rat out to parents, school counselors, police, etc..been taken in several times, had apt ransacked and car searched too many times. Luck and strict discipline are mandatory. Stressful life, real work is easier and less risk.

Enjoy prison.

i did for about a year and a half. made about 100k and lost it all

risky af though

>TFW you'll never get to be a drug runner during the golden age of cocaine smuggling into Florida

Wew lad

I haven't sold in 10 years, the other guys who dealt Coke in our circles are either dead or in jail for way too long. Two guys had heart attacks, one was an enlarged heart or someshit. Another was shot on a deal gone wrong, another got beat to death in the hood. The other three that i was close too are in jail, one is serving 50 years, been in for 7 hoping to get out earlier but that's still 10 years away. Fuck all that. I got a job and moved up quick, have a solid 401k, wife with 2 kids making 125k-225k doing sales/consulting.

hahahaha I fucking knew it

why would you sell directly towards the consumer, which yields 100000000x the risk of going bulk. OP should be selling bulk, that's where the safe(r) money is.

You could send it to my roommate

Darknet and cut it. Renegotiate prices after a while.

Selling drugs seems like a stupid idea unless you can honestly name 10 people right now that would buy from you.

why the meme
i prefer chicken soup

what did u deal?

dud ive thought about LSD because the profit margin is crazy, something like 800% ROI.

thing is it takes time to sell LSD

youll get a felony and it will costs you over $10,000 it court related fees and fines and you will face probation for years and chances are it will cause you to be turned down for employment.

i dont wanna be a wagecuck my friend
i wanna get money, put it into cryptos then try my best to profit

if i cant, then imma off myself because living working 8 to 5 everyday is not living


>I'm white so it's easy to not get caught.
Spoken like someone who has never seriously sold drugs.

Honestly, every drug is the same story.

Not true, psychedelics and entheogens doesn't have the same heat, but they're harder to sell though

It's really not worth it

I sold for like 6 months but ended up just spending most of my profits on more coke for myself. Even before I started doing it hardcore though it really only landed me a few hundred more than my normal job. I honestly could have just made more if I stayed overtime.

whomst the 1 on the left??

yes. your margins are shit, you have to hang with shit people, everyone involved is armed and paranoid, it's a bad idea all around. 2/10 would never do again. also bitches aint azn u fucking weebs

This actually made me kek

You greedy fuckers

Easier to get fucking murdered

It is that hard.

You cross a threshold into darkness when you sell cocaine. It's not a fucking joke and you will get killed.

Sell LSD at Burning Man like a normal faggot mayoboy

>that hoverhand

What's with all these federales and their narco threads?

Season 3 of that shit spic show on Netflix cane out recently, white people get excited about things theyve never had exposure to irl

Then it's the opposite problem: no buyers.

Bad idea.

The charge is almost murder. Think how much worse it is then selling weed. It kills people. One bad batch and it traces to u u are fucked.

The margins are amazing but now, it's bad.

Apparently some white guy I used to know in the navy was selling blow. He got caught and now is facing 40 years in prison. He'd apparently been doing that for years, so it's not like he was a retard about it. I doubt selling blow is worth the hassle.

>do coke for a year
>get involved with people that don't take "i retire" as a valid excuse
Alternatively :
>create a skeleton that will be fully used when you become rich ( only due to trading, not coke ), making you the bitch of anyone holding the blackmail material