When reddit is smarter than biz
>redditor posts basic shit everyone knows
>Wow look at how smart this guy is
Thanks this post help me lots.
t. PajeetoTrader142
t. jealous brainlet
Damn..... what a genius..........
I am not selling my coins to the jews
big if true
hey I've never seen such positivity on here before unless pink wojaks count as positive
lmao haha
BRILLIANT analysis
Veeky Forums wishes they could be this insightful
There's nothing organic about btc getting dumped to 4k every day, this looks like accumulation. Has anyone compared the volume of these dumps and the volume of the subsequent "recoveries"?
>the smartest retard
That spacing is triggering me
Lolz I know. Then it gets upvoted and if you are at all critical the SJW brigade comes out hard on you.
this is every reddit post though
Veeky Forums would be like this too if they added voting, you can already see them lurking and making a big fit when black people memes are posted, or someone calls a legitimately stupid person, stupid.
I'm pretty sure my 5 year old daughter understands this level of economics
>Veeky Forumsness cycle is better
We're in the beginning of the cycle with POSW. The "older investors" are just getting in now.
Just bought 100k
really insightful, he might very well be the next nobel prize in economics
He is entry level.
Aka bear and bull market
So we should just continue to buy high and sell low right? I'm confirming.
My god! I'd never thought of it that way. Thanks OP, just bought 100k