did reading about history make you more sensitive and depressive or more indifferent?
Did reading about history make you more sensitive and depressive or more indifferent?
It made me afraid of what people are willing to do.
>decisive tang victory
>witch hunts
It actually made me less sensitive. It made me realize that my problems are nothing.
I bet you are a real warrior, fellow user.
Things concerned with this moment in the wider sense seem less important, but at the same time it enhances my appreciation for my own small world.
A mix of and . It gave me perspective to see that my problems are nothing, but it also made me more aware of how horrible humans can be and it made me realize that modern civilization can't be taken for granted. It took a lot of work from a lot of people to get us to this point of relative (assuming you live in the first world) stability and prosperity, but with enough economic stress and political crises it could break.
Studying history also made me much more suspicious of populists and revolutionaries, both left- and right- wing, than I had been before. I now tend to favor gradual political change as opposed to big attempts to reshape everything. Populism has a way of leading to mass murder.
Studying history has also convinced me that the decisive factor driving change in modern times is technological progress.
Reading about the effects of postmodernism has somewhat made me a little more agitated.
user, you are so brave and warlike. A real Alpha male.
it made me realize that being selfish is the only way to survive.
I mean you literally have to be a scaredy little cuck to think there's something wrong about witch trials.
I wish I was good lookng like him.
You must be pretty much Quasimodo tier to wish you looked like that and consider it a tremendous improvement.
It made me scared of how easy anyone especially smart ones with good intentions could become so evil just due to a small series of uncontrolled happenings, any small happening can turn you into a Hitler or Stalin without full intention
Witch trials were a useless waste of human life. Put yourself in the shoes of a "witch", edgeman.
Yes. See, you are smart too.
>people who hex crop yields, spread plague and sacrifice little children to Satan shouldn't be punished
>if you kill your enemies, they win
>falling for the church propaganda like an illiterate villager
>overabusing the fedora meme because you think it's a snazzy rebuttal to everything
enjoy killing it you newfag
>witches aren't real, only an uneducated, illiterate villager would believe in witches, not an enlightened gentleman such as myself
It's ok, when I was his age I was memeing hard too.
Hilarious, user
>I know better than people who witnessed and experienced witchcraft firsthand because my 21st century urban secular atheist mind doesn't allow for anything supernatural
>witnessed witchcraft
>hex crop yields, spread plague and sacrifice little children to Satan
We literally have hundreds upon hundreds of sworn testimonies.
>never heard of again for some reason
really activates my almonds
>for some reason
Because we killed the witches you dumb fuck. That's the entire reason.
>there was no epidemic of bubonic plague in Europe after the invention of antibiotics, """for some reason"""
>this means the Black Death did not happen
My interest with history comes with the knowledge that this stuff happened on the same Earth I stand on, and that their actions have led to the world today.
Makes me sad I don't have god-like superpowers so I could go back in time and experience the things I've learned about.
Is witchdom genetic?
There's been evidence of witches passing their skills onto their daughters, hard to say whether it had a genetic component or it was just a complex set of initiation and organized training. Either way, it got destroyed.
It's a tradition passed down from mistress to apprentice, so obviously they killed enough practicioners to kill the tradition. I'm not even that guy and I'm on the fence when it come to witches but it's not really a hard concept.
why didn't we use witchcraft for our benefit?
Because it didn't exist.
It made me into more of a Romantic.
>Our concepts of morality and right and wrong are all giant spooks
>People are as civilized as the world allows them to be and will stoop to theft, rape and murder if the social structure collapsed
>Western civilization falling is an inevitability
>Populist mouvements never lead to something good
>If you were born poor you will never thrive living a honest life, ruthless pragmatism and selfishness are your only way out
Honestly, it had a weird effect on me. It made me want to be a dictator, just because the greatest and my personal favorite works of architecture and art have all been made during the ruling of one or few people.