thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
I think the general opinion of people who are American on this board and had to read it in high school is that it's good because it shows a side of USA they've never heard about before
if you're a non american reader like me you might not enjoy it as much
gommie brobaganda from (((howard zinn)))
Babby's first leftist history book and isn't even particularly good at it. It's okay for high school students and is generally the first history book students encounter that isn't churned out of Texan textbook monopoly complex. Any serious adult should look elsewhere.
It's a polemic against American historiography that is taught as history despite being poor history because Zinn was an America-hating communist who thought objective history was a tool of the oppresor and that there was no problem with warping or twisting facts to advance your political goals and in fact thought that was the only correct way to approach history.
He's so desperate to make America look bad that he starts parroting Wehraboo myths during the WW2 section, such as saying that 100,000 civilians were killed at Dresden.
>INB4 Why do you own this book?
My uncle gave it to me a long time ago. I suspect he didn't actually read it himself before giving it to me, though, given that his facebook feed is basically 100% pro-Trump memes.
I went to school with his grandson. Kid was a huge stoner.
Typical Jewish butthurt.
its a depressing book
To be fair, he was an actual bomber pilot that participated in raids on Germany and occupied France. He had a lot of guilt about bombing civilian targets and as a result he is rather sympathetic to high estimates of civilian deaths from air raids.
So what are some better books for learning about American history?
he also parrots the tired muh germans dindu nuffin in wwi myth during that section i don't know how a jew like him could be such a fucking faggot about germans of all people
Going to university, reading the sources. Are you retarded?
You've never encountered self-hating Jews? Leftist ones usually are of that stripe.
I don't study history at university, I just read about it as one of my interests. I just wanted to know if there were any less biased books that are decent for an introduction to American history.
You're not going to want to read a book that covers every part of American history, piece it together yourself
Have you directed him to yet?
He's so committed to making America look bad that he's willing to play Devil's Advocate for Hitler and Nazi Germany.
Zinn hates the United States. He was a communist so filled with guilt over being in World War II that he dedicated the rest of his life to tearing down America.
Retarded proto sjw meme book
Its ok.
Oliver Stone's "Untold History of the U.S" is a lot better written with more interesting anecdotes if you're into this sort of thing.
The author tries to be a contrarian jackass rather than paint an objective or useful picture. I suppose some sheltered alabama kid learn something but for most people it's useless partisan pamphlet
you fucking faggot the germans didn't actually do anything wrong.
It is just shameless kikery on Veeky Forums from which you sipped a great amount you stupid fuck
I'm super leftist and I think think it's trash. It's basically like a teenager finding out that history is full of compromise and half-steps and thus deciding that everyone is evil and no good thing has happened ever.
Wtf I might read this now
>He's so committed to making America look bad that he's willing to play Devil's Advocate for Hitler and Nazi Germany.
How the fuck does a commie go about making America look worse than the fucking Nazis?
commies are a very strange and confused people.
>you fucking faggot the germans didn't actually do anything wrong.
Germany didn't start WWI, that would be Serbia, Austria-Hungary, and Russia.
But let's not pretend Germany was totally guiltless, they did invade neutral Belgium, practiced unrestricted submarine warfare, and were the first to whip out the poison gas.
>commies are a very strange and confused people.
Didn't Zinn oppose WWII until Hitler invaded the Soviet Union or something like that?
He basically says that America and its allies have been able to dominate the world in a way that Hitler never dreamed of.
>He basically says that America and its allies have been able to dominate the world in a way that Hitler never dreamed of.
I don't get it. How is that worthy of criticism?
>muh communist conspiracy
Honestly, now that I'm actually skimming through it again, the book really isn't as bad as I remembered it being.
This is almost literally what happened to me when I read it at 13.
Tell us some Howard Zinn's grandson stories.
Zinn was a bombardier in WWII, survival rates for that shit were retardedly low. I have more respect for Zinn than Chomsky.
The Germans have the most guilt for starting the war unless you honestly believe that Austria-Hungary was justified in invading Serbia
anti american tripe
White Trash: The 400 Year Untold Story of Class in America
>The first to use poison gas
>But it was only tear gas
Don't start nothing, won't be nothing froggie
I surely think he was more deserving of flak than most that bought it