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>Southern Baptism.
Please excuse me. I couldn't help but notice that your definition of "God" wildly differs from my own. I am also of the belief that the afterlife is predetermined and therefore you have no free will. I will now engage in petty squabbles so my vision of an abstract concept becomes the most relevant.
t. John Calvin
If God didn't give free will to Adam and Eve by letting them sin, then why did he let them sin?
god works in mysterious ways :^)
>If God didn't give free will to Adam and Eve by letting them sin, then why did he let them sin?
Because it was on the script that he wrote for the play he's directing and also starring in.
Calvin's definition of God was exactly the same as that of the medieval church he came out of. No difference there.
The Reformed believe that Adam was bestowed with free will.
That feel when people got so into calvinism meme 500 years ago that as a reaction people became total degenerates after they rejected it 60s
Guess where I'm from.
But they don't have free will if everything is already predestined
They only deny free will with regard to the procurement of final salvation. That can only be of grace.
Sup Van Dutchyboi.
Why does it seem like so many American Protestants are basically just Calvinists? Like they always say "it was God's will" even when something bad happens to good people. Why? This shit is said by supposed baptists and non-Calvinist Christians all the time.
But then if people are already predestined what's the point of The Great Comission?
>Why does it seem like so many American Protestants are basically just Calvinists?
They aren't. Most of the ones who call themselves Calvinists aren't even all that Reformed. They just discovered the so-called "5 points" and decided they'd found their new edgy theology, but they're still Baptists.
>Like they always say "it was God's will" even when something bad happens to good people.
That's literally just a Christian thing. Although I think I know what you mean. The WAY they say it seems fatalistic. I feel like that's just an American thing.
What's wrong with baptism?
What isn't
>Although I think I know what you mean. The WAY they say it seems fatalistic. I feel like that's just an American thing.
Yeah, the tone is what I'm referring to. The callousness with which they say shit like that really bothers me.
>for what I'm going to do to you
Hell is something that we bring upon ourselves.
It shows tho. Reformed Protestants are highly educated, have stable families, and are represented in politics and business.
If Adam and Eve were without sin why did they break gods command and eat of the fruit?
It's one of the more mutated sects of american Christianity. They're almost as bad as penecostals and evangelicals.
>abrahamic religion
>neopagan LARPers
>dude its already decided whenever you go to hell or heaven upon your birth because god already knows if you will sin or not
this has to be the biggest fucking autism christian sect has ever produced
whats the fucking point of jesus teaching and you know, trying to be a good guy if "lmao its already decided XD" i cant believe that these autists who believed this nonsense were in charge of reformations
>tv show religion
Because they had free will.
You realize that the Calvinists didn't invent predestination. The schoolmen were talking about it long before the Reformation. Moreover they wrote many extensive manuals on good works and righteous living. They pretty much assumed that you were supposed to try to be a good guy, and that there were myriad helps along the way. Hell, the Calvinists and the Catholics plaigiarized each other's manuals of casuistry.
>be Calvinist
>kill myself
>go to heaven because it's been predecided
Not how it works.
How does it work, then?
Also if a good person is murdered, and everything is predetermined and God's will, isn't the murderer just fulfilling his part in accomplishing God's will and therefore exonerated and blameless for his act?
No. The murderer freely committed murder, and unless he repent is condemned. Christian theologians long before the Reformation, as well as during the Reformation, have upheld both the providential upholding of all creation, including contingent acts, such that nothing is unknown to God and yet man acts freely according to his nature. Man, and not God, is responsible for his own moral evil. He's no more excused than Pharaoh or his men who were specifically hardened by God, or when Joseph's brothers who did evil against him, which God had meant for good.
By your logic, the very existence of prophecy must necessarily excuse the subjects of the prophecies. That's not a Calvinism problem. That's a you problem.
why does no one appreciate the state of utter anarchy most of central Europe was in at this point and time? Calvin, a student of law, appreciated order and sought to restore it first and foremost
>oh but he burned that non-Trinitarian Michael Servetus! He was evil!
>anyone would've burned him, and Calvin told him more than once not to come to Geneva or the city elders would force his hand
>Revelation is still in canon
But sin is going against gods will and sin only entered the world with the fall so they shouldn't have been able to do what god commanded them not to.
Breeding ground for American boomer ideology and weird, archaic customs and traditions on par with Mormonism.
At least Calvinists are trying to solve the problems freewill, hundreds of millions of people dying unevangelized, etc instead of just dancing around it.