Is this video correct Veeky Forums ? were the eternal anglos actually good all along?
Is this video correct Veeky Forums ? were the eternal anglos actually good all along?
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Yes. Fuck the French shitskins btw.
Does anyone who isn't a neocon take PragerU seriously?
That one anglo who wrote that one good Napoleon book takes it seriously, and has a video there. Oh wait, his video was pure neocon, excusing american exceptionalism and world policing through intervention.
They're not even trying to hide their propaganda anymore
Beady eyes, Anglo lies
>tons of salty Irish republicans, Indian nationalists, and Francophiles can't dispute any of the facts so they just spout buzzwords and namecalling
>the british EMPIRE promoted small government
what is the deal with Americans and their big/small government dichotomy
>Dennis "Stalin killed more people than Hitler but Hitler was still worse because uhhh don't worry about it" (((Prager)))
British colonialism was pretty sweet if you were a white cis male (US, Canada, Australia etc.), everyone else just inherited hand me down benefits.
Yes, let's thank the British empire for forceablly spreading French Enlightenment values on those who never asked for it.
Anglos are Gods chosen race.
If we're talking about good PragerU videos, this one is okay (though it doesn't differentiate between the low Middle Ages/Sub-Roman era, which were chaos, and the high Middle Ages).
This is true. All other races just play second fiddle, it's the Anglo who dominates the world
I wouldn't say it's good, it's just trying to replace one view that's equally wrong if not more. It tries to give the impression there was no chaotic part and omits any influence outside of Christian or western Europe.
Partially. I actually finished writing a thesis about the legacy of the Empire. All the examples in the video are carefully chosen Of course the point wasn't to make a balance sheet of the British Empire. But it's interesting that the guy chose to talk about British abroad. Apologists like Ferguson say that the British living in the colonies were the ones who could be racist and genocidal and that it was balanced by progressives in London.
And they always say that world wars made it all worth it. That the empire justified its existence with their heroic stance there. It wasn't quite This is where patriotic British talk about "muh lonely island" trying to make WWII into another imperial propaganda painting. Because in 1940 Hitler was still allied with Stalin he said that Great Britain took a stance against both during Battle of Britain. It's the biggest manipulation in the video. The British aren't and shouldn't be considered an major force fighting communism. They did on occassion but they could also be pretty neutral or even positive about it if it was convenient.
Some PU videos are ok. I love the one about Coolidge. I'd have to rewatch the one about Southern Strategy but it seems to be pretty eye-opening as well. And be one about reasons why Greenpeace lost its way.
Universal healthcare is bad because big gubernmnt = fascism, but increased military spending is freedom.
Don't question the neocon logic
no thatd be the french and their revolution, Nigels need not apply, monarchist scums
anglos are subhumans
anglocentrism is cancer
You forgot to mention mad Iranian Nationalist/Monarchist like myself.
>Americans promoting imperialism
Nothing new to see here.