Why does Stalin look so creepy? Even from a boy until the day he died his eyes never changed.
Why does Stalin look so creepy? Even from a boy until the day he died his eyes never changed
For comparison
he's a georgian
Literal sociopath, why else would he let countless millions of Russians, Ukrainians, Central Asians and Eastern Europeans die in mass starvation and prison camps.
only right answer
Georgians are scary
That was too easy. Why do you bother to put on your trip, you retarded faggot?
Implying that you wouldn't go gay for this
Looks like my friend kovecrsft
I would.
Is this the only photo that shows Stalin with actual expression in his eyes?
He could have been a pretty handsome mofo if he kept his mustache short and not has the permanent expression of a fucking psychopath.
Here's the unshopped version.
this isn't creepy you retard, these are fiery eyes that imply a sharp and relentless mind
The supposed Stalin youth picture was in 1902. The one you posted is in 1911, 9 years later.
before /pol/
after /pol/
How can somebody so good looking be so evil?
that filename. Muhsieds.
You're just projecting what you know about him onto his younger self.
I don't find anything weird about it. He was pretty evil and shit up the USSR but he certainly had the fierce "strong leader" look/aura like Saddam/Che had (except for the alleged fact that he was short, and his shitty voice)
Evil tends to be fashionable. Evil also tends to corrupts.
more comfy Stalin
>but he certainly had the fierce "strong leader" look
Despite how you feel about Stalin I think everybody would agree that he was strong ruler in action AND looks.
Guy didn't even give two shits when his own son got captured.
Wouldn't you say that evil IS corruption?
>Guy didn't even give two shits when his own son got captured
He actually did, he actually cried privately and told his daughter that he loved him
Source pls
This isn't Stalin
Better source that shit son. I know that he was a bit upset that he couldn't attend his mothers funeral (what with the whole purging thing going on).
Only Chads succeed
Holy fuck, the hair on my arm rose the moment he looked at the camera.
I-is the camera man okay?
Pick one.
He kind of looks like Borat
Because he wasn't. You can tell from his face that Stalin wasn't the evil man you're told he was. He was very kind, deeply empathetic, a visionary ahead of his time. He was always more a sage than a dictator.
My eyes don't change to fit my expression. Does that somehow make me a sociopath?
Sending your own family to the gulag or laughing at your son's attempted suicide isn't very "empathetic".
Yes it is. He realized that his family wasn't worth anything more than anyone else's. That ultimate empathy.
Well, it was pretty funny