Kek, scammed by pajeet
/r/bitcoin robbed
GG Rakeem
Oh god we really are in a bubble aren't we.
>baby's first /r/bitcoin theft post
this is good.
this is very good.
65 BTC??? How is this guy still functioning?
>danielle elise
Definitely a woman, hence why she's so dumb.
Fucking boomers, when will they learn?
this is just sad if true bro.
Press F to pay respects to danielle
Why did Block Chain corporation approve this transaction? Wouldn't it have been flagged by their internal security team?
65btc? God, that would pretty much set me up for life.
How can I do this to someone?
That about 260k, it won't set anyone up for anything.
based Rakeem now he finally buy a toilet
fuck you, you fucking idiot fuck
fuck your mother if you want fuck
can you link the source?
You mean a solid gold shitting street
That fucking sucks, man.
I have had hackers trying to hack into my coinbase, bittrex, and poloniex accounts since 2013. Constantly.
I constantly get notification that they are trying to hack it.
Luckily I'm a web security shit and my password is something like 'ThisIsAnExtremelyLongPasswordsogoodluckgindingoutwhatitiswithbruteforce112321'
Harder to hack than just guessing the wallet seed.
lol she is definitely one of those people who doesn't understand bitcoin transactions are irreversible
When it comes to passwords, length is key, not random numbers and shits.
Literal word combos are better than something like 3245infklnSADF2#$.
Using 'thisismypasswordandmynameisdickheadandmylastnameisbuttfuck' is 10 trillion quadrillion times more secure.
use phrases with no spaces and add a number at the end and you're good. My websites are under attack around 14 million times per second and they haven't hacked my phrase password yet.
I am help you secure account computer for virus
please add on messenger [email protected]
I mean if I lost that money I would probably freak out and make a post begging people for help too no matter if I thought it was impossible or not.
Dear god
its a good idea to sha256 my password?
yeah but i feel like anyone with a brain can tell that this is a scam.
literally the oldest trick in the indian book
i would make the pinkest of wojaks
funny how i freaked out when i barely got 0.01 btc in the red from my 4 btc investment meanwhile the money is basically evaporating from others.
I'd like to take for 200,
What are troll posts?