How old were you when you realized the average person was too stupid and immoral to deserve freedom?
How old were you when you realized the average person was too stupid and immoral to deserve freedom?
16. before that i was some edgy ancap cuckertarian faggot
And then a few months later I realized freedom doesn't exist to begin with.
11. The context being I thought that anyone without strict parents and having been granted freedom will self destruct and get fucked over.
>somehow not wanting people to have freedom
Op is a fascist or some shit
And also read too much Nietzsche
>leviathan is about taking away freedom rather than granting the preconditions for it
What did he mean by this?
I've always held that belief, and always have considered people who fetishize freedom to be stupid.
Literally as an 8 year old I'd watch an american movie and wonder "was it worth it all this war, murder and suffering just to change who you pay taxes to?".
Nietzsche doesn't put a political practical POV in his works. Retards like OP like to interpret Nietzsche their own brainlet way.
Stupid subhumans.
This is Hobbes, though,
Have you read the post I reply to, retarded brainlet?
Why would I? I am replying to you.
Gobble dee da gobble dee gook. Everyone knows morality's a spook
Nice so you admit you are wrong.
>quote a random post
>imply they admit to being wrong
I hate this meme.
The implications are wrong. Your conclusion is wrong.
Try again.
Ah, so you finally admit you are wrong.
The interpretation is wrong.
Try again.
Pretty young.
>Me and dad driving through Brooklyn
>"Why are all these people just sitting outside doing nothing daddy?"
>"Because they don't have jobs"
>"Why don't they try to get one?"
>"Because they choose not to"
Still not sure if I unintentionally redpilled my dad that day or he redpilled me. I learned pretty quickly that most people aren't worthy of freedom though.
>"Because they choose not to"
The Leviathan does not suggest that people are too stupid for freedom, it was the first document to establish a link between freedom and security as being two sides of the same coin, that anarchy, (the absence of security) is not freedom, it's the counterfeit of freedom. Even a bad or abusive security is preferable to not having any at all, because any time you create a power vacuum, the most ruthlessly amoral power-brokers rise to the top, and your position will be worse than it was before.
Thomas Hobbes probably would have approved of modern representative democracy for two reasons: it is a syncretic political model which combines the benefits of monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy in a way that the strengths of one balance the weaknesses of the others, and it allows people a way to peacefully redress grievances in a way that ensures their loyal and obedience to the existing machinery of government.
I still haven't realized it. As an average person I want to support what benefits me, freedom in this case.
>thinking freedom benefits the average pleb
Congrats on proving your mediocrity
Why would I allow somebody else to decide what's good for me? And anyway everybody in this thread is mediocre.
This pretty much.
Though he underestimated how well bourgeois could work together to form something functional like parliament.
if you want full freedom go live in the fucking wilderness
Um, I live where I want to live.
>this is what Americans actually believe
Try living on a national park retard
Nice arguement, but Im not american.
It doesn't matter, if you're a eurocuck the government has even more say where you live. The entire West at this point is just soft communism.
Im gonna need a source on that.
What do you think universal suffrage plus a welfare state is?
A democratic mixed economy.
>universal suffrage
13 I discovered that we must lie to people in order to put then in order so society work better, the liberators of spook will only create a chaos follow by a totalitarian spook that will erradicate all those who oppose. So those who know true must Shut up and only been show slowly to certain people who can control it
>"Man is by nature more individualistic than social."
Has anyone ever been this wrong?