ITT: We debunk the Hoaxden myth
Fuck off with your Angloboothread Nigel, every major historian agrees that the Dresden bombings happened, and that 300.000 German civilians were killed in it.
>Inb4 卐卐卐historians卐卐卐
Dresden definitely happened and they had it coming
>Shilling this hard for the KIDF
The deutsche marks have been deposited into your account, herr user.
Fuck off leftypol, my grandfather survived three hundred bombing runs in Dresden, several by Arthur Harris himself, when he was only nein years old. But of course that must never have happened because that would disprove your fucking infographics. Fuck Hunocaust deniers
More like 3000 plus the bombing helped end the war days if not weeks sooner so it probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives, especially very vulnerable ones in the concentration camps.
I wish he didn't, then I wouldn't have to read your shit tier posts
>the bombing helped end the war
Dresden was an industrial center.
killed more krauts so they were less remaining to resist the Allied armies?
The industrial areas weren't even targeted, though.
"An RAF assessment showed that 23 percent of the industrial buildings, and 56 percent of the non-industrial buildings, not counting residential buildings, had been seriously damaged. Around 78,000 dwellings had been completely destroyed; 27,700 were uninhabitable, and 64,500 damaged, but readily repairable.[7]"
>German civilians
There is no such thing.
It seems unclear.
It could have been just a rageful bombing, given that the few industrial sites weren't even targeted.
Right, they should have bombed 2 or 3 times more to be sure
Is le bomber harris xD the most forced and embaressing meme since that Reddit le spooks man?
Is WW 2 beginner's dilletant history? It seems that the forum in my country only talks majorly about them but when i talk about other world history, someone talks about WW 2 again.
>Oh, no, Allies bombed the civilians who were perfectly fine with being ruled by a genocidal regime and were fine when Jews were being deported and sent to concentration camps
Harris should have kept bombing them even after the Soviets took Berlin as a precaution
It's not nearly as bad as wh*Teposting or Turks on Veeky Forums in general