Who here /lifegoeson/ if this crypto thing all goes to shit
not me, mine ends :]
oh life goes on alright....into the fucking noose
if btc ever dips under 932 i will be liquidated and lose everything
Not me. I am going to fucking kill my self. Crypto was my only hope.
Like literally EVERYTHING?
Sucks to be you.
I could always go back to stocks I guess. Crypto is far from over though
Not me. I literally LITERALLY put half my life savings in Ark, and another quarter divied up between Bitcoin and Ethereum.
I will get rich or I will die.
I can't stay a fucking wagie for twenty years, I just can't. It’s too much dragging myself into the office everyday, just KNOWING what a fucking Cuck I am. The last generation of wagecucks. The kids being born now will have basic income and heavy automation.
Why the fuck should I piss away my life when wage slaving will be obsolete in twenty years? And why should I kiss twenty good years off my life? Why?
If this shit busts, I'm giving up on life. I can't take normiedom. Plan B is acting crazy and trying to get disability. Plan C is begging on the streets for the rest of my short, painful existence.
I'd lose my $1000 investment and ~$3000 in profit
But I've lost that much in findom before so it doesn't really bother me.
Wage slaving is hell brother. There is nothing worse than wage slaving.
user, you pathetic retard. Send me your crypto. You clearly don't deserve it.
I make $200K a year for my wagecuckery. I'll be fine desu
I'm ok with it. Maybe after it bottoms out at $100/btc I'll buy a little.
t. noicoiner brainlet with a stack of PMs
got 20k invested,through easy ill gotten gains, if it all goes under ill survive, but it wont, it will rise soon and im just salty i dont have more fiat to invest atm.
>Started lifting. All my lifts have stalled at the novice level. Got a sea of stretch marks on my hips and ass, which are gigantic now and made even worse by my lordosis.
>STEM Job is boring as fuck now and no raise in 2 years. Been applying to other jobs all year but Canadian job market is shit.
>23 year old virgin about to become a 24 year old virgin in a couple months.
>Still don't have my drivers licence, retaking the test in a couple of weeks. If I pass I'm gonna start applying for jobs in America and finally move out.
>Magic internet money that's about 1/3rd of my net worth looks like its about to drop a shit ton.
This is the reality for at least half of us.. we're gonna make it bro :)
Nope, rich or death
Being forever poor is not compatible with my sanity
Well at least you won't have a room full of useless soft toys
I'll probably take what money i got.
Travel to asia and fuck hookers
When i run out of money i will just off myself
Someone told me recently that old beanie babies are actually fetching a decent price now that they're actually becoming a rarity. The market is weird...
Cashed out initial investment + a comfy 10k profit
Still got 30k in crypto for long term holding, but its comfy knowing if crypto shits the bed id still have made some profit with it
I feel like I should be able to relate life advice to you, but I may be too drunk to do so...
>listening to rippletits, Veeky Forums, /gomad/ etc,
>falling for the STEM meme as a FUCKING WHITE MALE
>24 y/o virgin (just buy a prostitute bro -- you're a canadien... go to one of those massage places in Montreal that are legal (forget what they're called but those girls would definitely fuck you for the right price since if would be obvious to them that you're a virgin and therefore STD-free)
>get your fucking drivers' license so you can rid yourself of your virginity. it's become a plague upon your mind and body. the opportunity for losing it to be something special is long passed.
>get rid of the v-card.
Seriously, save up the $200-300 bucks and at the very least get the handjob thing they do up there. I can't fucking remember what it's called. It's vaguely japanese-sounding. I did it twice and it was very pleasant.
more like /spreekillingandsuicidebycop/
>Wake up
>Go to Coinmarketcap
>All red
Wtf did i miss? Was it because of that faggot Jamie Dimon?
The UN has officially banned Cryptocurriency worldwide
Are you asking how many of us earn an actual salary? Because if that's the question... not many.
In a way it's better for me.
In July I deleted Blockfolio for a month, and it was honestly nice to remember that I had interests outside of crypto.
Gon' buy me some dip then
If crypto goes to 0 (which it won't) then I lose 11.5k, which is about 1/3 of my money including retirement funds. But I'm 22 so I have plenty of time to bounce back.
Gotta risk it for the biscuit
>fell for the SS+GOMAD meme
YOU grow a KIM K ass from all your SQUATS while Chad CURLS for the GIRLS
This is me i got in college tho idk why because i am not planning on getting a job after college so for me is either crypto or death
Nobody is going to sell you btc for 100$ trust me on this one NOBODY
I hate to be poor and I hate wageslave work. I'll probably buy a shotgun if the cryptomarket fails. There's no point in a wageslave life.
not me, I'm literally committing suicide if I crypto doesn't carry me into the land of tomorrow
*sets order for 101$*
Most of my investments are in the stock market, I only trade cryptos for fun.
Currently in college and I could probably get a job if I want but fuck that shit. If there's a chance to rise above a wagecuck life, I will do it.
I want to devote my life to artistic pursuits not being a bitch to some old white guy.
>not listening to rippletits
Dumb cuck.
I've put in about 25k since spring and it can go down a lot more before I start cutting into that.
Even if I lose it all at least this time it was me losing it for myself and not other people losing it for me, and I no longer invest money I can't afford to lose.
They were wrong, or maybe live in a country where there's an unusual demand.
Even the 'rarest' ones fetch very little. Got next to nothing for mine.
>The last generation of wagecucks.
>The kids being born now will have basic income and heavy automation.
You mean communism?
I bought 600 btc through OTC @4120.35
If it hits 3800 I will lose everything.My money was from my parent's inheritance,so needless to say,I'm necking myself
you didn't fall for the SS meme did you..?
Too many people are doing this every day.