Its no secret that republics eventually fail so how long does the US have?
Its no secret that republics eventually fail so how long does the US have?
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All states fall eventually. But it lools like the US has got plenty of time
Im more cynical. I think we've got 100 years max before the US becomes something different from what it is now.
*until the US becomes something different
t. Immigrant
Well, yeah, but that dosnt mean the US will dissipate as a whole. All states change, the ones that dont fail
if the U.S. stopped being a republic then it may as well cease to exist
Thats implying that the US not being some form of a republic is possible
Not necessarily. The british monarchy started out unchallenged and now all the power lies with the parliament. Governments have to change to keep up with the times, but the state itself can still remain
If the republic does fail what form of government has a plausible chance of replacing it.
If political discourse continues to deteriorate at the current clip without reversing or at the very least stopping, under a decade. Even less if it accelerates.
I hope you're prediction is wrong because I can't begin to imagine the clusterfuck that a modern civil war in the US would be.
isn't republic pretty much the most survivable form of power?
Republics can be longlived or extremely breif in their existence imo
Imperium Mundi
Me too. One can hope President Trump rises to the occasion and brings the country together, but right now, it seems he's going to be ineffectual at best. At worst, he's deepening the divide between average Americans. Now, it's not entirely his fault and I doubt Clinton would be doing any better (probably worse t/b/h). But if he doesn't become the leader the country needs him to be, one who can walk the fine line between the divide, he'll be blamed for whatever follows.
>I can't begin to imagine the clusterfuck that a modern civil war in the US would be.
It would be a catastrophe the likes of which has never seen. An orgy of death and destruction comparable to the Second World War. And it won't just be America that falls. If we go, a good chunk of the world that relies on American aid and trade gets dragged into the abyss with us. A second Civil War won't make America great again, it will be the end of America, and will leave nothing but bitterness and desolation in its wake.
I doubt it. The motivation might be there but I doubt any rebel movement would have the logistical capabilities to from an effective oppositional force to the sovereign government of the USA. Domestic terrorism yes, but a professional well funded, well supplied army? No
I mean the US is already significantly different in both the governmental balance of power and the structure of society than the way it was 100 years ago
A modern day US civil war would be fun as fuck ti learn about
But ut would probably becoem middle east tier shit after a decade of endless war
But luckely i live in florida so i have next too nothing too worry about
More like a fascist white supremacist dictatorship.
Genuine question, are you retarded? I've read similar verbal vomit on multiple other threads
>/pol/tard LARPing as a liberal
It's an Corporate Oligarchy actually
>corporate oligarchies are a bad thing
t. Nazi larper virgin or Bernout
If you think the Gilded Age was great for the average American you should get your noggin checked
It doesn't necessarily start out as an open rebellion in the same veneer as the Confederacy. If anything, the Confederacy was the exception, not the rule.
Perhaps it starts out with terrorism, which contributes to the further degradation of political discourse to the point where people are radicalized into murdering their neighbors for voting for a different political party. Perhaps it starts with a coup by the military (Spain's civil war started over that). Perhaps it starts with a Constitutional crisis or impeachment attempt and you have two factions, both claiming to be the legitimate American government. There's a thousand and one ways it can begin, but once it starts, it'll be irreversible.
I think means a Second Civil War would be interesting to study after the fact but an absolute nightmare to live through.
Probably when Whites become a minority
November 4th is when Antifa is going to overthrow the government and punch that big, fat dummy in the face.
Everything fails. No such thing as immortality for humans and human-made things. Also this belongs on /pol/. You're talking about the future, not the past.
Is this going to be like that red scare thing on May Day like 90 years ago?
Where nothing happens and everyone promptly forgets about the group in question?
I'd say so. They'll probably raid some stores and kick over a few trashcans.
>meanwhile in /pol/
The sooner the better! The Republic is always weak, it's only purpose is to get an economy ready for a Caesar to spend it on conquest!
Their economic suggestions were ignored, the Great Depression happened, and then a lot of their suggestions were implemented, and the American economy was one of the first to recover.
I don't think a government would be receptive to the ideas of someone who threatening blowing everyone up with dynamite.