Is the stole reason why America is the most dominant force in the wold, despite being inhabited by quite literally sub-Neanderthal tier retards, the fact that every other major empire & important player in the world either destroyed each other or committed suicide by communism?
Is the stole reason why America is the most dominant force in the wold...
Seems like it's their technology and strategic geogrpahical ubication
Which proves god doesn't exists
>t. Shitter shattered yuropoor
Stay mad, our little puppet state :^)
I'd bet money you have at least 10 American inventions in your room
>be america
>have massive tech advantage
> have two ocean borders
>could rape your entire continet in under a second if you want too
>people wonder why you are so relevant
America will almost always be relevant because of its geographical position
America was becoming a global economic superpower at the beginning of 20th century. With all other major established power in constant struggle, America rose up to meet their demand for goods to fuel their struggle.
Its a huge boon that America is in a good geographical position, but the other major factor was that the other countries were already headed for disaster.
we had the largest economy in 1890 bud
t. sub-Neanderthal tier retard
Don't worry user, soon you too will commit suicide by communism.
Yup. It's literally because every other country is still more retarded than us, just in a different way.
America is relevant because they play the world police.
A few more 9/11s and they'll go full Sakoku Japan for a few thousand years while the rest of the world shit itself between China & Russia shitstorm.
it's impossible to be isolationists in the 21st century
>if i say it enough, it will happen
Keep them tears a flowin
Sorry your country has done jackshit for the world
It's already happening user, calm your butthurt it'll allow for the commie dick to go in easier.
>that pic
A man can dream
Largest doesn't mean much when the next competitor, China, was within few percentage difference. And China's economy had been tanking for the last 100 years or so.
Still, it wasn't much when you consider the fact that other european countries could match the US readily with slight disadvantages.
The main point is, US was a rising economic superpower, not a superpower yet. It was only around the first WW did the US economy soared and started eclipsing other countries. That's when we became an economic superpower.
However our military industry was severely lacking at the time, only a fraction of the western europe country's industry.
>i-i know its true because /pol/ told me! T-this will be the german century!
You have reached near peak asshurt
It will be the slav century once Russia invades and rapesall of Europe once US chimps out of NATO.
But sure don't you worry your pretty little head, eat the cheeseburgers while the Russkies arm their missiles towards you.
25 year rule you triggered Amerifat dumfucks
>Neanderthal tier retards
Neanderthals had larger brains and were probably smarter than pure homo sapiens. That's partly why niggers (with no Neanderthal genes and tiny brains) are so incredibly stupid.
I learned a new word today