It's gonna recover right

it's gonna recover right

>t. bagholder

Its already recovering now.

of course is this even a serious question? This shit will probably go to number 8 on coinmarket cap in a months time.


im crying and i dont know what to do
i come from a poor country (bulgaria) and i put all my savings on OMG after someone made a thread here... i had nice coins with other coins like bitcoin and ethereum... i am so stupid... but why so much evil in this world? i am poor, i need this money. my mom is unemployed, i once told her how much money i was making with crypto... i dont know anymore. i hope there is a god and he does something with those people... not fair.

Not sure if you're joking, but Ethereum is down 10%, Omisego is down 20% against USD. This is pretty normal. If Omisego dropped 20% while Ethereum was going up in price, then that'd be reason to worry.

You mean like the dip before this one? and the one before that one? and the one before that? and the one before that?

No definitely not.

litteraly just hold.
omg is still not even done yet as a usable product
if omise can do what they plan then in a year or so we will be living on the moon

of course it will, this has happened so many times before. this is probably the easiest coin to daytrade even a noob could do it, the patterns are so predictable


never invest what you cannot afford to lose

Enough to make my stoploss sell at the very bottom

this is true with crypto but not with traditional investment vehicles such as index and mutual funds but you aren't looking for a quick buck with those anyway

lol I like how people fall for this copypasta every time

maybe at around 3... maximum 3.50USD

This is the hardest pair for me to daytrade. I feel like BTC/USD is easier.

get on bitfinex and trade omg/usd

Why wouldn't it? It's dipped like everything else. Nothings changed

There's not omg/usd

Idiot. That's why you never put all your crypto eggs in one basket. The only reason to spend money on high risk currencies is if you already have financial security/stability on all other investments. Have you never asked yourself why none of these fags appears on TV telling their success story?

I begged and begged people to sell at ATH.
Yes it will recover but it will be a while

lol you are so retarded

tell me what to look for, i did a couple of times but sometimes i get scared and run away from my computer to go cry in a corner

teach me senpai

You see, that's where idiots like you fail to see that you'll never be a millionaire unless you change your thoughts about risk.
Entrepreneurs who keep their normal job have a 50-55% higher chance of success than entrepreneurs that go all in on their projects and quit their jobs. Ever wonder why?
Stability and financial security on one front allows you to take on higher bets (with higher risks but higher ROI) on other fronts.

He means that you're retarded because you are replying to a copypasta. Idiot.

ahh why is it still dropping when btc stabilised


This coin as the oddest daily chart on Bittrex.

no. you fuckers told us that 300k was the floor

mtl has the same one
just one big uptrend