>Human waves/hordes>>>>Professional Armies
Prove me wrong
>Human waves/hordes>>>>Professional Armies
Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>professional army that uses human wave tactics
First off, the Persians lost that war. Secondly, they were by and large defeated by non-professional forces.
And the Corthinian War was what?
Hit & run, ambushes, psychological warfare, pig shit in the well and scorched earth tactics > Hordes
As Sun Tzu put it, speed is the essence of war, and the larger a group is, the slower it becomes. (Not to mention harder to control and discipline)
>Professional Armies
finland lost that war, alongside with %35 of its territory or something
OP B.T.F.O in one picture
its funny because the persians were a professional force and the greeks largely werent apart from the spartans.
The second most cited example, the Soviet Union, is an equally stupid reference considering the soviets did poorly whenever they attempted waves and didnt start winning the war until they put into use modern squad tactics, reserves, and support. Basically, the soviet union beat the germans via tactical prowess, logistical superiority, and strategic inevitability, not zerg tactics.
You gonna run out of humans eventually
Do you mean professional as in skilled or professional as in a standing army?
In the latter case i'd say no, look at what Europe did with part time soldiers and mercenaries. They already had a significant part of the world conquered by the time standing armies travelled to the colonies.
OP said human
Anglos are such shitty fighters they get BTFO by literal spear chucking niggers.
>British forces
>1,837 men total
>Zulu forces
>about 20,000 warriors
Yeh good luck winning that shit
>Outnumbered 10:1
>But against fucking primitives
Are you seriously thinking this is a good excuse? There were battles, where one side was even more outnumbered and won, and that's with enemies on the similar technological level.
They had cavalry, guns, cannons, and lost against fucking spearmen.